ERP Increase request

0194-EX-CR-2018 Text Documents

MIT Lincoln Laboratory


Experimental Low Interference HF Ionospheric Radar Sounder
MIT Haystack Observatory
FCC Form 422 Information

1.0 Application Purpose

License Modification

2.0 Government Contract


3.0 Foreign Government Use


4.0 Research Project (comms)


5.0 Exhibit Information (if no to 2 to 4)

a. The complete program of research and experimentation proposed including description of equipment
and theory of operations.

b. The specific objectives to be accomplished.

c. How the experimentation has a reasonable promise of contribution to the development, extension,
expansion, or utilization of the radio art, or is along lines not already investigated.

6.0 Estimated Duration

24 months

7.0 Environmental Impact


8.0 Manufacturer

List transmitting equipment to be installed and if experimental so state.

Manufacturer         Model No          No Units          Experimental?

Ettus Research       N200 / Basic      TX 1         No
Minicircuits         LZY-22+           1            No
Drake                TV-3300-LP        1            No

MIT              MIT-HAY-HF1X        1           Yes (experimental antenna)

9.0 Station Id


10.0 Applicant Type


11. Foreign Government


12. License Denied or Revoked


13. Owner and Operator


14. Contact Information

Frank Lind
Research Engineer

15. Drug Abuse Certification Question


16. Station Location Information

City : Westford
State : MA
Latitude : 42.6235 N
Longitude : -71.486459 W
Mobile : No
Street : Millstone Hill Road
County : Middlesex
Radius of operation : 0 km / not mobile
Datum : NAD 83
Is a directional antenna used (other than radar) : No / RADAR
Exhibit submitted : No
Half power beam width :
H-plane orientation : zenith pointing
V-plane orientation : zenith pointing

Will the antenna be more than 6 meters above the ground : No
Antenna tip height above ground :
Ground elevation (meters) : 131 meters
Distance to nearest aircraft LZ : ~ 10 km
Natural formations or man made structures : None

Emission Information (as licensed)

Action    Frequency Station Class   Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 2000.00000000-2169.90000000 kHz FX 10.000000 W 10.000000 W    P         169KW0W 400
Action    Frequency Station Class   Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 2190.10000000-2494.90000000 kHz FX 10.000000 W 10.000000 W    P         300KW0W 400
Action    Frequency Station Class   Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 2505.10000000-2849.90000000 kHz FX 10.000000 W 10.000000 W    P         344KW0W 400
Action    Frequency Station Class   Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 3155.10000000-3399.90000000 kHz FX 10.000000 W 10.000000 W    P         244KW0W 400
Action    Frequency Station Class   Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 3500.10000000-3999.90000000 kHz FX 10.000000 W 10.000000 W    P         499KW0W 400
Action    Frequency Station Class   Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 4150.10000000-4649.90000000 kHz FX 10.000000 W 10.000000 W    P         499KW0W 400
Action    Frequency Station Class   Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 4749.90000000-4994.90000000 kHz FX 10.000000 W 10.000000 W    P         244KW0W 400
Action    Frequency Station Class   Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 5005.10000000-5449.90000000 kHz FX 10.000000 W 10.000000 W    P         444KW0W 400
Action    Frequency Station Class   Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 5730.10000000-6199.90000000 kHz FX 10.000000 W 10.000000 W    P         469KW0W 400
Action    Frequency Station Class   Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 6765.10000000-8354.90000000 kHz FX 10.000000 W 10.000000 W    P         500KW0W 400
Action    Frequency Station Class   Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 8370.10000000-8814.90000000 kHz FX 10.000000 W 10.000000 W    P         444KW0W 400
Action    Frequency Station Class   Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 9040.10000000-9994.90000000 kHz FX 10.000000 W 10.000000 W    P         500KW0W 400
Action    Frequency Station Class   Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 10100.10000000-11174.90000000 kHz    FX 10.000000 W 10.000000 W   P           500KW0W    400
Action    Frequency Station Class   Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 11400.10000000-11599.90000000 kHz    FX 10.000000 W 10.000000 W   P           199KW0W    400
Action    Frequency Station Class   Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 12100.10000000-13199.90000000 kHz    FX 10.000000 W 10.000000 W   P           500KW0W    400
Action    Frequency Station Class   Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 13410.10000000-14989.90000000 kHz    FX 10.000000 W 10.000000 W   P           500KW0W    400
Action    Frequency Station Class   Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 15100.10000000-17899.90000000 kHz    FX 30.000000 W 30.000000 W   P           500KW0W    400
Action    Frequency Station Class   Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 18030.10000000-19679.90000000 kHz    FX 30.000000 W 30.000000 W   P           500KW0W    400
Action    Frequency Station Class   Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 19800.10000000-19989.90000000 kHz    FX 30.000000 W 30.000000 W   P           189KW0W    400
Action    Frequency Station Class   Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 20010.10000000-21923.90000000 kHz    FX 30.000000 W 30.000000 W   P           500KW0W    400
Action    Frequency Station Class   Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating

