Form 702

3754-EX-AR-1993 Text Documents



                                                           | ECC Use Only
 SFPI)DD ) lApp))ration» Port)ao»)                           Sorvice                                               nhz Nien. ever enmer cvages


  Section !I contains two parts:
  PART 1| is to be completed by assignor (the present permittee or licensee), whenever the legal right to construct or to control
  the use and operation of station is to be assigned                   by voluntary   act, as by contract or other agreement, or by involuntary           act
  such as death, legal disability, bankruptcy, or other legal proceedings.

  PART II is to te complieted by assignee who wishes to obtain the legal right to construct or to control the use and operation
  of station, as a result of voluntary act (contract or other agreement), or involuntary act (death or legal disability) of grantee of
  construction authorization or licensee, or by involuntary assignment of the physical property constituting the station in bankruptcy
  proceedings, or other court order, or by operation of law in any other manner.

  Applicant is advised that if the Commission consents to request for assignment, the Commission must be notified by letter of
  consummation (see appropriate Rulepart for specific requirements).

PART I — To Be Compieted By Assignor
1. Name of Assignor
                  General Electric Radio Services Corporation
    Mailing Street Address or P.O. Box, City State and ZIP Code
              4421 Forbes Blvd.
              Lanham, MD 20706
2. Name of Assignee

              Martin Marietta Corporation
3. Provide the follo                  information for the facilities authorized to ass       for which ass         is           in this       lication.

  a. Calil Sign                                                                              d. Expiration     e. No. of
                                 b. File Number                    c. Location                                                            f. Service
                                                                                                   ate          Stations

4. Provide below the following information for incomplete or unconstructed facilities (listed in item 3) in which assignment
   is sought: (a) call sign; (b) file numbers; and (c) date by which construction must be completed.

5. Certification
 The undersigned         represents that the license        will not be assigned, or that control will not be transferred until the         Commission‘s
 consent has been received; that all the attached exhibits                are a material part hereof and are incorporated herein as if set out in
 full in this application; and that all the staterments made in Part | of this application are true, complete and correct to the best of
 his (her) knowledge and belief.

 I request that the Commission grant its writien consent to the foregoing assignment.
Date                     Signature of Authorized Officer or Agent (If signed by an agent other than the authorized officer or
                         assi            power of attorney or other authority of agent to sign must be attached).

 3/2/98                                 ‘/
Typed Name of Pers'O)/ Si?‘\g                           Mailing Street Address or P.O. Box, City, State and 2P Code

 Robert M. Johnson, VP                                  4421 Forbes Blvd., Lanham, MD 20706
 Title 18, Section 1001) AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY AUTHORIZATION (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(a(1l, AND/OR
 EORFEIT            .$          de,    Title   47. Section 503).
                                                                                  2                  ~                                           FCC 702
                                                                                                                                            October 1991

 PART it — Ta.8e—Completed By                Assignee
 6. Name of Asfl?nu {If a corporation, state corporate name; if a partnership, state names of all parnters and the name under which the partnership
    does business; if an unincorporated association, slate the name of an executive officer, the office held by him/her, and the name of the associaticn.
    The same name or names should be signed in the place provided at the end of application, except that in the case of a partnership the application
    may be signed in the name of the partnership by one of the partners)

