Attachment (Form 442)

3820-EX-PL-1993 Text Documents



     FCC Form 422 attachment

     Item 4(F) — Particulars of operation — Modulation Signal

        Information rate:       1200 b/s + 20 b/s
        Information content:    CW carrier, 9 bit preamble, 20 data and parity bits
        Modulation coding:      Manchester bit encoding
        Maximum keying rate:    2400 baud
        Modulation type:        Binary frequency shift keying with 3k + 0.6k Hz deviation

        Fixed length packet transmission duration is less than 27 mseconds per detection of
        each vehicle or pedestrian passage. Detection equipment design optimized for
        sparsely populated deployment.

     Item 4(G) — Particulars of operation — Description of necessary bandwidth

        2.4 k baud keying rate: Mmayx = 2.4k.
        First null of sin x/x modulation response is +2.4k Hz
        Binary FSK modulation with +3k Hz + .6k Hz deviation: Dmax = 3.6K Hz

        Necessary bandwidth: Bp = 2M + 2D = 12k Hz

     Item 7 — Government contract supplemental information

        Project Name:      iRembass — Improved Remote Battlefieid Sensor

        Contract Number:        DAABO7—91—C—M360

        Contract Agency:        US Army — CECOM
                                Ft. Monmouth, NJ 07703—5000

        Contract Program Manager:      Robert Foresta
                                       Ft. Monmouth, NJ 07703—5000
                                       tel: (908) 544—5883

     Item 13 — Installed Equipment

        Martin Marietta is under contract to manutfacture 1300 transmitting sensors and
        packet repeaters under the current Government contract with expected options for
        production of additional units under future contract extensions. Related to the
        manufacturing task, some sensors may be required to be evaluated under field
        conditions to assess performance and provide qualification data. Field testing may
        also be performed to evaluate circuit modifications or design improvements made
        under the contract or related research and development programs. Nominally three,
        and no more than ten units will be deployed during any evaluation exercise.

Document Created: 2001-08-16 04:22:45
Document Modified: 2001-08-16 04:22:45

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