Petition for Partial Reconsideration (Dec 19, 1997)

5633-EX-MR-1997 Text Documents



                                          6 w IpLER                                ORIGINAL
                                            BERLIN                                     RECEIVED
                                                                                          DEC 19 1997
                                                                                   Federai Coi.nunications Commission
                                                                                           Office of Secretary
                                         December 19, 1997

Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, N W., Room 222
Washington, D.C. 20554

          ATTN:          Mr. Douglas Young
                         Experimental Licensing Branch
                         New Technology Development Division
                         Office of Engineering and Technology

                         Re:    Maritime Telecommunications Network, Inc.
                                Petition for Partial Reconsideration
                                File No. 5633—EX—PL—97

Dear Ms. Salas:

        On behalf of Maritime Telecommunications Network, Inc. ("MTN"), and pursuant to
Section 1.106 of the Commission‘s rules, transmitted herewith are an original and four copies of a
Petition for Partial Reconsideration of the Experimental Licensing Branch‘s decision in the above—
referenced proceeding. The Branch‘s decision granted in part MTN‘s application for modification
of an experimental license. Please date—stamp the enclosed extra copy and return it in the enclosed

          Should you have any questions with respect to this matter, please do not hesitate to call.

                                                        Very truly yours,

                                                        Helen F. Disenhaus
                                                        Nancy Killien Spooner

ce:       Steve B. Sharkey

                                   3000 K STREET, N.W. ® SUITE 300
                                     WasHIngcTon, D.C. 20007—5116
2220401                        (202) 424—7500 ® FACSIMILE (202) 424—7643

                                                                                          DEC 19 1997
                                           Before the                             Federa woi...nunications Commission
                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                    Office of Secretary
                                    Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

                                                Nes Nt
Maritime Telecommunications Network, Inc.                File No. 5633—EX—PL—97

                                                NN N)
Application for Modification to
Experimental License Authorization,
Call Sign KI2XEE

To: Chief, Experimental Licensing Branch
    New Technology Development Division
    Office of Engineering and Technology


       Maritime Telecommunications Network, Inc. ("MTN"), by its attorneys, and pursuant to

Section 1.106 of the Federal Communications Commission‘s ("FCC‘s" or "Commission‘s") Rules,

47 CF.R § 1.106 (1997), hereby submits this Petition for Partial Reconsideration of the

Experimental Licensing Branch‘s partial grant of MTN‘s request to modify its experimental

authority. The partial grant, issued in the above—captioned proceeding on November 21, 1997 (see

Attachment A), permits MTN‘s experimental use of shipboard earth stations ("SESs") to continue

on 45 ships. MTN respectfully requests that the Experimental Licensing Branch reconsider its

partial grant, and instead grant MTN‘s request in full to expand its experimental authorization to

permit SES operations on 250 ships. In support hereof, the following is respectfully shown:


       MTN is currently authorized under an experimental license, call sign KI2XEE, to operate 45

shipboard terminals on various vessels, including U.S. Navy ships. On January 24, 1997, MTN filed

an Application for Modified Radio Station Authorization ("Application"), FCC File No. 5633—EX—

MR—97, to provide private line mobile and fixed services on a non—common carrier basis between

various ships and certain terrestrial satellite stations in the fixed—satellite service using the 4/6 GHz

frequency bands ("the C band"), on up to 250 ships. MTN amended its Application on July 25,

1997, in order to provide additional requested information to the Commission with respect to MITN‘s

current and proposed operations. The Experimental Licensing Branch of the FCC subsequentiy

granted MTN‘s Application in part on November 21, 1997, authorizing MTN to continue operations

on 45 ships. However, the FCC did not grant MTN‘s request for authorization to increase the

number of ship terminals to 250 ships "because of an objection by the International Bureau" of the


        While MTN‘s application was pending before the Experimental Licensing Branch, on

November 20, 1997, the U.S. delegation to the 1997 World Radio Conference ("WRC") in Geneva

successfully moved to have primary allocation of SES operations in the C band placed on the WRC

agenda for 1999. As a result, MTN and other interested parties are expected to demonstrate the

technical feasibility and merits of the use the C band for SES transmissions, including data

establishing that SES operations do not cause harmful interference to terrestrial fixed microwave

services. In order to establish that terrestrial carriers will not be subject to harmful interference by

more widespread use of SESs, MTN requires expanded experimental authority to operate 250 ships.