                Martin Marietta Corporation

       Mailing Street Address or P.O. Box, City, State and ZIP Code

        ATTN:; John S$. Hickey                  ___P.0. Box 4906           Baltimore, MD             21220
7(a) is this application made for consent to voluntary or involuntary assignmment of permit or license?
          Voluntary                  D Involuntary (Complete items 6(b) and (c))
  (b) Name of Present Licensee and Call Sign                   (c) Attach as Exhibit             a copy of court order or other lagal
                                                                                  instrument by which assignee has obtained the legal right to con—
                                                                               struct or to control the use and operation of station as a result
                                                                                  of involuntary act of assignor,.
8. Stite whether assignee is:
       D    Ind vidual                         D    Partnership                        @Corporation                            D Association
9. Attach as Exhibit                       a statement of assignee‘s principal business.
10. Attach as Exhibit No.                        a statement of any other business(es) applicant is directly or indirectly interested in. If applicant
       is a corporation, explain in statement other business(es) the officers, directors, or principal stockholders are directy or indirectly
       interested in.
                                                                                Place an "X" in the appropriate column.   YES                                  NO
11. is individuai assignee, or if partnership, each member of partnership a citizen of the United States?               P                                        &
12. is assignee or any party to this application a representative of an alien or of a foreign government?                                            P         X
13(a) Has the assignee been finally adjudged guilty by a Federal Court of unlawfully monopolizing, or attempting                               /     >              —
         to monopolize, radio communication directly or indirectly through control of manufacture or sale of radio
          apparatus, e@exclusive ftraffic arrangements, or any other means, or of unfair meth. s of compenuun?
      (b) Has the assignee, or any party to this application, or amny person directly or indirectly controlling the
          assignee ever been corwicted of a crime for which the penalty imposed was a fine of $500 or more,                                          D
         or an imprisorment of six months or more?                                                                                             14
         If "YES," attach as Exhibit No.                       a statement relating the facts.                                                 £
      (c) is assignee directly or indirectly controlled by amy party finally adjudged guilty as above stated?                        ,4/]/}— P
14(a) is assignee directly or indirectly, through stock ownership, contract, or otherwise, interested in the ownershn{;/
        or have control of any other radio stations?
        If "YES," in Exhibit No. _ give call letters and location of such stations.                                                   /n *
      (b) Has the assignee in the past fifteen years been directly or indirectly interested in the ownership or control 7/                           >
         of any radio stations other than those referred to under (a)?                                                }/
        If "YES," in Exhibit No.                give classes of stations and exact names of licensees.
15.      if assignment involves any Multipoint Distribution Service (MDS or MMDS) authorizations, is assignee directly
        or indirectly interested in or affiliated with, or has leasing arrangements           with a cable television company?
         If "YES," submit as Exhibit No.             a description of the relationship and a map showing overiap                      pf
         boundaries Oof cable franchise area and MDS station‘s protected service area, if anmy.
16. If assignment        involves   amy authorizations   for Part 21 stations, answer (a), (b), and (c) below:
        (a) Does authorization involve facilities that have not been constructed?                                                    //              DP
        If "YES," does assignee represent that it has, or has reasonable assurance that it will have, the ability to
        meet the expected cost of constructing amy such facilities within the construction period, and the estrnated
        operating expenses for tweive months:?
        (b) Waere facilities authorized following a comparative hearing and have been operated less than one year; or
        involve facilities that have not been constructed; or involve facilities that were authorized following a rand
        selection proceeding in which the successful applicant received a preference and that have been operate                                      D
         for less than one year?                                                                                                               1
        (c) Does assignee acknowledge that, if Commission consents, assigimment must be completed within 45 days                                     >
        of date of consent and Commission must be notified by assignee in writing within 10 days of consummatip
17. If assignee is a corporation or association, answer the following:                                                               /]}/ >
       (a) Under laws of what State or Country is it organized? *                                                       /
       (b) Attach as Exhibit No.                a certified copy of the Articles of incorporation if not heretofore fil   '
       with the Commission. If previously filed, state date and FCC Division:
       (c) is more than one—fifth of capital stock owned of record or may it be voted by aliens or their represenfatves
        or by a foreign government or representatives thereof, or by any corporation organized under the laws //f’f
       of a foreign country?                                                                                                               £

       (d) is any director or officer an alien?                                                                                  M                  j
       If "YES," list in Exhibit No.                      the names and position of each.                                                  fi
       in Exhibit No.                     gme the names and addresses of all stockholders owning and/or voting           10%           more
       of assignee‘s stock and percentage of stock held by each.
                                                                              3                                                  [                        Fee 702
                                                                                                                                                    October 1991

 PART ! — Continued                                                                                                                        2

