Application Information

3702-EX-RR-1995 Text Documents



— Application Information

      File Number: 3702—EX—RR—1995        Date Entered:   02/11/1998
     Fee Control #:                       Receipt Date:   02/10/1995         App Source: C | Electronic        @ Paper

r— Applicant Information

            Name: manteemamierracomp J scicheed Martn (o rp
             ain: John 5. H'ifkt}/                                                        ro Box: 4906
          Address:         .                                                            Mail Stop:

              ciy: Baltimere
             Stare: [DN                                      zip code: 2]22 (~ 0706

r— Correspondence Numbers

    Phone Number:

      Fax Number:

    Email Address:

r— Signature information

         Signature:                                                               Signature Date:      00/00/0000
   Signature Type: _   Individual    _   Member of         (_; Office and         _ ) Authorized Regp.      ) Official of
                                         Partnership           Member of              of Corporation           Government
                                                               Applicant‘s Association                         Entity

 License Information

 Callsign: KO2XDN             Issue Date:    00/00/0000    Expiration Date:   00/00/0000        File Number: 3702—EX—RR—1995

is information for this license to be held confidential?    > Yes    @ No        is this license classified?   > Yes   @ No
Rule Parts under which this license will be granted:                                    Radio Service:

Experiment Type:        |   0    ;       C 'W&iifirfi

Document Created: 2001-05-03 10:16:59
Document Modified: 2001-05-03 10:16:59

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