Incoming generated [Apr 8 2014]

0228-EX-PL-2014 Correspondence

LightSquared Subsidiary LLC, Debtor-in-Possession


From: Serge Nguyen

To: Behnam Ghaffari
Date: April 08, 2014

Subject: FCC File No. 0228-EX-PL-2014

LightSquared Subsidiary LLC Supplement in Response to Correspondence Reference # 23393 (March
31, 2014)

Additional Information with respect to the Satellite:

1.      Satellite coverage (Narrow Beam(NB) or Earth Coverage(EC)). The satellite would utilize narrow
spot beams.

2.        Receive antenna gain. The average satellite receive antenna gain would be approximately 47

Additional Information with respect to Transceiver Ground-Station Antennas:

1.     Transmit antenna gain (dbi). The average transmit antenna gain of the relevant Access
Terminals would be:

•    Qualcomm Units:                 0 dBi
•    AnyData Units: 0 dBi
•    BandRich Units:0 dBi

2.      Beamwidth of transmit antenna at the half-power points. N/A. The relevant antennas are

3.        Transmit antenna azimuth. N/A. The relevant antennas are omnidirectional.

4.       Elevation of transmit antenna MSL (in meters). The proposed operations involve transmissions
by mobile terminals, which would operate in moving vehicles and at various fixed locations (e.g., on a
desk). No specific routes or locations have been defined at this stage. The elevation of each transmitting
antenna above MSL would vary by location and cannot be specified at this time. LightSquared reiterates
that the proposed operations are consistent with those conducted previously, and without incident, by
LightSquared under Call Sign WF2XSA.

5.      Elevation of transmit antenna AGL (in meters). The elevation of each transmitting antenna AGL
would range from 0.1 meter to 50 meters.

Document Created: 2014-04-08 16:25:32
Document Modified: 2014-04-08 16:25:32

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