                                                                                      Place an "X" in the appropriate colutnn.        -"l VEST NO
  ?8(a) is assignee directly or indirectly controlled by any other corporation?                                           Aj          >
          If "YES," in Exhibit No.                  give name and address of such controlling corporation.                    A‘/          —
        (b) Under the laws of what State or Country is the controilling corporation organized? *                            [}/[}4_
        (c) is more than one—fourth of capital stock of such corporation owned of record or may it be voted by alll nS,
        their representatives, or by a foreign government or representative thereof, by amy corporation organized W r                 P\ _
        the laws of a foreign country?                                                                                         4*
       (d) is any director or officer of the controlling corporation an alien?                                               ]        P
        If "YES," in Exhibit No.                  give name and position of each.                                          Mld
       (e) is the above described controlling corporate in turn a subsidiary?                                               h
       If "YES," attach additional sheets answering questions 18(a) to 18(e), inclusive, for each corporation            ,‘//4        DP
       to and including the organization having final control.                                                                   £
 19. If applicant is an unincorporated association, answer 19(a) to (c):                                                         w
       (a) in Exhibit No.                describe purpose of association and provide number of members in the assoc/atign.
       (b) Attach as Exhibit No.                    a certified copy of the Articles of Association if not heretofore        //m
       filed with the Commission. If previously filed, state date and FCC Division:                                              1
     (c) Are any members aliens?                                                                                /                     DP
     if "YES," in Exhibit No.               give names and position of each.                                  /‘/f4
 20(a) is assignee personally familiar with the Commission‘s rules governing the service which are the subject 6f this
     application?                                                                                                                     »X
       (b) Has assignee examined the subject facilities and deterrnined that construction and operation is in compliance
   with current authorizations and the Commission‘s rules?                                                                                     X
 21%!313 assignee‘s relation to station:                                        (b) Identify owner, if assignee is not owner:
        Owner              D Lessee            D Other

       {c) Attach as Exhibit No.              a copy of agreement showing assignee‘s interest in station, if not on file with the
       Commission, if assignee is not owner. If previously filed, state date and FCC Division:
       (d) Attach as Exhibit No.                   a statement of the nature of assignge‘s interest in use and control of station, if
       assignee is neither owner Of lessee.
 22.      ill assignee have absolute control of station, both as to physical operation and service provided?
                                     "_attach as Exhibit No.           a copy   of        contract which may   affect assignee‘s right to do so.
23. Attach as Exhibit No.                       a statement showing assignge‘s       financial responsibility with respect to construction and/or
   operation of station.
24. Attach as Exhibit No.                       a statement indicating whether stock is to be sold for purpose of raising money to construct
       and/or operate station.
25. Attach as Exhibit No.                       a statement explaining how the construction and/or operation of the station will
       be in the public convenience, interest, or necessity.
26. The assignor‘s most recent applications for authorization are to be considered as part of this application, and the truth of
       the statemments therein contained is hereby reaffirmed by the assignee, except insofar as the contrary expressly appears herein,
       and in the following particulars:

 27. Certification:     The applicant waives any clam to the use of amy particular frequency or of the electromagnetic                 spectrum as
 against the regulatory power of the United States because of the previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise,
 and requests that written consent be granted to assign the authorizations herein mentioned to him (her).
 The assignee assumes all the obligations          and agrees to abide by all the conditions      imposed upon the assignor under the subject
 authorization except that he/she shall not be liable          for amy act done by, or amy right accrued or any suit or proceeding had or
 commenced against, the assignor prior to said assignment.
  I certify that the statements made in PART !H are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date                        Signature                                             Designate Appropriate Classification _

                                 q/Jd/l            é/                                        ) ingivigua! Applicant
  5/2/ /9 3
Typed Name of Person Sighing                                                                 DMember of Applicant Partnership

          John S,'    Hickey                                                                 gOfficer of Applicant Corporation or ‘Association
 Title 18, Section 1001) AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY AUTHORIZATION (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312{a¥1)}, AND/OR
 FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Titie 47, Section 503).
                                                        4                                               FCC 702
                                                                                                   October 1991

Document Created: 2001-08-14 21:19:03
Document Modified: 2001-08-14 21:19:03

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