Lociva LTE Product Description

0629-EX-PL-2014 Text Documents



        LTE 4G
Mobile Network Solutions

        Confidential – For illustrative purposes only

Lociva company profile

§      Office in Haymarket, VA

§      Technology company

§      Trading since 2001, organic growth

§      Target markets: Enterprise, public-safety, military

§      Channels to market
           ─ Partner SIs, to access tier 1 operator markets
           ─ Direct to tier 2/3
           ─ Satellite companies, government SIs, test labs

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Target Market Sectors

§      Enterprise
           ─ Voice & data integration.
           ─ Commercial deployments, including with MNO roaming

§      Government/military
           ─ Standalone networks, tactical, vehicular, public safety
           ─ Existing US, UK, Canadian agency customers

§      Rural
           ─ Local switching, offload, backhaul optimization

§      Test labs

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EdgeCentrix 4G LTE

§      4G Network Core – at the edge
         § Standalone or distributed architecture
         § MME, SGW, PGS and HSS
         § Diameter for interconnect
         § VoLTE, CS Fallback (CSFB), SMS, Handover)
         § Intel, or ARM & MIPS64 CPUs (eg embedded on radio)
         § Add 2G and 3G if needed
§      Supported radios
         § 4G: Nokia, Ericsson, Huawei, Tektelic, Airspan, ip.access – others!
         § GSM: ip.access, Vanu
         § 3G UMTS: Commscope, ip.access, Ubiquisys/Cisco
§      Software licensing model
         § Available as OEM software components.
         § Customisation & product engineering services available

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EdgeCentrix 4G LTE Network Core

§      Small footprint EPC
           §    For vehicle, command post, campus, UAV or back-pack use.
           §    Integrated or co-located with eNodeBs
           §    Integrated MME, PGW, optional HSS for local standalone use
           §    Centralized HSS: DIAMETER, S1 HO, localized VoLTE suppor
           §    Localized data offload and mobility management
           §    Radio Agnostic
           §    Multiple Platform Support (Intel, ARM, Freescale etc)
§      Strategic roadmap:
           §    LTE SMS. Voice over LTE, LTE Relay, S1/X2 Handover
           §    Adhoc network node meshing (IP mobility)
           §    Support of Rel 12 PS features: Group Call, ProSE
           §    Focus on end-to-end security requirements
           §    Satellite backhaul optimization

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EdgeCentrix LTE 4G Network Core Architecture

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EdgeCentrix LTE 4G Capabilities

Integrated CN elements       LTE: MME/PGW/SGW, Multiple S1 interfaces
Supported eNodeB’s           LTE Macro eNodeB, 2 x 2 MIMO, 60W per sector
                             LTE Pico Cells, 2 x 2 MIMO, 1 to 5W per sector
                             6 LTE radio vendors supported
PS & HSDPA services          Integral PS core
                             LTE: DL >60MBps, UL >20MBps
Voice Services               LTE voice calls QCI 1 & 2 converted to SIP locally
Authentication and ciphering LTE authentication challenge modes. Standard AUTN, CK, IK and
                             AUTS support.
Roaming                      Optional support for Diameter
Custom Services              Multi-tasking, Subscriber database sharing, Mesh networking
Application Services         Video sharing, Situational Awareness, PTT, CUG’s
                             Mobile Device management, SIM OTA management
Hardware platforms           Small i86 ITX or ARM9 boards
                             Virtual Machine implementation
                             Rack-mount Multi-core HP ProLiant servers, depending on capacity
Management and provisioning SOAP XML, event server, whitelist server, geo-fencing support

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                                §   High Capacity - 600 simultaneous users
                                §   Large Coverage FootPrint (48 miles @ 1000ft)*
                                §   2 x 2 MIMO Radio - 150Mbps shared data per sector
                                §   Carrier Grade – reliable and dependable
                                §   Embedded ECX LTE Network Core
                                §   Voice over LTE, LTE SMS, MultiCast (IGMP), LTE
                                     Relay and Meshing
                                §   Optimized for Satellite Backhaul
                                §   Upgradeable to LTE Advanced >300Mbps shared
                                     data per sector
– Now 4U case
                                §   Built in Interference management
– 40lb lighter
– 60Mbps/20Mbps (REF-US Army)
– Optional LTE-Advanced
– Carrier Aggregation

