Description of Transaction

0045-EX-TU-2004 Text Documents

Machine License Holding, LLC


                                                                              FCC Form 703, Exhibit 1
                                                                    Transferor: Cingular Wireless LLC
                                                                Transferee: Interactive Acquisition Inc.
                                                             Licensee: Machine License Holding, LLC
                                                                                            Page 1 of 3

                        EXHIBIT 1 — DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION
                           AND PUBLIC INTEREST STATEMENT

 Description of Transaction:

          This application is one of a series of applications requesting Commission consent to
  transfer control of Machine License Holding, LLC ("MLH" or "Licensee") from Cingular
  Wireless LLC ("Cingular" or "Transferor") to Interactive Acquisition Inc. ("Interactive" or
— "Transferee"). The Transferee is a company formed for the purposes of this transaction and is
  majority owned by three (3) investment funds affiliated with Cerberus Capital Management, L.P.
  ("Cerberus"). Cerberus is an investment manager based in New York that manages over $14
  billion in assets, including investments in the technology and telecommunications sectors, The
  Cerberus funds are ultimately controlled by Stephen Feinberg, a U.S. citizen who is Chief
  Executive Officer of Cerberus. Upon closing of the transaction described below, Cerberus,
  through Interactive, will exercise ultimate control over MLH. For the reasons set forth below,
  the parties respectfully submit that Commission approval of the transaction would serve the
  public interest, convenience, and necessity.

         The instant FCC Form 703 seeks Commission consent to transfer control of MLH‘s
 experimental license, WC2XUH, from Cingular to Interactive. In addition to this experimental
 license, MLH holds 104 Specialized Mobile Radio ("SMR") licenses that are used to operate a
 nationwide wireless data communications service. MLH also holds a private land mobile radio
 service license, WBZY345, which supports its SMR operations, and international Section 214
 authority, FCC File No. ITC—214—19990608—00327. Concurrently herewith, Cingular and
 Interactive are filing applications to transfer control of MLH‘s wireless licenses and international
 Section 214 authority from Cingular to Interactive.

         The parties seek the requested Commission authority to implement the final step of a
 larger, multi—step transaction by which Cerberus, through Interactive, will acquire control of the
 nationwide wireless data service owned by Cingular Interactive, L.P. ("CILP"), a limited
 partnership indirectly wholly owned by Cingular, In the first step, CILP completed the pro
 forma assignments of the above—referenced wireless, experimental, and international Section 214
 authorizations to its sister company, MLH.‘           As a result of the pro forma assignment of
 authorizations to MLH, CILP holds network assets but does not hold any FCC authorizations. In
 the second step, Cingular will sell the partnership interests in CILP to Interactive — at which
 point CILP will be indirectly owned and controlled by Cerberus. Upon the closing of the sale of
 CILP to Interactive, a long—term spectrum manager lease between MLH and CILP for the SMR

 1        See FCC File Nos. 0001884566, 0001884567, O010EXAU2004, and letter from Carol L. Tacker to Marlene
 H. Dortch dated September 27, 2004 notifying FCC of the proforma assignment of international Section 214
 authorization ITC—214—19990608—00327.

                                                                               FCC Form 703, Exhibit 1 .
                                                                     Transferor: Cingular Wireless LLC
                                                                 Transferee: Interactive Acquisition Inc.
                                                              Licensee: Machine License Holding, LLC
                                                                                             Page 2 of 3

spectrum covered by MLH‘s FCC licenses will become effective."                     In accordance with
Commission Rules, the spectrum lease will enable Interactive, through CILP, to commence
operations on the subject SMR spectrum pending Commission approval of the instant
applications to transfer control of MLH to Interactive. Thus, the third and final step of this
transaction is the sale and transfer of control of MLH to Interactive for which Commission
authority is requested herein.

Public Interest Statement:

         The parties respectfully submit that a grant of this application will serve the public
interest, convenience and necessity pursuant to Section 310(d) of the Communications Act of
1934, as amended (the "Act"). Cerberus and Interactive are legally, technically, financially, and
otherwise qualified to hold the licenses at issue. Cerberus is a leading global private equity firm
with extensive experience understanding the financial and operational issues confronting
technology and telecommunications companies. Moreover, Cerberus intends to retain key
management personnel whose telecommunications operating experience will inure to the benefit
of the combined company. Although MLH and its sister company CILP will have access to
Cerberus‘s considerable management expertise, the proposed transaction will not affect MLH‘s
and CILP‘s day—to—day operations of the stations and use of the licenses. Thus, the parties
anticipate that the proposed transaction will result in a company better equipped, both from
financial and operational perspectives, to continue its growth as a provider of innovative wireless
data communications services.

        The proposed transaction is expected to enhance competition in the wireless
telecommunications marketplace. The proposed transaction will not cause an overall diminution
of competition in the markets at issue because the number of facilities—based competitors will
remain unchanged. Indeed, Cerberus is a new facilities—based entrant to the wireless
telecommunications industry. Thus, the proposed transaction does not risk undue market
concentration and will not result in any spectrum overlaps with Cerberus‘s current holdings. The
proposed ownership change will be virtually transparent to customers and will not cause
confusion, disruption to service, or other inconvenience to customers." Finally, the proposed
transaction will yield substantial public interest benefits by providing MLH and CILP access to
Cerberus‘s significant financial and operational resources. Access to these added resources will
position MLH and CILP to continue providing high—quality, reliable radio—based services, and to
developing an array of innovative services to meet customer demand.

        Based on the foregoing, the proposed transfer will yield affirmative public interest
benefits, and will neither violate the Act or the Commission‘s Rules, nor undermine the

2      See FCC File No. 0001889690.

       Affected customers will be provided notice of the ownership change.

                                                                                    FCC Form 703, Exhibit 1
                                                                          Transferor: Cingular Wireless LLC
                                                                      Transferee: Interactive Acquisition Inc.
                                                                   Licensee: Machine License Holding, LLC
                                                                                                  Page 3 of 3

Commission‘s policies or require extensive review or expenditure of Commission resources."
The proposed transaction does not require any waivers, and does not raise any competitive
issues. In light of these facts, the parties respectfully request expeditious Commission approval
of the instant application.

*         See Applications ofTele—Communications, Inc. and AT&T Corp., 14 F.C.C.R. 3160, 3170 (1999);
Applications ofAmeritech Corp. and SBC Communications Inc., 14 F.C.C.R. 14712, 14740—41 (1999) (stating
assignments and transfers that will yield affirmative public interest benefits without violating the Act, FCC Rules, or
FCC policies, do not require extensive review or excessive expenditure of Commission resources). Further, the
Commission has emphasized that a detailed showing of benefits is not required for transactions where there are no
anti—competitive effects. See Applications ofSouthern New England Telecomm. Corp. and SBC Communications,
Inc.,13 F.C.C.R. 21292, 21315 (1998) (citations omitted). Similarly, as the Commission stated in its approval of the
SBC/Pacific Telesis merger, where it found that the merger would not reduce competition and that SBC possessed
the requisite qualifications to control the licenses in question, "[a) demonstration that benefits will arise from the
transfer is not ... a prerequisite to our approval, provided that no foreseeable adverse consequences will result from
the transfer." Applications ofPacific Telesis Group and SBC Communications Inc., 12 F.C.C.R. 2624, 2626—27


Document Created: 2018-10-31 04:05:52
Document Modified: 2018-10-31 04:05:52

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