Description of Wireless System Design

0892-EX-CN-2017 Text Documents

MIT Lincoln Laboratory


                            Lightweight, On-Body, Wireless System for
                          Ambulatory Voice and Ambient Noise Monitoring
                Patrick C. Chwalek, Daryush D. Mehta, Member, IEEE, Brendon Welsh, Catherine Wooten,
                             Kate Byrd, Edward Froehlich, David Maurer, Joseph Lacirignola,
                                   Thomas F. Quatieri, Fellow, IEEE, Laura J. Brattain

                                                                                   version that was used to evaluate the Lombard effect in a

   Abstract— In this paper, we present a lightweight, on-body,
wireless system designed for monitoring real-world voice                           laboratory setting with increasing background noise level [3].
characteristics and behavior. The system has the potential to
provide important assessments of voice and speech disorders,                          II. EVOLUTION OF AMBULATORY VOICE MONITORING
psychological and emotional state, and the impact of                                   In the laboratory, acoustic and non-acoustic vocal sensors
environmental sound levels. The system’s transmitter is                            have been applied previously to robustly characterize speech
positioned on the neck and synchronously streams dual-channel                      in the presence of various types of background noise by fusing
sensor data from an on-board MEMS microphone and a high-
                                                                                   features from multiple sensors, including a bone conduction
bandwidth accelerometer, which acts as a noise-robust and
confidential contact microphone. These data are recorded to a
                                                                                   MIC, radar sensor, and contact MICs [4]. In the field,
receiver that can store the data locally and stream a real-time                    ambulatory voice monitoring devices have typically
feed to a computer. We also report on the design considerations                    incorporated either acoustic MICs, contact MICs, or high-
of this novel system and discuss progress leading up to the latest                 bandwidth ACC sensors to capture vocal characteristics and
iteration, especially of the transmitter components on a flexible                  behavior [5]. The primary application of such devices was the
circuit.                                                                           clinical assessment of voice use in the daily lives of individuals
                                                                                   working in occupations associated with higher incidences of
                           I. INTRODUCTION                                         voice-related complaints. These technologies have allowed for
    In this paper, we discuss a wireless voice monitor system                      the computation of parameters that have been associated with
that we developed for recording synchronized acoustic                              heavy voice use (increased talk time, inappropriate pitch and
(MEMS microphone; MIC) and non-acoustic (accelerometer;                            loudness, etc.) [6].
ACC) data. Our system offers a tether-less method of                                   Recent work has developed a smartphone-based platform
capturing voice-related features that are important for speaker                    for ambulatory voice monitoring that records the raw signal
identification, noise reduction, and, most notably, for                            from a wired high-bandwidth ACC, allowing for the
exploiting non-acoustic vocal signatures in real-world                             exploration of novel parameters related to the acoustics and
environments to provide long-duration monitoring and real-                         aerodynamics of vocal function [7, 8]. In addition, real-time
time biofeedback. Since naturalistic environments make it                          computation of voice features on the smartphone enables the
challenging to estimate many important voice characteristics                       study of more sophisticated biofeedback scheduling known to
in noisy conditions, recordings of neck-surface vibration have                     be critical for behavior modification [9].
been the subject of ongoing investigation due to their
robustness to acoustic environmental noise, low profile, and
lack of speech intelligibility (alleviating confidentiality
concerns) [1, 2]. However, MIC recordings continue to be
desirable to capture the airborne acoustic signal that can be
analyzed to quantify speech features (e.g., formants) and
environmental characteristics. For clinical testing, it is also
desirable to have a small form-factor device so that it
minimizes discomfort and leads to increased compliance using
the device. Furthermore, we discuss designing a system of this
size with a wireless communication requirement on a flexible
substrate. There are several improvements discussed that were
made to this current system from the previously reported

