Exhibit 1

0120-EX-PL-1999 Text Documents



                                      LandSea Systems, Inc.

        Exhibit 1

        LandSea Systems, Inc. has the following equipment for demonstration purposes:

                    TT—3020B   Inmarsat C
ea on oa 2k ca Ua

                    TT—3060A   Inmarsat Mini—M
                    TT—3064A   Maritime Inmarsat Mini—M
                    TT—3062D   Vehicular Inmarsat Mini—M
                    TT—3024A   Aeronautical Inmarsat C
                    TT—3022C   Landmobile Inmarsat C

       See attached specification sheets for exact data (i.e. frequency, EIRP, channel
      spacing, etc.).


 Thrane & Thrane

                                        Terminal Interface: CCITT Rec          Wind: Up to 200 km/h
     Characteristics                    V24/28 110—9600 Baud IA—5 code,        Vibration Operational: Random
                                        DB—9F connector                        5—20 Hz 0.008 g‘fHz, 20—150 Hz —
                                        Printer Interface: Standard parallel   3dB/Oct. (0.5g rms}
                                        Centronics, DB—25F connector           Vibration Survival: Random 5—20
General Specifications: Mcets or
exceeds current and proposed            Data Bus & Alarm Interface:            Hz 0.05 g/Hz, 20—150 Hz —3dB/Oct
INMARSAT specifications and             CCTTT Rec. V.10 special with multi—    (L7g rms).
GMDSS requirements.                     drop addressing, female BNC, max       Shock: Half sine, 20g11 ms.
Maritime Antenna: Inmarsat—             100 meter cable                        Antenna Mounting: Standard 1,5"
C/GPS omnidirectional antenna           Solid—Sate Storage: 256 kbyte RAM      tube mount
RHC polarised, GT —23dB/K,              memory.                                Electronics Unit Mounting: Flange
EIRP 14 dBW at 8° elevation             System Set—up: EEPROM program—         mounting, vertical or horizontal
Coverage +90° to —15°.                  ming from operator terminal.           Dimension: Electronics Unit
Other Antennas: Please refer to         Power Source: 10.5—33V floating de     HxWxD, 52 ram x 214 mm x 279 mm,
dedicated leaflets                      9.5/80W RxTx                           Anterna Unit HxD 124 mmx 180 mm.
Operating Frequencies:                  Ambient temperature: Electronics       Weight: Electronics Unit 3.2 kg,
Receive 1530.0—1545.0 MHz,              Unit, —25°C to 55°C operating,         Antenna Unit 0.75 kg.
Transmit 1626.5—1646.5 MHz.             ~40°C to 80°C storage. Antenna
GPS 1575.42 MHz.                        Unit, —35°C to 55°C operating,
Channel Spacing: 5 kHz.                 —40°C to 80°C storage.
Modulation: 1200 symbols/sec            Solar Radiation: 1200 Wim‘ max.
                                                                               M Our products are under continu—
BPSK.                                   flux density.
                                                                               ous research and development.
Data Rate: 600 bitsec.                  Relative humidity: 95% non—con—        Any information may therefore be
Antenna Interface: Standard 50          densing at 40°C.                       changed without prior notice.
ohm female N (transceiver), female      Precipitation: Up to 10 em/hour,       Capeatis a registered trademark of
TNC (antenna).                          droplet size 0.5 to 4.5 mm.
                                                                               Thrane & Thrane A/S


                 [ss5votttot        Capeat
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                                                                     LandSea Systems, Inc.
                                                                 849 Seahawk Circle, Suite 103
                                                                      Virginia Beach, VA 23452
                                                            Tal: 757—468—0448/Fax: 757—468—0625