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                        §   High Capacity up to 600 simultaneous users
                        §   Small Size – 14” x 10” x 4” – Rugged Packaging
                        §   Low Power Consumption (110W)
                        §   2 x 2 MIMO Radio – 2 x 5W per TRX
                        §   Carrier Grade – reliable and dependable
                        §   Embedded ECX LTE Network Core
                        §   Voice over LTE, LTE SMS, MultiCast (IGMP), LTE
                             Relay and Meshing
                        §   Optimized for Satellite Backhaul
                        §   Built in Interference management
                        §   Automatic Neighbor Cell Configuration

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                        §   Frequency Agile Radio – 700MHz to 3000MHz
                        §   Protocol Agile – supports 3G and 4G waveforms
                        §   Small Size – 5” x 4” (PCB)
                        §   Low Power Consumption (12W)
                        §   2 x 2 MIMO Radio – 10dBm power output
                        §   Optional Range Enhancement Modules
                        §   Embedded ECX LTE Network Core
                        §   Voice over LTE, LTE SMS, MultiCast (IGMP), LTE
                             Relay and Meshing
                        §   Optimized for Satellite Backhaul
                        §   Built in SON capabilities

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Advanced Features Multicast

§      IP Multicast Proxy Join
           § Each multicast group a UE joins, PGW joins on its behalf & distributes copies
              of packets to UEs as unicast packets
           § In-built multicast routing, inc UE to UE
           § Used in standalone & ‘out-roaming’ scenarios (own PGW, macro MME)
§      Roadmap: Migration to eMBMS

                                                              Group ‘Join’      Streaming

                                      MME          PGW                 Multicast packet

                                  Unicast packet

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Advanced Feature – Macro Mobility

§      Allows user to transparently move between standalone EPCs
           § Automatic inter-MME and inter-SGW/PGW handover, whilst UE active.
§      UE IP data session maintained with same apparent IP address
           § Allows end to end security (IPSec) to be maintained through handover
§      Example: Drone with camera downlinking to arbitrary vehicles

                                          Vehicle/Site A                            Eg.
                        Before handover                                         Surveillance
                                          MME     PGW      IP a.b.c.d
                        User changes                                    WAN
                            EPC           Vehicle/Site B
                                          MME     PGW      IP a.b.c.d
                         After handover

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Advanced Feature - Meshing

§      Standalone nodes/vehicles create adhoc mesh network
           § Auto network configuration based on node proximity detection
§      Flat architecture – auto synced HSS in each node
           § Each node has own EPC, eNodeB and integrated UE
§      Resources & backhaul shared amongst mesh
           § Standalone operation if node/vehicle is isolated
                                                         Vehicle B
Shared backhaul, eg
  MNO or satellite             Services    EPC
                                                        EPC      UE

     External                                      IP
     services                                     WAN

                                                                     Joining mesh
                                    EPC     UE

                                      Vehicle C                       EPC    UE

                                                                      Vehicle D

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EdgeCentrix LTE Small Cells

                        LTE Pico-Cell                   LTE Micro-Cell
                        2x 0.5W MIMO                    2x5W MIMO
                        16-active users                 600 -active users
                        70Mbps DL 30Mbps UL             150Mbps DL
                        Band 3, 13, 17 and 25           Band 1, 3, 7

                                                    LTE Pico-Cell
                              LTE Femto-Cell
                                                    2x5W MIMO
                              2x 50mW MIMO
                                                    Up to 356-active users
                              16-active users
                                                    225Mbps DL
                              70MBps DL 30Mbps UL
                                                    Band 12, 13, 14
                              Band 3

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EdgeCentrix LTE Macro Cells

  6U Form Factor, High Power, High Capacity

                                              Flexi Macro eNodeB
                                              Configuration: IP67 enclosure
                                              Capacity up to 2400 RAB’s per 3 sector radio
                                              LTE Throughput: 450Mbps DL
                                              LTE-Advanced: 900Mbps shared throughput DL
                                              TX Power: LTE up to 2 x 60W
                                              Range: up to 48km (link budget dependent)
                                              Size: 6U rack mount (min)
                                              Weight: 70lb+
                                              Frequencies: Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 12, 13, 14, 17, 25, 35 (others)
                                              Separate Server required for QX3 SoftCore
                                              High Capacity System Module with Embedded EPC