                                                                                      P. C. Chwalek, D. D. Mehta, B. Welsh, C. Wooten, K. M. Byrd, E.
   DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release:                          Froehlich, D. Maurer, J. Lacirignola, T. F. Quatieri, and L. J. Brattain are
distribution unlimited. This material is based upon work supported by the          with MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA 02421 USA (e-mail:
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering under Air Force        [patrick.chwalek, daryush.mehta, brendon.welsh, catherine.wooten,
Contract No. FA8721-05-C-0002 and/or FA8702-15-D-0001. Any opinions,               kate.byrd,      edward.froehlich, david.maurer, lacirignola, quatieri,
findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are            brattainl] Corresponding author email:
those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Assistant      D. D. Mehta is also with Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard
Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering.                                 Medical School, and the MGH Institute of Health Professions, Boston, MA
                                                                                   USA (e-mail:

        Figure 1. System framework of wireless voice monitor.

    All previous devices, however, required a tethered
connection which can be cumbersome during data collection.
Users may snag cabling while walking or find wiring
uncomfortable during long-term use, leading to user non-
compliance and the potential for noisy recordings. Thus, our
system’s wireless design was a high priority, as well as the
ability to program user-specific algorithms that can perform
computations on real-time data streams captured by the
receiver (see Fig. 1). Like the VoxLog device, we maintain the
desirable dual-channel recording of both acoustic MIC and
high-bandwidth ACC sensors for the noise-robust monitoring
of voice use in naturalistic environments. An early prototype
of our wireless system was initially reported as part of a
comprehensive multimodal system for animal behavior
monitoring [10]; the module continues to undergo significant            Figure 2. Wireless voice monitor, showing (A) transmitter circuitry on
                                                                          the anterior neck surface, (B) components on the front layer of the
improvements and optimization for human voice analysis [3],                     flexible circuit, and (C) components on the back layer.
with the latest version being the subject of the current paper.
                                                                      single-axis, high-bandwidth ACC (BU-27135, Knowles
                   III. SYSTEM COMPONENTS                             Electronics). Our improved circuit includes multiple
    The system consists of two components: (1) a wearable,            amplification stages before the analog sensor signals are
on-body transmitter that is worn around the neck below the            digitized by our transceiver to increase the signal-to-noise ratio
thyroid prominence and (2) a wireless receiver that can either        (SNR).
be carried on body, in a pocket, or plugged into a computer to
                                                                          The BC128 Bluetooth module (BlueCreation, Cambridge,
visualize raw signal streams. A summary of the system
                                                                      UK) is the chosen transceiver due to its low power
specifications is shown in Table 1.
                                                                      consumption, software configurability, 16-bit analog-to-
A. Wireless Transmitter                                               digital converters, and ability to use an external antenna to
    As in the previous system iteration [3], the wireless             minimize radio frequency (RF) noise inherent in a
transmitter (Fig. 2) consists of several components soldered on       miniaturized printed circuit board (PCB). RF noise issues were
a flexible circuit substrate. For sound level analysis, we use an     prevalent in the previous system iteration [3] that included a
omnidirectional MEMS MIC (SPA2410LR5H-B, Knowles                      BC127 module, which consisted of a built-in antenna that we
Electronics, Itasca, IL) because of its small form factor and         found subjected the small circuit to a substantial amount of RF
wide bandwidth that includes frequencies that range from              noise. The BC128 also offers several software features that can
100 Hz to 15 kHz. For non-acoustic voice sensing, we use a            be toggled depending on the application (e.g., sending channel
                                                                      data to a Bluetooth-enabled phone, streaming to multiple
               ACCELEROMETER (ACC) SENSORS                                The ACC, MIC, and active circuit components are
        Feature                         Specification                 powered by a single-cell, rechargeable, lithium-ion polymer
  Sample rate             44.1 kHz (per channel)                      battery that can be charged through a micro-USB port on the
  Resolution              16 bits                                     circuit. The micro-USB input also allows for communication
  Bandwidth               ACC: 0–5 kHz, MIC: 100 Hz–15 kHz            to the BC128 to modify firmware settings (e.g., channel gain)
  MIC Sensitivity         −38dB ± 3dB @ 94dB SPL                      and troubleshoot. Additional features include electrostatic
  ACC Sensitivity         −45 dB @ 1kHz                               discharge protection, an on/off switch for the battery, status
  Power Consumption       56 mW (transmitter)                         LEDs, and a power multiplexer integrated circuit that enables
  (active streaming)      330 mW (receiver)                           the BC128 to be fully functional when powered via USB
  Weight (circuit)        5 g (transmitter), 14 g w/ 0.4 Ah battery   and/or battery. The battery size is dependent on the application
                          13.5 g (receiver), 47.5 g w/ 1 Ah battery   and the usual tradeoff of size and capacity. We chose a
  Size (circuit)          Transmitter: 68 × 14.5 × 5 mm               400 mAh battery for the transmitter because of its small form
                          Receiver: 68 × 14.5 × 5 mm                  factor and ability to run the system uninterrupted for at least
  Wireless Protocol       Bluetooth 4.0                               24 hours.