                                                    TT— 3060A

 Thrane & Thrane

                                      Data Interface: Serial EIA standard      m Our products are under continuous
      Characteristics                 RS—232E, Hayes compatible, max           research and development
                                      19.2 kbps, DB—9 female connector         Any information may therefore be
                                      Printer Interface: Serial ElA standard   changed without prior notice
                                      RS—232E, max. 19.2 kbps, DB—9
General Specifications: Inmarsa—      female connector
phone spot—beam operation             SIM Card: GSM like operation,
Meets or exceeds current and          ISO—T816.
proposed specifications.              Power Supply: $—18Vde, typical
Antenna: Directional RHCP Patch       370mW listen mode, SW talk mode
Array with +/— 15 deg. beamn width.   and 20W in fax/data mode.
G/T: —17 dB/K minimum                 Solar Panel Interface:
EIRP: 11—17 dBW in 2 dB steps         15—25V de imput.
Antenna Cable: SMESMB male,           Battery Capacity: Typical listen time
max, cable loss 10 dB at —Band,       48 hours, talk time typical
1.8 ohm at DC                         150 min. and fax/data time 50 min.
Operating Frequencies:                Standard AC Adapter:
Receive 1525.0—1559.0 MHz,            90—265 Vac, 40—10 Hz, 5 W,
Transmit 1626,5—1860.5 MHz.           charge time 5—6 hours.
Channel Spacing: 1.25 kHz             Optional AC Adapter:
Rx—Modulation: 5.6 kops O—OPSK        90—265 Vac, 40—70 Hz, 15 W
SCPC (voice/fax/data),                charge time 2 hours
6 kbps BPSK TDM.                      Ambient temperature:
Tx Modulation: 5.6 kbps O—OPSK        —25°C to 55°C operating,
SCPC (voice/fax/data),                —40°C to 80°C storage.
3 kbps BPSK TDMA.                     Relative humidity:
Voice: 4.8 kbps AMBE                  95% non—condensing at 40°C.
3.6 kops voice, 1.2 kbps FEC          Vibration Survival:
Async. Data Rate: Max. 2.4 kops       Random 5—20 Hz 0.05 gHe,
Phone Interface: 2—wire 600 ohm       20—150 Hz —3dB/Oct, (1.7g rms).
CCITT Rec. G.473, standard DTMF       Shock: Halfsine, 20g/l1 ms.
telephones, RJ—1 1 jack.              Dimensions and Weight:
Fax Interface: 2—wire 600 chm CCNT    H x W x D, 52 mm x 270 mm x
Rec. G.473, T.30 Group—Ill Fax,       200 mm., 2.2 kg (incl. handset,          Capeat is a registered trademark of
max, 2.4 kbps, RJ—L1 jack.            battery pack and antenna)                Thrane & Thrane A/S, Denmark

                                                                                                                     nton M Jensen 03/98

                                                                        LandSea Systems, Inc.
                                                                       849 Seahawk Circle, Suite 103
                                                                   .     Virginia Beach, VA 23452
                                                               Tol— 727—468—0448/Fax: 757—468—0625

                                         Phone Interface: 2—wire 600 ohm             Spray (EME): Solid droplets from any
       Characteristics                   CCITT Rec. G.473, standard DTMF             direction
                                         telephones, RJ—1 1 jack.                    Icing (EME): Up to 25 mm of ice
                                         Fax Interface: 2—wire 600 ohm CCITT         {no operation}.
General Specifications: Inmarsat         Rec. G.473, T.30 Group—Il1 Fax, max         Precipitation (EME): Up to 100 mm/
Phone spot—beam operation. Meets or      2.4 kbps, RJ—11 jack.                       hour.
exceeds current and proposed             Data Interface: Serial ElA standard         Wind (EME): 100 knots (normal
specifications.                          RS—232E, Hayes compatible, max.             operation}.
Antenna: Sensor stabilised platform      19.2 kbps, DB—9 female connector.           Vibration (EME): 4—10 Hz 2.54 mm,
with directional RHCP Antenna.           Printer Interface: Serial ElA standard      10—15 Hz 0.76 mm, 15—25 Hz 0.40 mm,
No cable unwrap. Maximum pointing        RS—232E, max. 19.2 kbps. DB—9               25—33 Hz 0.23 mm.
error +/—10 deg.                         female connector.                           Shock: Half sine, 20g/1 1 ms.
Ship Motions: Roll +/—25 deg, Pitch      Hands free Microphone: #2.5 mm
+/—15 deg. Yaw +/—8 deg, surge 0.29,     connector.                                  Dimensions and Weight:
Sway +/—0.2g, Heave +/—0.5q. Turning     Hands free Speaker: 32 Ohm. 23.5            Electroni¢s Unit (TT—3034B): H x W x D,
rate +/—12 deg/s 1 deg/sq—2, Headway     mm connector                                25 mm x 268 mm x 211 mm., 1.3 kg.
30 knots.                                Iqnition Controlled Power On: Opto—
G/T: —17 dB/K minimum.                   isolated input. PTR screw connector.        Maritime Stabilised Antenna
EIRP: 8—14 dBW in 2 dB steps.            External Ringer: RS410—type—N open          (TT—3007C): O x H, 210 mm x 240 mm,
Antenna Cable: TNC/TNC female,           collector output. PTR screw                 2.2 kg. incl. FEU and connector.
max. cable loss 15 dB at L—Band,         connector.
1.8 ohm at DC.                           Mute Output: RS410—type—N open              Cradle for the handset (TT—3622A):
Operating Frequencies:                   collector output. PTR screw                 Hx W x D, 160 mm x 61 mm x 27 mm,
Receive 1525.0—1559.0 MHz,               connector.                                  0.15 kg.
Transmit 1626.5—1660.5 MHz.              SIM Card: GSM like operation, ISO—
Channel Spacing: 1.25 kHz.               1816.                                       Handset (TT—3620B): H x W x D,
Rx—Modulation: 5.6 kbps O—QPSK           Power Consumption: Tx mode 40w              200 mm x 52 mm x 33 mm, 0.25 kg.
SCPC (voice/fax/data), 6 kbps BPSK       (typ) RX mode: 20w (typ), Maximum:
TDM.                                     TOW.                                        M Our products are under continu—
Tx Modulation: 5.6 kops O—QPSK           Power Supply: 10.5—32 Vde floating.         ous research and development.
SCPC (voice/fax/data), 3 kbps BPSK       Ambient temperature: —25°C to 50°C          Any information may therefore be
TDMA.                                    operating, —40°C to 80°C storage.           changed without prior notice.
Voice: 4.8 kbps AMBE (3.6 kbps           Relative humidity: 95% non—
voice}, 1.2 kbps FEC.                    condensing at 40°C.                         Capsat is a registered trademark of
Async. Data Rate: Max. 2.4 kbps.                                                     Thrane & Thrane A/S, Denmark

