Cover Letter (July 19, 1993)

3820-EX-PL-1993 Text Documents



                                                               POST OFFICE BOX 4906
                                                               BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21220

             July 19,       1993

             Federal Communications Commission
             Experimental Radio Services
             P. 0. Box 358320
             Pittsburgh, PA   15251—5320

             Attn: Frequency Liaison Office
                      Office of Engineering and Technology

             You will please find enclosed one copy of the completed FCC Form
             402, Application for a new Experimental Radio Station Authoriza—
             tion,        with the required FCC Form 155 and FCC license                   processing
             fee, $%35.00, attached. This request is for the use of frequencies
             between   138.0250  and 152.0750 MHz in the  vicinity  of  Camden,
             Camden County, NJ.

             These frequencies will be used for the quality assurance  testing
             of  specialized radio equipment being developed and produced  for
             the U.S.   government, under contract #DAABOT—91—C—M360.  If  you
             have     any technical questions regarding this application,                       please
             contact       John McMackin on (609) 338—4822.

             You will also find enclosed a completed copy of the FCC Form 702,
             Application   for  assignment of   an Experimental  Authorization,
             KK2XCJ, originally assigned to the General Electric Company. This
             authorization was overlooked in the initial round of    assignments
             as  a result of the merger between the General   Electric  Company
             and Martin Marietta Corporation. This is     a  highly  classified
             authorization   and requires proper classified treatment going to
             the site in Moorestown, NJ .

             If     you    have any questions related to the         completion            of   these
             applications,         please feel   free to call the undersigned on                 (410)
             682—0156 .

             Very Truly Yours,

             g%aude % ;elis
             Radio Frequency Specialist

Document Created: 2001-08-16 04:21:35
Document Modified: 2001-08-16 04:21:35

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