                                                                         Figure 4. Sensor signals being transferred throughout the system.
                                                                           Laboratory data include raw ACC and MIC signals, whereas
                                                                        ambulatory recordings save data channels to preserve confidentiality
                                                                                    (raw ACC and averaged MIC rms signals).

                                                                     with the Bluetooth link; accurate timestamps would only be
                                                                     lost within that five-minute period. This scheme also solves
                                                                     issues of large data file preservation; if the system were to lose
                                                                     power inadvertently—e.g., due to a depleted battery—only up
                                                                     to the last five minutes of data would be lost due to incomplete
   Figure 3. Wireless voice monitor’s receiver. Components on the    closure of the last data file.
        (A) front layer and (B) back layer of the circuit board.
                                                                     C. Design Considerations
B. Wireless Receiver                                                     Flexible circuit design has its challenges when compared
    For data logging, we decided not to store the data on the        to a rigid PCB, especially when building a relatively small
neck-worn circuit since that would require additional space          form factor with sensitive analog circuitry that will be
and power, making the neck-worn circuit bulkier, heavier, and        subjected to repetitive bending. Initially our ACC picked up
less desirable for a user to wear throughout the day. We opted       noise artifacts from the MIC signal and from a preexisting chip
to design a separate receiver device, shown in Fig. 3, that can      antenna [3] so we opted for the BC128 with an external
log the data sent over Bluetooth from the transmitter, as well       antenna that is mounted on the back of a user’s neck. In
as output the data streams in real-time to a personal computer       addition, when designing the PCB, we employed various noise
(PC) via USB. We chose to build the device around a Teensy           mitigation techniques to give us the best SNR. In addition to
3.2 microcontroller unit because of its small footprint, a 32-bit    separating the ground planes between sensitive components,
ARM processor with general-purpose input/output pins for             we added multiple operational amplifier stages placed next to
future expansion, and active development community. For the          the sensors to increase the SNR of the received signal at the
Bluetooth receiver, we chose to use the BC127 module that            BC128. The amplifier stages also allowed us to scale the
has the same internal components as the BC128 but included           dynamic ranges of both sensors separately, a feature lacking in
the chip antenna in the same package. For the receiver, we did       the software-adjustable preamplifier in the BC128 module.
not have any RF-sensitive components so we found the BC127
ideal for a compact receiver design. In addition, the receiver           Flexible circuits are not designed to be often subjected to
has similar power regulation circuitry to the transmitter circuit,   compressive and tensile stresses (i.e., multiple users taking the
with additional circuitry that allows users to charge the            circuit off and on). To promote bending at certain regions
receiver’s larger battery at a faster rate. Red/green/blue LEDs      while mitigating it at others where integrated circuits and
on the receiver serve as system status indicators (recording         passive components are mounted, we chose to vary our ground
status, Bluetooth pairing successful, etc.).                         plane density. As can be seen from Fig. 2, we wanted to
                                                                     prevent bending where the sensors were co-located so we
    As mentioned above, the receiver module can be connected         added a hatched copper pattern, versus a solid one underneath
to a PC where the data can be streamed in real time from the         the sensors, on one side and omitted the copper plane on the
transmitter module. The computer recognizes the USB input
as a standard audio device, similar to a USB MIC. This allows
the users to monitor data streams in real time. Regardless of
whether real-time streaming to a PC is performed, the raw
ACC and processed MIC data are saved on a Class 10 or higher
micro SD card on the receiver module. We did not save raw
MIC data due to the requirements of confidentiality during
acoustic recording in a public environment. An illustration of
the sensor waveforms streamed to PC and saved to SD card is
shown in Fig. 4.
    The receiver has an internal real-time clock that is powered
by an external cell battery. When recording, the system saves
the channel streams into five-minute data files, labeled with
                                                                      Figure 5. Packaged wireless voice monitor. (A) transmitter components
the starting time of the block. This scheme handles the case of                 sewn on fabric neck strap and (B) enclosed receiver.
a user being monitored in an environment that could interfere