                                         Operators Handse!                                         Maritime Stabrized Anterna

                                                                               Dota Equpment
             Hule Output ——
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                                         External Speaker


             Thrane A/S
             jen 23
         860 Seborg                                                     LandSea Systems, Inc.
                                                                       849 Seahawk Circle, Suite 103
                                                                        Virginia Beach, VA 23452
                                                                 Tel: 757—468—0448/Fax: 757—468—0625


                                           Phone Interface: 2—wire 600               Rain(EME): Up to 50mm/hour
      Characteristics                      hm CCTMT Rec, G.473, standard
                                           DTMF telephones, RJ—1 1 jack
                                                                                     Wind(EME): 200 kmvh relative
                                                                                     wind speed (no operation)
                                           Fax Interface: 2—wire 600 ohm             Vibration: Random 5—20 Hz
General Specifications:                    CCHT Rec. G.473, T.30 Group—              0.02g@/Hz, 20—150 Hz —3dB/Oct
Inmarsat—phone spot—beam                   l Fax. , max. 2.4 kops, RJ—1 1            (1.05g rms).
operation. Meets or exceeds                jack                                      Shock: Half sine, 20g/l Ims
current and proposed                       Data Interface: Serial EIA                (survival)
specifications.                            standard RS—232E, Hayes                   Dimensions & Weight:
Antenna: Azimuth stabilised                compatible, max. 19.2 kbps, DB—           TT—3034G Electronics Unit:
antenna, manually selectable directional   9 femals connector.                       HxWxD, 28mm x 268mm x
RHPC patch or helix antenna.               Printer Interface: Serial EIA             211mm. 1.3 Kg.
Coverage:                                  standard RS—232E, max. 19.2               TT—3007F Low Profile Antenna:
Patch:       32 to 67°                     kbps, DB—9 female connector               HxD, 20mm x 2685mm. 2.7 Kg.
Helic:       15 to 41°                     Hands—free Microphone:                    TT—3622A Handset Cradle:
Vehicle Motions: Induced                   #2.5 mm connector                         HxWxD, 160mm x 61mm x 27 mm.
acceleration 0.5g, Velocity 110            Hands—free Speaker: 8 Ohm.                0.15 Kg.
kanh, Turning rate 60%,                    ©3.5 mm connector.                        TT—3620B Handset :
Turning acceleration 20%.                  Ignition Input: Isolated input            HxWxD, 200mm x 52 mm x 33mm.
G/T; —17 dBK minimum.                      PTR screw connector.                      0.25 Kg.
EIRP: 8—14 dBW in 2 dB steps.              Extra Ringer: RS—410—type—N               EMC: ETSI 300339 (mobile
Antenna Cable: TNC male /                  open collector output. PTR screw          equipment).
2.5 meter.                                 connecior.
Max. cable loss 7.5 dB at I—Band,          Mute Output: RS—410—type—N                l Our products are under continuous
1.8 Ohm at DC.                             open collector output. PTR screw          research and development. Any
Operating Frequencies:                     connector.                                information may therefore be
Receive 1525.0—1550.0 MHz,                 Sim Card: GSM like operation,                      without prior notice.
Transmit 1626.5—1660.5 MHz.                180—7816.
Channel Spacing: 1.25 kHiz.                Power Supply: 10.5—32 Vde                 Capeat is a registered trademark of
Rx—Modulation: 5.6 kops O—                 floating                                  Thrane & Thrane AS, Denmark
QPSK SCPC (voice/fax/data), 6              Ambient Temperature: —25°
kbps BPSK TDM.                             to 55° operating. —40° to 80°
Tx Modulation: 5.6 kbps O—                 storage.
OPSK SCPC (voice/fax/data), 3              Relative Humidity: 95% non—
kbps BPSK TDMA.                            condensing at 40°C.
Voice: 4.8 kbps AMBE (3.6                  Spray (EME): Solid droplets
kbps voice, 1.2 kbps FEC.                  from any direction.
Async. Data Rate: Max. 2.4                 Icing(EME): Up to 25mim ice
kbps.                                      (no operation).