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SDR LTE System - 5020

   Frequency Agile LTE enodeb module - Q1 2014
   • Operates over a wide frequency range and
     modulation bandwidths – 700MHz – 2700MHz
   • FPGA based (Xilinx)
   • Power consumption <9W
   • Dimensions: 110mm x 75mm (4.3” x 3”)
   • Integrated EdgeCentrix LTE 4G Softcore

                                    IFEM Image
   Optional Wideband IFE (Integrated Front End)
   • 5W average power
   • 6.5” x 4.5”
   • Custom options allow multiple band support

For Official Use Only              Slide 5       © Deltenna Limited, 2011 – Proprietary and Confidential

                          nano3G is an end-to-end                                 nano3G      is an Access
                                                                                     The nano3G™      end-to-end
                                                                                                             Points                     The nano3G™ Access Points
                          turnkey solution with all the                           turnkey solution with all the
                          components needed for                                   components         needed
                                                                                     Easy to deploy coverage    for
                                                                                                             from                   EasyThe     E classcoverage
                                                                                                                                            to deploy    picocell from                          The E class picocell
                                                                                     enterprise to home                             enterprise to home
                          a successful deployment.                                a successful       deployment.                          A rugged enterprise picocell for demanding A rugged enterprise picocell for demanding
                                                                                       nano3G offers a range of Access Points       nano3Gdeployments       in large
                                                                                                                                               offers a range         and complex
                                                                                                                                                                  of Access    Points buildings.deployments in large and complex buildings.
                                                                                       designed to meet the varying needs of different
                                                                                                                                    designed to meet the varying needs of different
                     EdgeCentrix UMTS 3G Radios                                        targeted deployments. All Access Points offer:
                                                                                       – HSPA download speeds of 7.2Mbps            – HSPA
                                                                                                                                          With their metal case and Power over Ethernet,
                                                                                                                                    targeted deployments. All Access Points offer:
                                                                                                                                          E class picocells work in a wide range of difficult
                                                                                                                                          locations,  suchspeeds
                                                                                                                                               download       as unventilated
                                                                                                                                                                                                With their metal case and Power over Ethernet,
                                                                                                                                                                                                E class picocells work in a wide range of difficult
                                                                                                                                                                                 roof spaces orlocations, such as unventilated roof spaces or
                                                                                                                                                                        of 7.2Mbps
                                                                                          for excellent data performance               forhigh  up ondata
                                                                                                                                           excellent    walls.   The full +24 dBm (250mW)high up on walls. The full +24 dBm (250mW)
                                                                                                                                          output power gives the E class picocell the output power gives the E class picocell the
                                                                                       – Support for both open and closed           – Support for both open and closed
                                                                                                                                          range to cover medium and large office                range to cover medium and large office
                                                                                          access modes                                 access modes
                                                                                                                                          buildings, and for the largest deployments thebuildings, and for the largest deployments the
                                                                                       – Bi-directional handover with the macro           E class can handover
                                                                                                                                    – Bi-directional     connect directly
                                                                                                                                                                      with theinto an active DAS
                                                                                                                                                                                macro           E class can connect directly into an active DAS
                                                                                          network and with other APs                      system.
                                                                                                                                       network       The
                                                                                                                                                   and    flexibility
                                                                                                                                                       with           is further enhanced by system. The flexibility is further enhanced by
                                                                                                                                                              other APs
                                                                                                                                          the high precision oscillator, giving fast start up   the high precision oscillator, giving fast start up
                                                                                       – Full cell identity – smooth operation with – Fullin cell
                                                                                                                                                    where–no  smooth
                                                                                                                                                                 macrooperation     withpenetrate.
                                                                                                                                                                          network can           in areas where no macro network can penetrate.
                                                                                          the macro network                            the macro network
                                                                                                                                          The E8 model supports up to 8 simultaneousThe E8 model supports up to 8 simultaneous
                                                                                       – Active management, full KPIs               – Active
                                                                                                                                                   users (each withfull KPIs
                                                                                                                                                                        concurrent voice and active users (each with concurrent voice and