other. In addition to localize bending, this method also                       [3]    D. D. Mehta, P. C. Chwalek, T. F. Quatieri, and L. J. Brattain, "Wireless
provides a larger ground plane for electrical noise dissipation.                      neck-surface accelerometer and microphone on flex circuit with
                                                                                      application to noise-robust monitoring of Lombard speech,"
    For packaging the transmitter (Fig. 5A), we chose a                               Proceedings of Interspeech, pp. 684-688, 2017.
polyester material that would not irritate the user during long                [4]    T. F. Quatieri, K. Brady, D. Messing, J. P. Campbell, W. M. Campbell,
                                                                                      M. S. Brandstein, et al., "Exploiting nonacoustic sensors for speech
duration use. The polyester strap is commonly used for heart                          encoding," IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language
rate monitors strapped to a user’s chest. To secure the device                        Processing, vol. 14, pp. 533-544, 2006.
to the fabric and to further ruggedize it, we potted the circuit               [5]    R. E. Hillman and D. D. Mehta, "Ambulatory monitoring of daily voice
with Reprorubber® Thin Pour, a type of polysiloxane. During                           use," Perspectives on Voice and Voice Disorders, vol. 21, pp. 56-61,
encasement, we masked off all ports and LEDs so that they                             2011.
                                                                               [6]    I. R. Titze, J. G. Švec, and P. S. Popolo, "Vocal dose measures:
remain accessible to the user. The battery can be swappable                           Quantifying accumulated vibration exposure in vocal fold tissues,"
since different power capacities may be desired depending on                          Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, vol. 46, pp. 919-
the application (with the usual tradeoff of increased size).                          932, 2003.
                                                                               [7]    D. D. Mehta, M. Zañartu, J. H. Van Stan, S. W. Feng, H. A. Cheyne II,
    For packaging the receiver (Fig. 5B), we required a case to                       and R. E. Hillman, "Smartphone-based detection of voice disorders by
protect sensitive circuitry from damage since it would be                             long-term monitoring of neck acceleration features," Proceedings of the
carried either on a belt clip or in a user’s pocket/purse (and                        IEEE International Conference on Body Sensor Networks, pp. 1-6,
could potentially be dropped accidentally). Thus, we designed                         2013.
                                                                               [8]    D. D. Mehta, M. Zañartu, S. W. Feng, H. A. Cheyne II, and R. E.
a rigid case that was 3D printed using Acrylonitrile Butadiene                        Hillman, "Mobile voice health monitoring using a wearable
Styrene (ABS) plastic. The case fits the receiver board and a                         accelerometer sensor and a smartphone platform," IEEE Transactions
battery with enough capacity to last an entire day of data                            on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 59, pp. 3090-3096, 2012.
recording. Ports for USB inputs, switches, and LEDs were left                  [9]    J. H. Van Stan, D. D. Mehta, D. Sternad, R. Petit, and R. E. Hillman,
open and accessible to the user.                                                      "Ambulatory voice biofeedback: Relative frequency and summary
                                                                                      feedback effects on performance and retention of reduced vocal
                                                                                      intensity in the daily lives of participants with normal voices," Journal
                          IV. CONCLUSION                                              of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, vol. 60, pp. 853-864,