MTN now files the instant Petition for Reconsideration of the Commission‘s partial grant of MTN‘s

Application requesting expansion of its authorization.


        MTN has conducted SES operations in conjunction with highly successful Navy maritime

communications programs for the last five years. MTN‘s provision of broadband shipboard satellite


service has both substantially enhanced the command and control capabilities of the U.S. Navy ships

utilizing SES equipment and augmented the morale and welfare of U.S. Navy personnel on SES—

equipped ships by permitting U.S. Navy personnel to call home. Continued authorization of SESs

has permitted the Navy to benefit from commercial off—the—shelf technology through the purchase

of service from a duly authorized commercial vendor, providing substantial savings to the U.S.

Department of Defense.

       MTN has demonstrated to the Commission in previous filings that there have been no reports

of harmful interference due to MTN‘s SES operations. MTN has undertaken the development and

utilization of innovative and effective frequency coordination procedures to establish its record of

non—interference. In addition, as MTN has previously represented to the Commission, MTN is

committed to working with the National Spectrum Management Association, as well as other

interested parties, to prevent interference to terrestrial microwave stations. MTN is also committed

to eliminating any harmful interference should MTN be notified that such conditions have occurred.

In light of the lack of reports of interference, and MTN‘s demonstrated commitment to eliminating

or resolving interference issues, MTN is highly confident that it will continue its operations without

any adverse effects to fixed service providers, pursuant to expanded experimental authority to

operate 250 SESs.

       Despite MTN‘s continued interference—free provision of SES services on 45 ships, such

operations are insufficient for MTN to create a more complete record of non—interference. The

establishment of such a record is particularly crucial in light of the 1999 WRC agenda, which will

formally consider whether SESs should be allocated primary status in the C band. In order for MTN

to demonstrate that it can continue to provide robust and full—featured SES services without causing


harmful interference when its shipboard systems are fully implemented, MTN must be able to

establish that it can operate additional SES terminals without causing interference with terrestrial

microwave systems. In addition, MTN‘s options for securing authority to test SES operations are

limited to obtaining experimental authority from the Office of Engineering and Technology, because

the Commission recently eliminated its rules for issuing developmental authority for satellite

communications under Part 25 of the FCC‘s Rules.‘

       To that end, MTN must operate a greater number of SES terminals than currently authorized,

and must obtain an expansion of its experimental authority in order to conduct its tests. Indeed,

given that MTN has operated and continues to operate 45 SES terminals successfully, the

Experimental Licensing Branch‘s partial grant contributes little to MTN‘s attempt to demonstrate

non—interfering SES operations on a wider scale.         Moreover, MTN understands from the

International Bureau that it will support the expansion of MTN‘s experimental authority from 45

ships to 250 ships in conjunction with approval of other related applications filed with the

International Bureau. Accordingly, MTN respectfully requests that the Commuission expand the

number of SES terminals MTN may operate to 250 ships to permit the establishment of a record for

the 1999 WRC agenda.

        !      See Streamlining the Commission‘s Rules and Regulations for Satellite
Application and Licensing Procedures, Report & Order, 11 FCC Red 21581 (1996), where the
FCC stated that "a developmental authorization appears tantamount to an experimental authority
issued by ... OET. . . . [A] better and more consistent policy would result by having a single
office handle all such requests." Id. at € 51.


           In light of MTN‘s interference—free record of SES operations, its full commitment to

eliminating any harmful interference, and its need to establish to a more complete record of non—

interference for the 1999 WRC, an increase in the number of authorized experimental SESs is

warranted. Such an increase will allow MTN to better demonstrate its ability to provide a useful and

needed service.      Accordingly, for the foregoing reasons, MTN respectfully requests that the

Experimental Licensing Branch of the FCC reconsider its decision to grant MTN‘s Application in

part, and to grant the instant Petition for Reconsideration to expand MTN‘s experimental authority

to allow operation of 250 SES terminals.

                                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                                      Maritime Telecommunications Network, Inc.

                                                 By: /hflm'% ]d'u.(.@? W
                                                     Helen E@)isenhaus          1
                                                     Nancy Killien Spooner
                                                     Tony S. Lee

                                                      Its Attorneys

Swidler & Berlin, Chartered
3000 K Street, N.W.
Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 424—7500

Dated: December fi, 1997


Document Created: 2001-10-03 10:21:45
Document Modified: 2001-10-03 10:21:45

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