Exhibit 1

0849-EX-CN-2017 Text Documents

Leidos, Inc.


                                                                                     Exhibit 1

                                   PUBLIC INTEREST STATEMENT

       By the instant application ("Application"), Leidos, Inc. ("Leidos") requests that the Commission
grant a 2 year conventional experimental license ("License) to permit Leidos to operate the facilities
specified in the instant application.

1.     Purpose of Operation

        Leidos wishes to test functionality and evaluate the performance ofthe ViaSat VR—18
SATCOM terminal that is installed on Leidos‘ de Havilland dash—8 aircraft. The proposed operation
will be used to test the VMT— 18 V iaSat mobile aircraft mounted SATCOM antenna for system
reliability and performance within the following KU band frequency range: (14,000 — 14,500 MHZ
uplink (transmit).     The License is requested for the transmit frequencies that will fall within the KU
band range, but are dynamically assigned by ViaSat.

       This License (which will serve as a continuation of the operations previously authorized under
STA — call sign WLIXHC) will support Leidos‘ integration, testing and fielding the VMT—18 into
multiple aircraft that are directly supporting DOD intelligence operations worldwide. These systems
are capable of transmitting at a maximum of 20 Watts ERP from a directionally steerable parabolic
antenna on the aircraft. Leidos‘ primary use for this experiment will be for i.p. data transport over
satellite. The intended purpose of this experiment is to prove operability and performance, pursuant to
government contract requirements.

       Waiver of the Station ID rules set forth at Section 5.115 is respectfully requested.

       The applicable government contract information is as follows;

       Customer/Agene       SOCOM
       y: Contract No.:     WI 5P7T—10—D—D420/0007
       Contract POC:        Dave Tattoli CIV USARMY PEO
                            IEWS M3 MAISR & Foxhound
                            PdM MARSS/ PM SAI
                            Comm:443—861 —1937; BB:443—910—7191
                            david.m.tattoli. civ@mail.mil

Airborne_ Transmissions

Mobile airborne transmissions conducted within a flight pattern centered on the test area center
point at 38°40‘04"N 121°24‘02"W, with the furthest waypoints lying on a radius of 200km about
the center point. The maximum flight ceiling planned is 5486.4m (18,000 feet) above ground
level (AGL) (range will be from 14,000— 18,000 ft. AGL). Ground elevation above sea level at
the center point coordinates is 23.4 m at this location. The nearest airport to the center point
coordinates is McClellan Air Force Base in Sacramento Ca within 1 km from the center point

Other technical information

      A. Emission:
              a.   10MOGIW (return link)

       B. Direction of Emission:
             a. Groundbased:
                     1. Multiple satellites arepossible forutilization so direction cannotbe

              b. Airborne:
                     i. Variable, but generally a Southerly Direction.
                            1. Depending on elevation and direction oftravel.

       C. Feed Power and off—axis emission:
             a. Feed Powers will be limited to comply with criteria per 25.222

       D. Aeronautical Antennas:
              a. TX gain 45.6 dB

Prevention of interference

Leidos is well aware of its obligations under Part 5 ofthe Commission‘s rules to avoid
interference. During testing, PSD shall not exceed limits specified in 25.222.

The (relatively) small antennas required for aeronautical applications have wide beam—widths.
This poses interference concerns to adjacent satellites. ViaSat utilizes spread spectrum
techniques to lower the power spectral density to acceptable interference levels. The spread
spectrum modulation combined with tracking antennas and transmission suppression techniques
for off pointed conditions are imperative to interference mitigation.

Testing shall be coordinated with the satellite operator. A control point operator will establish
telephone communications with the satellite operator prior to any illumination of the satellite.
The control point operator will maintain positive control of all transmissions and will cease
transmission immediately upon request of the satellite operator or on request of the adjacent
satellite operators.

 Stop buzzer contact:     Jay Mollet: Mobile 540—560—2745

Document Created: 2018-12-18 09:53:24
Document Modified: 2018-12-18 09:53:24

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