Cover Letter (Dec 20, 1991)

2409-EX-PL-1991 Text Documents



                                                                    POST OFFICE BOX 4906
                                                                    BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21220

     Jecember 20.        1991

    Federal       Communications           Commission
    Experimental Radio Serviss
    P. 0. Box 358320
    Pittsburgh, PA              18251—5320

    Attn:    Office of Science & Technology
             Frequency Liaison Branch

    You    will    please    find      enclosed       one   copy of     the      completed      FCC     Form
    442,    Application         for    a   New Experimental           Authorization.            with the
    required FCC Form 155, Fee Processing Form, with the a check for
    $35.00 attached. This request is for the use of frequencies in
    the 2200 MHz band for Telemetry Operations at various private and
    military test ranges.

    This license request is being requested at this time under a
    contract, No. DAAH—81—C—0057, for the development and testing of
    telemetry technology to be utilized in the LONGBOW TM project.
    The current projected date of start up of the program is 1 April,
    1292 with a early completion date of 31 December 1995. There is
    currently planned a potential extension through 31 December 2005 .
    The primary operating area willobe a five mile radius of the test
    site coordinates givenrn in Exhiblit #1.                       which is attached. We are
    planning to license the Military sites                         through MICOM, as well.

    If     there    should       be     any    problems      or     questions              regarding     the
    application,         please       feel     free   to    oall    the     undersigned         at     (410}
    682—0156.       If   there        should    be    technioal      questions             regarding    the
    program or the technical information contained in the application
    you may call Joseph Sabo (407)356—4241.

    Very Truly Yours,

      em—t P
    Radio Frequency Specialist

Document Created: 2001-08-15 02:20:48
Document Modified: 2001-08-15 02:20:48

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