Incoming generated [Apr 28, 2009]

0013-EX-TU-2009 Correspondence

M/A-COM, Inc.


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 Behnam Ghaffari

  Subject: FCC File No. 0013-EX-TU-2009

From: Chris Nierman []
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 11:46 AM
To: Behnam Ghaffari
Subject: RE: FCC File No. 0013-EX-TU-2009

Mr. Ghaffari,

Thanks for your response. I am available to speak anytime. If I am not in my office, you can reach me on my cell
phone at 703.447.5078.

I will lay out my issues and questions below and we can correspond via email as well.

On March 19, 2009, my client filed an application for consent to a pro forma transfer of control for two
experimental licenses held by M/A-COM, Inc. This was a part of a corporate reorganization of M/A-COM’s direct
and indirect parent companies. As we explained in the attachment to the application, M/A-COM’s indirect parent
company Tyco Electronics (NV), Inc. transferred M/A-COM’s stock to M/A-COM’s current direct parent company
Tyco Telecommunications (US), Inc. All of these companies are owned by Tyco Electronics Ltd, so the ultimate
ownership is not changed, and M/A-COM remains the licensee, so that has not changed.

You sent two emails on March 26, 2009 to M/A-COM with regard to the application. As an initial matter, and to
avoid confusion, I should note that the subject line of the emails identified “FCC File No. 0009-EX-TC-2009,”
which is not our file no. I assume this was simply an error and that your emails actually pertain to FCC File No.
003-EX-TU-2009. Please let me know. In any event, your emails ask whether any transfer of control applications
were or will be submitted to other FCC bureaus related to the transfer of control between Tyco
Telecommunications (US), Inc. and M/A-COM, Inc. As explained in Attachment 1 to the application, M/A-COM,
Inc. is currently the licensee of the subject experimental licenses and remains so after the pro forma transfer of
control from Tyco Electronics (NV), Inc. to Tyco
Telecommunications (US), Inc. Accordingly, there are technically no transfer of control applications between
Tyco Telecommunications (US), Inc. and
M/A-COM, Inc., only between Tyco Electronics (NV), Inc. and Tyco Telecommunications (US), Inc. for the
licenses owned by M/A-COM. The confusion probably stems from the fact that the OET ELS does not ask for
information regarding the Transferor and Transferee, but only the Licensee and Transferee. I was hoping that the
attachment would provide clarification.

To the extent, however, that you are asking whether there are other applications for M/A-COM, Inc. licenses that
are subject to this pro forma transfer of control, an application (File No. 0003778443) was submitted in ULS for
the pro forma transfer of control of 180 private wireless licenses. I hope this adequately responds to
your question.

Unfortunately, time is an issue here because this internal reorganization was done in part in preparation for the
sale of M/A-COM’s assets from Tyco to Harris Corporation, which will occur sometime this summer. So, once
these pro forma applications are resolved, we will turn around and file another application for consent to assign
these experimental licenses. How long do you believe it will take to complete the current pro forma application?
Are these applications put on public notice? Is there a way to combine the current application with the upcoming
application and take care of it all at once?

I know this is confusing and I apologize. Please let me know what I can do to expedite the process.

Many thanks,


Document Created: 2009-04-28 11:34:51
Document Modified: 2009-04-28 11:34:51

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