                                     TT—3062D Capsat® Compact Carphone
                                                                                                     Vabioutr Bubiood Antoune



                                                                                  LandSea Systems, Inc.
                                                                                  849 Seahawk Circle, Suite 103
                                                                                     Virginia Beach, VA 23452
                                                                              Tel: 757—468—0448/Fax: 757—468—0625


  Thrane & Thrane

                                          Position accuracy: C/A code with 96      Ambient temperature: Electronics
     Characteristics                      meter spherical error probabilty         Assy,—20°C to 55°C operational.
                                          (SEP—SPS).                               LNA/MPA Assy and Jet Blade antenna,
                                          Initial stabilisation: 15 min. max       +55°C to 70°C operational.
General Specifications: Meets or          doppler shif correction and GPS          Relative humidity: Electronics Assy
exceeds all Inmarsat specifications for   almanac update.                          and LN/PA, 95% non—condensing.
the Inmarsat—C aero system and all
                                          Solid—State storage: 256 koyte RAM       Vibration: DO—160C sect. 8 cat.
relevant GPS specifications.
                                          memory                                   B, M, N for fixed wing turboprop and
Antenna: Integrated Inmarsat—C/GPS
omnidirectional antenna, RHC              On—board message/data interface:
polarised.                                RS422423, 110—9600 bps and               Shock and Crash safety: DO—160C
                                          Centronics paraliel.                     sect. T
Figure—of—Merit (GT): —23dB/K at                                                   DC power source: Floating 10.5—
5* elevation.                             Navigational interface: RS422423
                                          V.10 Special for interface to on—board   32Vde, 9.5W Rx, OW Tx.
EIRP: 12dBW minimum at 5¢ elevation.
                                          navigational systems.                    Size and weight: Vertica! Jet Blade
Tranamit Freq: 1626.5—1646.5 MHz                                                   antenna with standard flange
                                          Roll & Pitch: Minimum +/ 25from
Receive Preq: Inm—C 1530.0—1545.0         levelfight                               mounting, HxLacW: 114x274x98 mm,
MHz, GPS 1575.42 MHz                                                               0.15 kgLNAMPA Assy, Walad
                                          Altitude: MSL—55,000 feet.
Channel spacing: 5 kHz                                                             161.0x213.9149.6 mm, 2.3 kg.
                                          Airspeed: Full doppler compensation
Modulation: 1200 symbols/sec. BPSK.                                                Electronics Assy, ARINC 404 14 sized
                                          to minimum 620 knots GS.                 short, WilatH 57.15x320.5x207.6 mm,
Ambiguity resctution: Unique word.
                                          Airspeed acceleration:                   25 1g.
Coding: R 1/2 K=T convolutional code,     Minimum +/— 1 g.
interleaved code symbols RX.
                                          ‘Turn rates: Frequency aquisition to
Data Rate: 600 bits/second.               rate—| turns at max. speed.
RX frame length: 8.64 sec.                Antenna drag: 0.55 kg @ 35.000 feet
TX signalling access mode: Slofted        and MACH 0.05.
ALOHA.                                    General Env.Category:                    Our products are under continuous
TX message channel: TDMA & FDMA.          ElectrAssy, DO—160C                      research and
interleaved code symbol.                  D1—BA(MNBJICCCCOCAAAAAUAIGOL             Any information may therefore be
Position reporting:                       LNA/MPA Assy, DO—160C
Bullt—in 5—channel GPS receiver with      D2—BBCIOOCOOIAAAAAVAIOCC
LatLong/AM/Speed/Track calculation,       Jet Blade antenna, DO—160C               Capsat is a registrated name of
update rate 1 sec.                        D2—ACCKSFDFXSI00CCOCK(LM)                Thrane & Thrane.

