Narrative Statement

1067-EX-ST-2019 Text Documents

Kymeta Corporation


                                   Kymeta Corporation
                      Application for STA for Experimental Authority

                                 u8 Antenna/Fixed/40 Watts

                                     Narrative Statement

(1) Name, address, phone number (also e-mail address and facsimile number, if
available) of the applicant.

Ryan Stevenson
Kymeta Corporation
12277 134th Court NE, Suite 100
Redmond, Washington 98052
Phone: 425-896-3700

Copy to:

Robert S. Koppel, Esq.
Lukas LaFuria Gutierrez & Sachs, LLP
8300 Greensboro Drive, Suite 1200
McLean, VA 22102
Phone: 703-584-8669

(2) Description of why experimental authorization is needed.

Kymeta is developing a second-generation electronically steerable flat panel antenna
technology with improved transmit and receive antenna gain. Kymeta’s second-generation
technology improves performance and expands use cases. Grant of the STA for
experimental authorization will allow Kymeta to test and demonstrate its second-generation
technology with Ku-band satellite systems.

(3) Description of the operation to be conducted and its purpose.

Kymeta will test and demonstrate its antenna technology from fixed locations in the United
States. Kymeta requests authority to operate up to 25 units with any Ku-band GSO satellite
that is authorized to operate in the United States. The purpose of the testing is to refine the
ability of the assembled RF technology to both transmit and receive a Ku-band digitally
modulated transmission. The purpose of the demonstrations is to show the technology to
prospective partners and customers.

The parameters are identical for transmission to all of the satellites.

(4) Time and dates of proposed operation.

Kymeta requests an STA for a period of 6 months, commencing August 15, 2019.

Kymeta Corporation
Application for STA for Experimental License
Testing and Demonstration with Ku-Band Satellites
Narrative Statement
Page 2

(5) Class(es) of station (fixed, mobile, fixed and mobile) and call sign of station (if

The transmitting station will operate in fixed mode.

(6) Description of the location(s) and, if applicable, geographical coordinates of the
proposed operation.

United States

(7) Transmit equipment to be used, including name of manufacturer, model and
number of units.

Kymeta u8 (experimental Ku-band antenna)

(8) Frequencies desired.

Transmit: 14.0 – 14.50 GHz
Receive: 10.70 – 12.75 GHz

Although communications will be in both directions, the application for an experimental
license does not seek authorization to receive in the space-to-earth downlink bands.

(9) Maximum output power and maximum effective radiated power (ERP) or
equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP).

40 W output power; 50.5 dBW (68.74 kW) EIRP; 48.35 dBW (112.74 kW) ERP

(10) Emission designator (see §2.201 of this chapter) or describe emission
(bandwidth, modulation, etc.)

Transmit: 100KG7W to 50M0G7W (channel bandwidth: 100 kHz to 50 MHz)

 (11) Overall height of antenna structure above the ground (if greater than 6 meters
above the ground or an existing structure, see part 17 of this Chapter concerning
notification to the FAA).

The overall height of the antenna above ground level (or roof top level) will not exceed 6

Kymeta Corporation
Application for STA for Experimental License
Testing and Demonstration with Ku-Band Satellites
Narrative Statement
Page 3

(12) Additional Technical Information

Size of the antenna: 82 centimeters diameter (circular antenna)
Width of beam of transmit antenna in degrees at half-power point: 1.50
Width of beam of receive antenna in degrees at half-power point: 2.00
Satellite coverage: narrow beam (NB) and earth coverage (EC)
Transmit antenna gain: 34.5 dBi
Receive antenna gain: 35.5 dBi

The antenna will transmit and receive in linear polarization.
Frequency tolerance: 0.001%.

Transmit antenna azimuth: Various. The application seeks authority for the earth terminals
to operate anywhere in the U.S. Thus, the azimuth will vary.
Elevation of transmit antenna MSL (in meters): Various. It will depend on the location of
the earth terminal.
Elevation of transmit antenna AGL (in meters): Various. It will depend on the location of
the earth terminal.

Stop buzzer POC:

Jung Kim
Mobile: (425) 931-7822

(13) RF Radiation Study

The purpose of the STA is to test the antenna in a real-world environment and to refine the
technology. After the testing is complete, Kymeta will complete an RF study on a
production prototype antenna. Kymeta notes that the terminal will only be tested in a fixed
mode, and only in areas that can be secured from access by the general public.

(14) Points of Communication

Authorized GSO Ku-band satellites. On February 8, 2019, Kymeta provided a list of each of
the satellites in response to reference number 45817. Kymeta does not seek authority to
communicate with any NGSO satellite system.

(15) Certification re: Coordination

Kymeta certifies that its proposed operations are in compliance with all existing coordination
agreements between the proposed satellite operators and other GSO and NGSO networks.

Document Created: 2019-06-12 09:54:47
Document Modified: 2019-06-12 09:54:47

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