Narrative Statement

0982-EX-ST-2014 Text Documents

Kymeta Corporation


                                  Kymeta Corporation
                    Application for STA for Experimental License for
                             Testing with O3b from CONUS

                                    Narrative Statement

(1) Name, address, phone number (also e-mail address and facsimile number, if
available) of the applicant.

Bernd Friedrich
Kymeta Corporation
12277 134th Court NE, Suite 100
Redmond, Washington 98052
Phone: 425-896-3703
Mobile: 703-340-5791

Copy to:

Robert S. Koppel, Esq.
Lukas Nace Gutierrez & Sachs LLP
8300 Greensboro Drive, Suite 1200
McLean, VA 22102
Phone: 703-584-8669

(2) Description of why an experimental license is needed.

Kymeta is developing a microwave antenna technology that could significantly improve
performance and lower costs in commercial deployments. Grant of the experimental
license will allow Kymeta to test its technology with the O3b non-geostationary satellite

(3) Description of the operation to be conducted and its purpose.

Kymeta will test its antenna technology from fixed locations in the Continental United States
(CONUS). The purpose of the tests is to demonstrate that the Kymeta beam steering
technology and antenna can track satellites within the O3b non-geostationary satellite

(4) Time and dates of proposed operation.

Kymeta requests an STA for six months, from November 15, 2014 to May 15, 2015. Kymeta
will notify ViaSat, Inc., Hughes/EchoStar, Inmarsat, and SES, the other U.S. authorized Ka-
band satellite operators, at least one week prior to any transmit testing, and provide
emergency contact information. In the event that interference is reported, Kymeta will
immediately cease transmissions.

Kymeta Corporation
Application for STA for Experimental License
Page 2

(5) Class(es) of station (fixed, mobile, fixed and mobile) and call sign of station (if

The transmitting station will operate in fixed mode.

(6) Description of the location(s) and, if applicable, geographical coordinates of the
proposed operation.

CONUS. Kymeta will notify the FCC at least seven days prior to testing of the
geographical coordinates of the test site. In additional, if the test will be conducted in
spectrum bands shared with terrestrial operators, Kymeta will complete frequency
coordination prior to testing.

(7) Transmit equipment to be used, including name of manufacturer, model and
number of units.

Kymeta mTenna (experimental)
Kymeta mTX.o3b (experimental)

(8) Frequency(ies) desired.

27.6 – 28.4 GHz
28.6 – 29.1 GHz

17.8 – 18.6 GHz
18.8 – 19.3 GHz

(9) Maximum effective radiated power (ERP) or equivalent isotropically radiated
power (EIRP).

Input power will be 10 W; the maximum output power (in ERP) will be 40 kW.

(10) Emission designator (see §2.201 of this chapter) or describe emission
(bandwidth, modulation, etc.)



Kymeta Corporation
Application for STA for Experimental License
Page 3

 (11) Overall height of antenna structure above the ground (if greater than 6 meters
above the ground or an existing structure, see part 17 of this Chapter concerning
notification to the FAA).

The overall height of the antenna above ground level (or roof top level) will not exceed 6

(12) Additional Information

Directional antenna: Yes?
Width of beam in degrees at half-power point: 1.20
Orientation of horizontal plane: N/A
Orientation of vertical plane: N/A
Frequency tolerance: 0.28%

Document Created: 2014-10-29 13:32:59
Document Modified: 2014-10-29 13:32:59

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