  Thrane & Thrane A/S
  Tobaksvejen 23
  DK—2860 Soborq                                             LandSea Systems, Inc.
                                                         849 Seahawk Circle, Suite 103
                                                           Virginia Beach, VA 23452
                                                                                                                          sns on

  oSA RcIE—DEn                                      Tel: 757—468—0448/Fax: 757—468—0625°
  Fax + 45 31 56 21 40

                                          IEEE 1284 (Centronics), DB—25F           Solar Radiation: 1200 Wi/m? max, flux
      Characteristics                     connector.                               density.
                                          Data & GPS 1/0: Serial ElA—422—A         Relative humidity: 95% non—con—
                                          optically isolated input (NMEA 0183      densing at 40°C.
General Specifications: Meets or          protocol), DB—15F                        Precipitation: Up to 10 em/hour,
exceeds current and proposed              Parallel 1/O: RS—410 4—bit open          droplet size 0.5 to 4.5 mm.
INMARSAT specifications and ISO           collector input/output and 2—bit input   Wind: Up to 200 lan/h
T637 — 0, 1 & 2 for lectrical distur—     ArcNet Interface: ATA/ANSI 878. 1
bances for Road Vehicles.                                                          Vibration Operational: Random 5—
                                          2.5Mbit token based, twisted pair.       20 Hz 0.005 g¥/Hz, 20—150 Hz —
Land—Mobile Antenna: Inmarsat—            Solid—State Storage: 512 kbyte Flash     3dB/Oct. (0.5q rms).
C/GPS omnidirectional antenna. RHC        and 256 kbyte SRAM.
polarised, C/T —230B/K, EIRP 14 dBW                                                Vibration Survival: Random 5—20 Hz
at 5‘ elevation. Coverage +90‘to —15".    Optional GPS Module: 8—Channel           0.05 g*/Hz, 20—150 Hz —3dB/Oct. (1.79
                                          GPS tamper proof po—board, 1 sec.        rms).
Other Antennas: Please refer to de—       update rate, 15m RMS accuracy
dicated leaflets,                                                                  Shock: Half sine, 20g/11 ms.
                                         (100m with S/A), 0.2m RMS velocity        Antenna Mounting: Flush mounting.
Operating Frequencies: Receive           accuracy.
1525.0—1559.0 MHz, Transmit 1626.5—                                                Electronics Unit Mounting: Flange
                                         Power Source: 10—32V floating de          mounting, vertical or horizontal.
1660.5 MHz. GPS 1575.42 MHz.             4.8/81W Rx/Tx with GPS module.
Channel Spacing: 1.25/2.5/5 kHz.                                                   Dimension: Electronics Unit HxWxD,
                                         Power Output: Floating 9V/400mA dc        S0 mm x 180 mm x 165 mm, Antenna
Modulation: 1200 symbols/sec.            outputfor terminal equipment.
BPSK.                                                                              Unit HxD 124 mm x 150 mm. >
                                         Sleep—Mode: Timer and event pro—          Weight: Electronics Unit 1.3 kg,
Data Rate: 600 bit/sec.                  grammable modes;total system              Antenna Unit 0.75 kg.
Antenna Interface: Standard 50 ohm       power consumption 1.14W/l8min,
female TNC (transceiver), female         STOmW/3Omin, 280mW7/th,                   i8 Our products are undercontinuous
‘TNC (antenna).                          140mW/2h, 6OmW/Sh, 3OmW7/10h.             research and development.
Terminal Interface: Serial EIA—232—E     Ambient temperature: Electronics          Any information may therefore be changed
110—38.400 Baud IA—5 code, DB—IF         Unit, —25°C to §5°C operating, —40°C to
connector.                               80°C storage. Antenna Unit, —35°C to      Capsatis a registered trademark of
Printer Interface: Standard parallel     55°C operating, —40°C to 80°C storage.    Thrane & Thrane A/S

                                                                                                                   se 67 %0

 Thrane & Thrane S
 Tobaksvejen 23
 DK—2860 Sgborg

 oc                                                                 LandSea Systems, Inc.
                                                                   849 Seahawk Circle, Suite 103
                                                                      Virginia Beach, VA 23452
 Phone +45 39 55 88 00                                         Tel: 757—468—0448/Fax: 757—468—0625

Document Created: 2001-08-26 09:54:08
Document Modified: 2001-08-26 09:54:08

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