New 22000.10000000-23199.90000000 kHz    FX 30.000000 W 30.000000 W   P           500KW0W    400
Action   Frequency Station Class    Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 23350.10000000-24989.90000000 kHz    FX 30.000000 W 30.000000 W   P           500KW0W    400
Action   Frequency Station Class    Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 25010.10000000-25549.90000000 kHz    FX 30.000000 W 30.000000 W   P           500KW0W    400
Action   Frequency Station Class    Output Power/ERP   Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-)   Emission Designator   Modulating
New 25670.10000000-29999.00000000 kHz    FX 30.000000 W 30.000000 W   P           500KW0W    400

Exhibit 1

The proposed experiment supports work being sponsored under the program entitled “Geospace
Facilities Program” for the National Science Foundtion under NSF Award Number AGS-1242204. The
program operates scientific facilities for study of the ionosphere and near space environment including
radar and radio facilities. The program includes technology development efforts to implement next
generation capabilities for study of the ionosphere and space environment.

Exhibit 2

MIT Lincoln Laboratory is designated a Department of Defense (DoD) Federally Funded Research and
Development Center (FFRDC) and a DoD Research and Development Laboratory. MIT Lincoln
Laboratory is sponsored by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology & Logistics
and is administered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Response to FCC 41834

Dear Mr. Ghaffari,

We expected to have to narrow the application but wanted some guidance on what would be allowed.
The local ionospheric sounder covers a similar frequency range but with the following exclusion bands.
For example, from their license : "The following bands, all in KHz, are excluded 2175-2190, 2495-
2505, 2850-3155, 3400-3500, 4000-4150, 4650-4750, 4995-5005, 5450-5730, 6200-6765, 8355-8370,
8815-9040, 9995-10100, 11175-11400, 13200-13410, 14990-15100, and 17900-18030".

We are requesting coverage to somewhat higher top frequency although our experimental waveforms
should be significantly less interfering than the sounder. Measurement of the ionosphere requires some
coverage of a broad range of frequencies due to the nature of the ionosphere. Existing systems use
highly interfering waveforms and we hope to demonstrate a system which causes far fewer issues.

Is the exclusion approach acceptable for our request?

A possible exclusion list for our request would be (kHz) :

2170-2190 (maritime distress), 2495-2505 (time freq), 2850-3155 (aviation), 3400-3500 (aviation),
4000-4150 (aviation), 4650-4750 (aviation), 4995-5005 (time freq), 5450-5730 (aviation), 6200-6765
(maritime / aviation), 8355-8370 (aviation), 8815-9040 (aviation), 9995-10100 (time freq), 11175-

11400 (aviation), 11600-12100, 13200-13410 (aviation / radio astronomy), 14990-15100 (time freq /
aviation), 17900-18030 (aviation), 19680-19800, 19990-20010 (time freq), 21924-22000 (aviation),
23200-23350 (aviation), 22499 – 25010 (time freq), and 25550-25670 (radio astronomy)

Can you provide additional guidance on the acceptability criteria for the exclusion list?


Frank Lind

Document Created: 2018-04-26 10:09:57
Document Modified: 2018-04-26 10:09:57

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