                                                                                                                                          high-speed data sessions) and is available forhigh-speed data sessions) and is available for
                                                                                       The S class office femtocell                 The Bands
                                                                                                                                          S class1office
                                                                                                                                                     and 4.femtocell                            Bands 1 and 4.
                                                                                                                                             – Integrated
                                                                                       A lightweight femtocell ideal for small offices, A lightweight      Powerideal
                                                                                                                                                      femtocell   overfor
                                                                                                                                                                       Ethernet  – for simpler
                                                                                                                                                                          small offices,    – Integrated Power over Ethernet – for simpler
                                                                                       shops and homes.                                        site cabling
                                                                                                                                        shops and   homes.                                     site cabling
                                                                                                                                           – Removable
                                                                                       The small free standing from factor and low The small               antennas
                                                                                                                                                 free standing   from with  SMA
                                                                                                                                                                       factor  andconnectors
                                                                                                                                                                                     low      –   Removable antennas with SMA connectors
                                                                                       power consumption make it easy for the end power for      connectionmake
                                                                                                                                              consumption     to DASit easy for the end           for connection to DAS
                                                                                       customer to plug in for themselves (just like acustomer   to plug in foroscillator
                                                                                                                                           – High-precision     themselves– for(just like a
                                                                                                                                                                                              –   High-precision oscillator – for picocell-class
                                                                                       consumer femtocell). But unlike most consumer  consumer    femtocell). But  unlike most
                                                                                                                                              synchronisation and fast start-up   consumer        synchronisation and fast start-up
                                                                                                  the S class office femtocell can work
                                                                                                                                      femtocells the S class office femtocell can work
                                                                                       in open access mode so most customers in in open access mode so most customers in
                                                                                       the office or shop can get the benefit of      the office or shop can get the benefit of
                                                                                       improved coverage and fast data speeds. improved coverage and fast data speeds.
                             Ipaccess Oyster
                                                                                      The Ipaccess
                                                                                           S8 model supports
                                                                                                      S8       up to 8 simultaneousThe S8 model   supports up to 8 simultaneous
                                                                                                                                               DBX4                                                     DBX16
                          4 CHAN, HSDPA, 7dBm                                            
                                                                                    8 CHAN,
                                                                                      active  HSD/UPA,
                                                                                             users        7dBm
                                                                                                   (each with                          4 CHAN,
                                                                                                              concurrent voice and active        HSD/UPA,
                                                                                                                                          users (each        15dBm voice and
                                                                                                                                                      with concurrent                          16 CHAN, HSD/UPA, 24dBm
                                                                                      high-speed data sessions) and is available forhigh-speed data sessions) and is available for
                                                                                      Bands 1, 2/5 and 4.                          Bands 1, 2/5 and 4.
DUCT                                                                                   – Plug and play customer installation – quick– Plug and play customer installation – quick
                                                                                           low cost deployment                        low cost deployment
                                                                                       –  Output power optimised for localised         – Output power optimised for localised
                                                                                           deployments – simplifies cell planning         deployments – simplifies cell planning
                                                                                       – Standard DC power supply – easy for            – Standard DC power supply – easy for
                                                                                         customers to connect                             customers to connect


                      OneBase™Commscope NodeB Q1/12

                                                                                                                               Ubiquisys FC17XX                                                    Ruggedized Ubiquisys Q1/12
                      Pico Node80CS,   15PS Networks
                                B for UMTS  CHAN, HSD/UPA     5W with
                                                     IP Transmission   PA
                                                                     Version                                               16 CHAN, HSD/UPA, 250mW                                                   16 CHANHSD/UPA 1W

ete single-carrier    Andrew
                     For          Corporation
                            Official    UseoffersOnlyOneBase™
                                                               ,   One BASE fits in a wide variety of indoor
                      the first 3G base station designed for       applications. With its light weight and
 wireless base        indoor pico environments and the ideal       small size, this pico base station can be
hat fits a wide       solution for office environments and         easily mounted on a wall in an office,
                      other hot spots.                             hotel, or shopping mall. You can use the
f indoor                                                           internal antenna or use external antennas
ons                   This pico base station is powerful enough    to tailor the coverage characteristics.

Document Created: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document Modified: 0000-00-00 00:00:00

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