SFAF Worksheet

0315-EX-PL-2015 Text Documents

MIT Lincoln Laboratory


                                         Frequency Request Authorization Worksheet

                             Data Item                                                    Data Entry
NOTE: 1 worksheet for each transmitter. For the following please explain in the 520. If this is a transceiver.
Explain uplink/downlink configuration pairing. If the receive and transmit location is the same lat/long. If you are
transmitting from one location to another. If you are transmitting to or from an aircraft in a radius of operation.
005. What is the security classification? If classified, contact our     Unclassified
office for additional information and handling.
110. The single transmit frequency needed from a specific band or multiple frequencies needed within a specific band, or a
specific band. Provide which transmit frequencies is uplink and which transmit frequencies is downlink. Identify each
frequency as F1, F2 etc. with its associated lat/long identified in 303.

F1: 24-30 GHz
All frequencies are associated with a single lat/long as identified in 303. Receive and transmit are at the
same lat/long and radar targets are located at a range distance of 5 meters maximum.

113. What is the station class i.e., fixed, mobile, portable,           Portable
114. What is the bandwidth and type of transmission, e.g., AM, FM,      Continuous wave (CW), single tone
etc?                                                                    stepped over the 24 to 30 GHz band
115. What is the transmitter power?                                     0.3 milliwatts (maximum)

130. List the amount of daily use, e.g., 24 hours, night, day, and      7 am to 10 pm weekdays
specified time/period (hours of operation).
140. When do you require the frequency e.g. start date?                 30 March 2015

141. How long due you require the frequency e.g. completion date?       30 March 2016

207. What is your unit/organization/activity?                           Group 86

209. Who is the operating unit, if different than item 207?

300. What is the state or country will you be transmitting?             Massachusetts

301. What is the actual transmit location, e.g., “Hanscom, City,        Hanscom AFB, Bldg. 1715, Room 5B 204
Town, state, area, aircraft, ect?
303. List the geographical coordinates for item 301 stated in           Lat: 42 deg, 27.854’ N
LAT/LONG and expressed in degrees, minutes, seconds. Identify           Lon: 71 deg, 17.124’ W
associated LAT/LONG with F1, F2 frequency in 110.
306. What radius will the transmitter operate in? In Kilometers.        0.005 Kilometers (the transmitter will
                                                                        illuminate a radar target at a maximum
                                                                        range distance of 5 meters.)
315– 321 If your requirement involves space station/satellite operations, contact our office for additional
information needed.

                                         Frequency Request Authorization Worksheet

340. What transmitter/transceiver will be used i.e., manufacturer, model number, part number. When sending request
include/attach any technical data that you can find to aid in request.

The transmitter will be a custom unit that operates solely within 24-30 GHz, with emitted power <

341. How many transmitters will be used i.e., fixed, mobile,              1 mobile transmitter
portables, etc.?

If this request is for a pulse modulation system,
346. What is the pulse width(s)?                                          CW

347. What is the pulse repetition rate(s)                                 CW

349. Does this system contain side lobe suppression? (Yes or No)          No

354. What type of transmit antenna will be used, e.g., parabolic,         Patch antenna or slot antenna (only one
whip?                                                                     antenna transmits at a time)
355. What is the transmit antenna manufacturer/model number?              Custom fabricated

356. What is the transmit antenna structure height? (In meters above      1.5 meters (relative to the interior 2nd
ground)                                                                   floor level of pylon B at Building 1715)
357. What is the transmit antenna gain?                                   5 dBi gain (peak gain relative to isotropic)

358. What is the transmit antenna terrain elevation, specify meters       73 meters feet above MSL
or feet AMSL?
359. How high is the transmit antenna above the ground, specify           73 meters above MSL
meters or feet AMSL?
362. Is the transmit antenna directional, non-directional, or does it     Occasionally rotates by physical
rotate? If directional, provide direction relative true North.            movement
363. How is the transmit antenna polarized, e.g., horizontal, vertical,   Horizontal or vertical polarization
etc.?                                                                     depending on orientation of the antenna

