Renewal Letter (Feb 24, 1989)

0104-EX-RR-1989 Text Documents



MARTIN MARIETTA INFORMATION                          TeLecommunicarions
AND COMMUNICATIONS sysTEMsS                          pniimorne oois prosy
                                                     POST OFFICE BOX 4906

     February 24,    1989

     Federal   Communications Commission
     2025 M Street, NW
     Washington, DC  20554

‘_   Attn:   Frequency Liaison Branch
             Office of Science & Technology

     We, the Martin Marietta Corporation, would like to request at
     this time the renewal of five Experimental Licenses presently
     assigned to the Martin Marietta Corporation. These radio station
     authorizations are due to expire on June ist. The different
     programs associated with these licenses have expressed a need,
     see attached    documentation,   to have their authorizations            renewed
     at this time.

     The authgritjfléons       e arefrequestir    to be renewed at this time
     are: KAJXPHL/KF2     1 K  BQ and KBM¥KCD. We have one license,
     KBZ2XAW/ due for renewal, which requWires modification to one of
     their‘~site descriptions, technical changes to the IFF assignments
“    and the addition of several more test sites. Please see the
     attached documentation for details         of these    requests.

     We would like to request at this time to cancel two existing
     authorizations. KM2XBF and KM2XBG, as the program originally
     associated with these licenses has progressed onto more advanced
     stages and are now covered under other programs.

     If you should have any problems      or questions,         please feel    free to
     call the undersigned at 301—687—7000. If your questions relate to
     the technical nature of the authorizations call Andy Camarce at

     Very Truly Yours,

     Claude E. Wells
     Radio Frequency Specialist

Document Created: 2001-08-15 19:03:15
Document Modified: 2001-08-15 19:03:15

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