Technical Description

0167-EX-PL-2004 Text Documents



                                    ATTACHMENT 1


        MVS USA, Inc. ("MVS") is working with Inmarsat Limited ("Inmarsat") to
develop and market the new Regional Broadband Global Area Network ("R—BGAN")
service. The new Inmarsat satellite, Inmarsat 4 ("I4") will be launched in late—2004, will
include coverage of the United States and is to provide commercial R—BGAN service in
2005. Prior to commercial launch, Inmarsat is working with service providers to conduct
testing and demonstrations using the 13 satellites. The new type of Inmarsat user terminal
for R—BGAN service is not currently used in the U.S. Therefore, MVS requests this
authorization in order to test a limited number of these terminals and demonstrate the
system‘s capabilities in the U.S. prior to launch of I4. The laboratory tests associated
with the migration system have been finalized and a set of trials have been completed in
Europe using the Inmarsat 3 ("I3") Indian Ocean Region satellite located at 25 E.
Additional tests in the United States are necessary to minimize the lead time to provide
commercial service after the 14 satellite is launched.

         To perform this phase of testing and demonstration, the existing 13 Atlantic Ocean
Region—W satellite located at 54W would be used. To operate the terminals, an
experimental license is required from the Commussion. Such testing is designed to ensure
that the system‘s technical performance and features are met under all conditions. MVS
seeks authorization to conduct testing across the continental United States. MVS expects,
however, most of its testing to be conducted in either its New Jersey office, at the site of
its potential customers (many of which are located in Washington, D.C.) or at other
neutral third party sites throughout the country.

        However, regardless of test site location, MVS does not expect testing to cause
interference to other licensed services or systems. The particular L—band frequencies
MVS requests are already assigned to and are being used by Inmarsat pursuant to the
existing five—party coordination agreement (the "Mexico Agreement" for coordination of
the L—band spectrum among the United States, Canada, Mexico, Russia and Inmarsat).
Furthermore, Inmarsat has conducted certain tests and simulations associated with current
versions of these terminals and the service migration system using the 13 Indian Ocean
Region satellite and no interference events were experienced. The current user terminal
has been in commercial service in Europe and the Middle East for 13 months, it is CE
certified and has the ITU GMPCS—MoU mark. Additionally, the external antenna has
also been commercially deployed (albeit on different terminals). For these reasons, MVS
does not expect any interference with licensed operations during the testing of these
upgraded terminals.

       Finally, the operation of these user terminals will be in full compliance with the
Commission‘s radio frequency ("RF") exposure guidelines, pursuant to Table 1 of
Section 1.1307(b)(1) which states routine environment evaluation is not required for
Experimental Radio Services if the power is less than 100 Watts ERP. The maximum
power from these terminals will be 51.8 Watts ERP. Also, these user terminals will be

secured from access by the general public and will be operated by experienced test

Document Created: 2019-02-16 07:35:35
Document Modified: 2019-02-16 07:35:35

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