Exhibits 1 - 111

0169-EX-RR-1999 Text Documents



McDonnell Douglas Radio Services Corp.
Attn:     J. C. McAllister
POB 516
St. Louis, MO            63166
                                     EXHIBIT I TO FCC FORM 442

                                                   FIGURE 1

                                            MODULATING SIGNAL

                10      |

            ’-&————-——-———           0.0002 SEC         mmmmmammooo~~SS


                                                   FIGURE 2

                                            NECESSARY BANDWIDTH

                                                      INDIVIDUAL PULSE BANDWIDTH IS
                         LOWEST PUL SE                100 MHz (DEFINED WITHIN FIRST
                         CENTER FRE QUENCY            NULLS OF_/ THE SPECTRUM)
                     C                                                           _ HIGHEST PULSE
                 y                                                           , ) CENTER FREQUENCY
                                   PUL SE           oA               20       _f_   PULSE CENTER
             |                     SPECTROM2__.               t—          ~         FREQUENC Y

              MHZ                              ~
                                                                   ~~ 9600 MHZ
                                         TUNABLE BAND

             NECESSARY BANDWIDTH =              (9600 — 9000) + 100 MHZ = 700 MHZ
                                                                              Or (700,000 KHZ)
  (The necessary bandwidth is equal to the tunable bandwidth, i.e., 600 MHz, plus the
 100 MHz modulation bandwidth).

McDonnell Douglas Radio Services Corp.
Attn:   G. D.    Foote, H362
POB 516
St. Louis, MO_     63166

                               EXHIBIT II TO FCC FORM 442

11(a)   Program

        We are building an imaging radar; the type of which we believe will
        have future application to missile guidance. Our plans include
        installing the radar equipment in our company aircraft, gather and
        record radar data in flight, and then signal process the data in
        our laboratory.

        Future plans include designing, packaging, and test—flying equipment
        with a form factor compatible with missile size and shape.

        Description of Equipment

        The radar equipment consists of a transmitter, receiver, antenna, and
        control box.  It also contains radar data memory and digital magnetic
        recording equipment.

        The transmitter is X—Band, and transmits coherent, pseudo random,
        bi—hase modulated pulses. The output transmitter stage is a travelling
        wave tube amplifier which is driven by a frequency synthesizer, the
        base frequency from which is derived from a stable crystal oscillator.

        The receiver contains a low noise radio frequency amplifier and inter—
        mediate frequency stages to match the transmitted waveform.       The
        receiver output is bi—polar video which is digitized and recorded for
        later processing.

        The antenna has a one—foot dimension with a 6.9 degree beamwidth.
        It‘s highest sidelobe is 20 dB below the main beam.  It has a 200 MHz

        The control box contains the switches and controls to control and
        change the operating mode and parameters of the radar.

        Theory of Operation

        The antenna will be positioned to point to the sides of the aircraft
        velocity vector (sidelooking radar).       The radar will be operated as
        a Synthetic Aperature Radar (SAR). Relatively long pulses are
        transmitted (through the antenna) and are reflected from the terrain
        below and to the side of the aircraft. The reflected radar data is
        received, digitized, and stored for later processing in the lab.  In
        the lab the data will be processed to compress it in range and angle
        to achieve a high resolution ground map.

McDonne 11 Douglas Radio Services Corp.
Attn:   G. D. Foote, K362
POB 516
St. Lou is, MO 63166

        Theory of Operation (Continued)

        and stored for later processing in the lab.   In the lab the data will
        be processed to compress it in range and angle to achieve a high
        resolution ground map.

11(b)   Specific Objectives

        Objectives sought during this experimental radar program are:

        — to learn the interaction between equipment and processing
          complexity on SAR maps resolution and fidelity

        — to learn what the radar parameters should be for a missile
          qguidance application

11(c)   The program will be used to develop, and extend methods, algorithms,
        techniques for missile qguidance. The application of imaging radar
        for missile quidance is a new but growing field, and both U.S. Navy
        and U.S. Air Force development agencies are presently engaged in
        research and experimental development programs of a similar nature.

McDonnell Douglas Radijo Services Corp.
Attn: G. D. Foote, H362
POB 516
St., Louis, MO   63166

                         EXHIBIT I11 TO FCC FORM 442

       Item 20

       The applicant is a wholly owned subsidiary of McDonnell Douglas
       Corporation {MDC) and proposes to render a non—profit radio communi—
       cation service to its parent corporation. MDC is engaged in the design,
       development and manufacture of aircraft, spacecraft, missiles, other
       aerospace products, and associated supporting equipment for commercial
       customers and the U.S. Government.

       The applicant and MDC have entered into an agreement whereby MDC will
       provide the necessary equipment to support its radio communication
       requirements. However, the applicant will have full control of the
       use, operation and maintenance of such equipment in the same manner as
       if the equipment were owned by the applicant.

Document Created: 2003-10-29 11:22:55
Document Modified: 2003-10-29 11:22:55

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