Indoor GPS Reradiating

0072-EX-PL-2014 Text Documents

MIT Lincoln Laboratory


Documents attached with this
                        t    appliccation
   Name                                    Purpose
        _FCC442_main.pdf                   this document, system   m description
        _upstairs.xls                      calculatio
                                                    ons for top flooor
        _downstairs.xxls                   calculatio
                                                    ons for bottom  m floor
                              df           quote of all parts to bee purchased ffor the system
   VGL1L2HNRRKIT.pd  df                    data sheeet for 1st kit too be purchaseed
   VGL1L2PNRRKIT.pd  df                    data sheeet for 2nd kit t o be purchassed

MIT Lincooln Laboratoryy is often homme to prototyype payloads during testing that requiree, or could grreatly
benefit fro
          om receiving GPS signal. Moving
                                     M       the paayloads outsidde can range from being a time consum   ming
task to be
         eing unfeasiblle, dependingg on the projeect. In additioon, some prottotypes cannoot easily acceept a
wired GPSS feed. This le
                       eaves re‐radiaating the GPS signal as thee only good opption. MIT Lin
                                                                                           ncoln Laborattory
would likee to permaneently install tw
                                     wo GPS re‐raddiating system ms for compleete indoor coverage in onee of
our labs. A complete syystem has be  een specified and approvedd by a vendorr of such systems.

     m Descriptiion
The diagraam below sho   ows the desirred system co onfiguration tto be able to rre‐radiate GP                  he
                                                                                                 PS signals in th
full lab space. Each flooor is approximmately 30’x50 0’ in size, and have 10’ or 115’ ceilings. TThe roof mounted
active anttenna receive es the GPS siggnal but does not transmit any signals. TThe signal is ssplit into two
feeds, and d sent to a paair of variable
                                       e gain amplifie
                                                     ers. These re‐‐radiate the G
                                                                                GPS signal inside the lab sp   pace.
Gain can beb adjusted to meet FCC requirements on re‐radiateed power.

      ed Power Calculatio
               C        ons
The vendo or of the system provided a spreadshee  et of calculatiions to help eestimate the p
                                                                                            power being re‐
radiated. Note that the e cable length
                                     h from the roof to the upsttairs amplifieer is approxim
                                                                                           mately 65ft, an
                                                                                                         nd to
the downstairs unit 10              el documents from the venndor are attacched to this aapplication, but
                       05ft. The exce
the resultts are shown here for convvenience.



Bill of Materials
The below components are specified from vendor: Quote for parts from this vendor
is also attached to this application.

#          Item                                          Description
1    L1/L2VGHNRRKIT      Kit of active antenna, variable gain amplifier and re‐radiating antenna
2    L1/L2VGPNRRKIT               Kit of variable gain amplifier and re‐radiating antenna
3      HIALDCBS1X2                        Antenna splitter 1x2 (with high isolation)
4       L1/L2RAMB                              Roof antenna mounting bracket
5        WRUMT                          (2x) Re‐radiating antenna mounting bracket
6       SURGEPRO                            Lighting surge protector for antenna
7         PCABLE              (145ft) LMR400 Coaxial cable to connect various components

Document Created: 2014-01-13 09:55:11
Document Modified: 2014-01-13 09:55:11

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