      In this paper, we presented our latest development and
                                                                               [10]   L. J. Brattain, R. Landman, K. A. Johnson, P. Chwalek, J. Hyman, J.
implementation of an ambulatory voice monitor designed for                            Sharma, et al., "A multimodal sensor system for automated marmoset
the monitoring of real-world voice characteristics. The ability                       behavioral analysis," in IEEE 13th International Conference on
to stream synchronized sensor data from a MEMS MIC and                                Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN), 2016, pp.
an ACC on a flexible substrate allows us to correlate the two                  [11]   P. Matychuk, "The role of child-directed speech in language
sensors. In addition, the acoustic MIC gives us                                       acquisition: a case study," Language Sciences, vol. 27, pp. 301-379,
complementary data when processing the raw non-acoustic                               2005.
                                                                               [12]   D. Mehta, J. Van Stan, and R. Hillman, "Relationships between vocal
signal. The ACC is more immune to acoustic noise and may                              function measures derived from an acoustic microphone and a
reveal features not derivable from the MIC.                                           subglottal neck-surface accelerometer," IEEE/ACM Transactions on
    Future work could consist of adding a more capable                                Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 24, pp. 659-668, 2016.
                                                                               [13]   M. Zañartu, J. C. Ho, D. D. Mehta, R. E. Hillman, and G. R. Wodicka,
processor to the receiver to enable more complex machine                              "Subglottal impedance-based inverse filtering of voiced sounds using
learning algorithms, Bluetooth communication with a                                   neck surface acceleration," IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and
smartphone, and additional sensors to the transmitter circuitry                       Language Processing, vol. 21, pp. 1929-1939, 2013.
to increase the system’s capabilities. Streaming more than two                 [14]   V. M. Espinoza, M. Zañartu, J. H. Van Stan, D. D. Mehta, and R. E.
                                                                                      Hillman, "Glottal aerodynamic measures in women with
data streams would warrant shifting away from the off-the-                            phonotraumatic and nonphonotraumatic vocal hyperfunction," Journal
shelf BC127/128 wireless modules and developing custom                                of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, vol. 60, pp. 2159-2169,
wireless transceiver circuitry and firmware.                                          2017.
   Other vocal function measures available include ACC
signal properties of periodicity, harmonic spectral tilt, low- to
high-frequency spectral power ratio, and cepstral peak
prominence [2]. These types of acoustic-based measures have
known relationships with ACC signal properties [12] and can
be explored along with aerodynamic measures of vocal
function hypothesized to be particularly salient for the
assessment of common voice disorders [2, 13, 14].

[1]   M. Zañartu, J. C. Ho, S. S. Kraman, H. Pasterkamp, J. E. Huber, and G.
      R. Wodicka, "Air-borne and tissue-borne sensitivities of bioacoustic
      sensors used on the skin surface," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical
      Engineering, vol. 56, pp. 443-451, 2009.
[2]   D. D. Mehta, J. H. Van Stan, M. Zañartu, M. Ghassemi, J. V. Guttag,
      V. M. Espinoza, et al., "Using ambulatory voice monitoring to
      investigate common voice disorders: Research update," Frontiers in
      Bioengineering and Biotechnology, vol. 3, pp. 1-14, 2015.

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Document Modified: 2017-12-11 11:40:08

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