NOTE: Include all receiver equipment and locations that will be receiving from the transmitter in the
340. Identify each receiver and location by R1, R2, ect.
400. What is the state or country will you be receiving?           Massachusetts

401. What is the actual receive location, e.g., “Hanscom, City,           Hanscom AFB
Town, state, area, aircraft, ect?
403. List the geographical coordinates for item 401 stated in             Lat: 42 deg, 27.332 min
LAT/LONG and expressed in degrees, minutes, seconds. Identify             Lon: 71 deg, 16.22 min (Same as transmit,
associated LAT/LONG with R1, R2 in 440.                                   but separated by ~5 meters)
406. What radius will the receiver operate in? In Kilometers.             0.005 Kilometers (the receiver array
                                                                          antenna will receive signals scattered from

                                         Frequency Request Authorization Worksheet

                                                                          a radar target at a maximum range
                                                                          distance of 5 meters.)
415 – 419, 470-472. If your requirement involves space station/satellite operations, contact our office for
additional information needed.
440. What receiver/transceiver will be used i.e., manufacturer, model number, part number. When sending request
include/attach any technical data that you can find to aid in request. Identify each receiver as R1, R2 ect and associate them
with LAT/LONG in 403.

The receiver will be a custom unit that operates solely within 24-30 GHz.

441. How many receivers will be used i.e., fixed, mobile, portables,      One receiver system, mobile
454. What type of receive antenna will be used, e.g., parabolic,          Patch antenna or slot antenna (only one
whip?                                                                     antenna operates at a time)

455. What is the receive antenna manufacturer/model number?               Custom fabricated

456. What is the receive antenna structure height? (In meters above       5 meters above ground (relative to the
ground)                                                                   interior 2nd floor level of pylon B at
                                                                          Building 1715)
457. What is the receive antenna gain?                                    5 dBi elements (peak gain relative to
458. What is the receive antenna terrain elevation, specify meters or     73 meters above MSL
feet AMSL?
459. How high is the receive antenna above the ground, specify            5 meters
meters or feet AMSL?
462. Is the receive antenna directional, non-directional, or does it      Directional, angle will vary with respect
rotate? If directional, provide direction relative true North.            to true North
463. How is the receive antenna polarized, e.g., horizontal, vertical,    Horizontal or vertical polarization
etc.?                                                                     depending on orientation of the antenna
506. List paired frequency of frequencies in 110. if applicable
Not applicable

520. Give a full detailed and specific description of your requirement for usage of this requested frequency and how you
intended to use it i.e, what, how when, where, mission, exercise, or test supporting, etc. Include FCC Type Acceptance
Number, Contract Number and Contractor. Include who this directly supports, ie Navy, FAA, DOE, Army, Air Force Unit,

The proposed tests will support phased array antenna testing research on Program 10236-23 for the
Department of Homeland Security. The approach will be to co-locate the receive antenna array with
the transmit antenna array and to record data on individual antenna elements in the receive array. The
transmit and receive antennas will be located indoors on the second floor of Pylon B at Building 1715.
The walls surrounding the test room is primarily concrete and Building 1715 is a metal structure, so RF
leakage should be negligible. The test data will be processed off-line to examine the beam forming
capabilities of the array and to form images of radar targets. This series of tests is the first testing of

                                        Frequency Request Authorization Worksheet

the design, and it is expected that multiple runs will be required to optimize the performance of the
array hardware and software.

530. If applicable, use to identify geographical area for operations i.e., transmitting in warning area xxx bounded by
coordinates XXxxXXNXXXxxXXW, etc.

531. If applicable use to include/exclude states for an area of
operation. Must be justified.
711. If this request is for aircraft, how high will it fly and what is the No aircraft are involved
radius of operation? Elevation in Ft and radius in Kilometers.
803. Provide requestors point of contact information e.g. name, phone number, office symbol.
Dr. Alan J. Fenn, 781 981 2678, Group 86 MIT Lincoln Laboratory

All emissions will originate in room 5B-204, building 1715, Hanscom AFB.

Document Created: 2015-05-29 15:27:01
Document Modified: 2015-05-29 15:27:01

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