System Description

0145-EX-ST-2017 Text Documents

MIT Lincoln Laboratory


FCC 442
Sean McCandless
Group 51 – MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Office: 781-981-9290
Mobile: 781-999-3721

Group 51 at MIT Lincoln Laboratory develops Cyber-Electromagnetic capabilities
for the Department of Defense. In order to have a successful transition to the
warfighter, we need to thoroughly test and evaluate our developed techniques and
technologies including realistic operational environments such as over-the-air and

Bluebolt is one such capability that is investigating Link-11 communication system
and requires over-the-air and flight-testing. Bluebolt, which is scheduled to be
demonstrated at the NORTHERN EDGE 2017 military exercise in May 2017, will
require advance testing starting in March 2017 to ensure a successful event. Given
the importance of this technology and the tight timeline, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
requests expedited approval for over the air testing and flight-testing of the Bluebolt
system. The setup for this testing is described in this document.

Lincoln Laboratory operates the Dassault Falcon 20D test bed aircraft under USAF
contract (FA8721-05-C-0002). We plan to test in March 2017 the software-defined
radio version of Link-11 (AKA: Bluebolt) as a risk reduction and prep for an
upcoming military exercise, NORTHERN EDGE, in May 2017. To prepare for these
events, Lincoln Laboratory plans to execute local ground and flight tests. The
required use involves only one Lincoln-operated aircraft and three ground nodes.
Ground tests will take place outside of Building 1718 on Hanscom AFB, MA. Flight
tests will take place in the local area as well as at NAS Fallon, NV.

System Description
The diagram below shows the desired system configuration for the BLUEBOLT tests.
The Bluebolt tests (Link-11) will use three Ettus B210 software-defined radios on
the ground and one installed in the N20NY           Ground testing
Falcon-20 aircraft. For ground test, the Ground                                Green Line

               • Ground nodes will be on the
nodes will be placed at positions
                 ground  at points1,1,3,3and
                • Bluebolt
the picture to the         will benode
                   right. Ground   installed on the
                                        equipment           1
                   N20NY Falcon-20 aircraft
consists of a laptop, an Ettus B210 software-
                • Three ground nodes will create                       2

                 a Link-11
defined radio, and         network and
                   a UHF225450VM       Bluebolt
                   will confirm reception and join
directional antenna.  The aircraft node consists
                 the network                                    70 m
                • CanB210
of a laptop, an Ettus be concurrent with WHITE
                          software defined
                   NOSE for Rx only
radio, and a Vortex antenna. All transmit
               • Issue: frequency authorization
powers will be less than or equal to 41.76 dBm.                 4

The transmit power can be adjusted to meet FCC
requirements for radiated power.
               WHITE NOSE - 10
               LDM 12/1/16

A Bluebolt network will establish a software defined Link-11 network between the
ground nodes and the aircraft mounted node. The maximum duty cycle possible for
a Link-11 network with 4 nodes is 55% at the maximum communication rate. The
FAA forbids a communication rate of more than 50% with one terminal within a 100
Nautical Mile (NM) radius. Our testing will be with 4 terminals with a duty cycle of

55% for all.

Radiated Power Calculations
An assessment of the electromagnetic safety for the Bluebolt system is provided.
Specifically, the safe distances HERP (personnel), HERO (ordnance), and HERF (fuel)
are calculated. As specified in NAVSEA OP 3565/NAVAIR 16-1-529 volume 1, the

PFD safe limits for operating frequencies of 225 MHz are 0.2 mW/cm2(HERP) and
5,000 mW/cm2(HERF).

In the Bluebolt test configuration, the N20NY Falcon 20 will use one transmit
antenna blade – Sensor Systems Inc. model S65-8282-147 – installed on the bottom
fore of the airplane. This antenna has essentially 180° coverage around the
airplane. For the purposes of the hazard analysis, the maximum total power is
assumed to be 15 Watts for radiating one antenna. This allows conservative or
worst case safe distances to be calculated since losses in the cables will only add to
the safety margin. The distance, R, as a function of power flux density (PFD) is given

Taking unit conversions into account, the HERP safe operating distance is at least 77
cm, and the HERF safe operating distance is at least 0.5 cm. A one-meter safety
buffer zone will be observed and will cover both of these cases.

According to NAVSEA OP 3565/NAVAIR 16-1-529 volume 2, the HERO safe distance
in meters is given as

For an operating frequency of 225 MHz, this minimum safety distance is 377 cm. We
will maintain a minimum 4-meter separation from ordnance when the transmitter is

 Bluebolt      Platform  Bluebolt  Bluebolt Antenna           Peak      RF Cable Loss,
 Terminal Type and        Output   Nomenclatures (upper       Antenna   between Bluebolt
               Platform   Power    and lower if applicable)   Gain      terminal output and
               TSDF      (Watts)                              (dBi)     Bluebolt antenna
                                                                        input, excluding
                                                                        filters (dB)

 Bluebolt        Falcon 20   15 Watts   UHF/L-BAND S65-         Around 0   Cable used
                 (N20NY)     (41.76     8282-147 transmit       dBi        throughout the
                             dBm)       antenna (manufacturer              aircraft is P/N 2801
                                        Sensor Systems Inc.).              (http://www.iw-
                                        MIL-STD-810, DO-160E,              /280.htm). It has a
                                        MIL-E-4500,                        loss ~ 5 dB/100 ft @
                                        MIL-E-5272                         1 GHz. The runs do
                                                                           not exceed 20 feet,
                                                                           giving a maximum
                                                                           loss of 1 dB.
 Bluebolt NCS    Portable    10 Watts   VHF/UHF Antenna WB-     Approx.    Cable from radio to
                 Ground      (40 dBm)   512M (Communication     8dB        antenna will be 6’
                                        Solutions), MIL-STD-               and have an approx.
                                        810E&F                             loss of 1.2 dB
 Bluebolt PU 1   Portable    10 Watts   VHF/UHF Antenna WB-     Approx.    Cable from radio to
                 Ground      (40 dBm)   512M (Communication     8dB        antenna will be 6’
                                        Solutions), MIL-STD-               and have an approx.
                                        810E&F                             loss of 1.2 dB
 Bluebolt PU 2   Portable    10 Watts   VHF/UHF Antenna WB-     Approx.    Cable from radio to
                 Ground      (40 dBm)   512M (Communication     8dB        antenna will be 6’
                                        Solutions), MIL-STD-               and have an approx.
                                        810E&F                             loss of 1.2 dB

Bill of Materials
The components listed below are to be used in this transmitter test setup. Where
appropriate datasheets are included.
       Lacie Rugged Mini 4TB
       E-10 GPS
       Ettus B210
       Dell Latitude 14 Rugged Extreme
       ZKL-1R5+
       UHF225450VM
       Vortex

Document Created: 2016-12-22 08:44:11
Document Modified: 2016-12-22 08:44:11

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