AFTRCC Coordination

7195-EX-RR-1997 Text Documents



                                         PO BOX 2307
                                 SEAL BEACH, CA 90740—1307

                                                                          Date: 20 March 19897
                                                                 lbentity Controu No: Q0Q33—97

To:         Jim Olson
            McDonnell Douglas Radio Services Corporation
            10775 Business Ctr. Dr.
            Cypress, CA 90630
AFTRCC recommends a two year renewal of Experimental FCC license, KM2XOZ, due to
expire on June 1, 1997. This license is to be used in support of antenna range testing for the C—
17 and other commercial programs as follows:
TRANSMITTER MODEL NO.             2150 Series
STABILITY                         0.005%
STATION CLASS                     xC FX
     FREQUENCY(IE                 EMISSION                           WATT
2310—2390 MHz Band                 NON                               2w
          Long Beach. (Los Angeles)CA                                33—49—34N 118—08—35W
This recommendation has been coordinated with the following and concurrence copy is
            Western Area   Fr     n        rdinator                  Fax:      —

We request that AFTRCC be notified of the dates of actual operation and that FCC add the
following to your license:
      "Use of this frequency is subject to prior coordination with AFTRCC Frequency Advisory
      Committee, PO Box 2307, Seal Beach, CA, Telephone (562) 797—2710."

The applicant is advised, the bands 2305—2320 MHz and 2345—2360 MHz have been allocated
for Wireless Communications Services (WCS), Aeronautical Telemetry is secondary. The band
2320—2345 MHz has been allocated for satellite Digital Audio Radio Services (DARS),
Aeronautical Telemetry will remain primary until DARS is brought into use.

This recommendation is advisory only and not binding on the applicant or the FCC. This does
not constitute a judgment that a frequency is best suited to the applicant‘s purpose nor that the
assignment is exclusive to the applicant. In utilizing this recommendation, the applicant agrees
to release and hold harmless AFTRCC, its officers, directors, members, agents and
representatives in any claims, losses or expenses which may arise as a result of the applicant‘s
use of these frequencies.
This recommendation will be valid for 90 days from the date of this letter. An updated letter
should be requested if your license application has not been filed with the FCC within the 90
day period. Please attach the original yellow letter to your license application for filing with FCC.

Rex D. Miller, Chair
AFTRCC Frequency Advisory Committee

3—20— 1997 1 1 31 AM      FROM NFCWUS/WAFC PT MUGU           805 9894854                              P.

                                 1435—1 525MHz and 2310-2390MHz Taiematry Bands

                                                                                    Date March
                                                                             lbamyControi No 0033—97
                             l       |                                         |          Page 1 of 2

            To:         Western Area Frequency Coordinator _           FPax: 805—989—4854
            From:       TheBoeing Company
                        AFTRCC Coordinator, M/S Koeas
                        P.Q. Box 7730
                        Wichita, i8 87277—77930
            AFrHcc concurs and requests coordination for a two year renewal of Expenmental246
            license, KM2XO2, which is due to expire on June 1, 1997. This license is to be used in
            support 6of antenna range testing for the C—17 and other commercial prograrms as

                    EQQ_Jlm_QISQn 71 4—229‘5157
                       EREQUENCY(IES)                             EMISSION(S)               WATT(S)
                    2310—2380 MHz Band                              NON                     aW
                    ANTENNA TEST RANGE:
                    (Los                                                   _ 118—08—3§5W
                    NOTE: Special conditions apply, See page 2.
            The applicant is advised, the bands 2305—2320 MHz and 2345—23860 Mtriz have been
            allocated for Wireless Communications Services (WCS), Aeronautical Telemetry is
            secondery. The band 2320—2345 MHz has bean altocated for satellite Digital Audio
            Radio Services (DARS), Aeronautical Telermetry will remain primary until DARS is brought
            into use.
            This recommendation is advisory only and not binding on the applicant or the FCC. This
            does not constituté a judgment that a frequency is best suited to the applicant‘s purpose
            nor that the assignment is exclusive to the applicant. in utillzing this recommendation,
            the appiicant agreses to release and hold narmless AFTRCC, its officers, directors,
            members, agents and representatives in any claims, losses or expanses which may arise
            as a result of the applicant‘s use of these frequencies.            W

             | AFTROC] méuzucvmwsonv COMMITTEE
                                                      — REPLY —                 |
                                                                           Date Jibl/G"7
            I concur with the above recommendation _2336y >
            I do not concur and suggest

Document Created: 2002-03-14 10:59:07
Document Modified: 2002-03-14 10:59:07

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