Question 4 datasheet 2 of 2

0275-EX-CN-2016 Images

Kongsberg Underwater Technology, Inc.


MBR 179


The Maritime Broadband Radio is a smart antenna designed for use in maritime applications where digital
high-speed reliable communication and data transfer are crucial for efficient and safe operations. The MBR
179 operates in the 5 GHz frequency band and has proven high capacity communication over distances in
excess of 45 kilometres.

Resilient communication                                             Enclosed housing
With its unique design the MBR enables high speed, high             One MBR unit consists of a completely enclosed housing
capacity and extremely resilient data, voice and video transfer     containing a phased array, up to 60 antennas and advanced
between multiple vessels and other assets. The MBR units use        signal processing hardware for real-time beamforming. With
highly dynamic beamforming and adaptive power control to            one enclosed part the MBR is easy to install with only power
secure stable communication in maritime operations with signal      and Ethernet as connections. Unlike satellite, Wi-Fi or mobile
obstructions, fading and ranges in excess of 45 km.                 network platforms, MBR requires no extra infrastructure or
                                                                    equipment beyond the units on the participating vessels. This
Connecting vessels                                                  makes it a simple-to-use, easy-to-maintain solution enhancing
Operating as a maritime “information highway”, the MBR              efficiency in maritime operations.
connects crews and their vessels with a high-speed and high
capacity digital communication channel with “fast track” priority   Intuitive configuration and operation
options. The system can securely carry a diverse array of op-       An MBR unit is configured from a web interface designed for
erational information, from real-time video to system data, and     easy setup. The web interface also provides the status of the
remotely situated teams can work together seamlessly, co-or-        radio and the network. The network administrator can configure
dinating systems and activities for optimal performance, safety     and operate units and adjust network resources from any vessel
and operational success.                                            in the network.

IP hotspot connectivity                                             MBR product family
With beamforming the MBR can direct datagrams to the desti-         All MBR product types are fully compatible and interoperable.
nation as a multi-directional networked wireless system. Sup-       An MBR network can consist of vessels of all types of MBR
porting IP transmission, the MBR provides a resilient, high-ca-     units providing differentiation in coverage area, range and
pacity data link for systems that communicate over IP. The use      physical size.
of end-to-end IP connectivity provides cost efficient integration
and an interoperable solution for seamless data exchange.           No maintenance
                                                                    The MBR is designed with solid-state technology with no mov-
                                                                    ing parts. No regular maintenance is needed.

                                                                                           MBR configuration web interface
• Ad-hoc network
• IP connectivity for user equipment
• High data throughput in difficult conditions
• Near/far capability for multiple vessels
• No moving parts
• No coaxial cables
• Easy to install and set up


PERFORMANCE                                                        MBR Power Supply
                                                                   Supply voltage		        110 to 240 V AC
Operational range              45 km1
User data		                    1 to 15 Mbps                        ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS

Antenna coverage                                                   Operating temperature range
Omni-directional		        360 degrees azimuth                      MBR Unit		              -30 °C to +55 °C
				                                                               MBR Power Supply        -15 °C to +55 °C
RF specifications
Frequency band		          4900 MHz to 5900 MHz                     Operating humidity
Channel bandwidth         20 MHz                                   MBR Unit		              20 to 100 % RH
Tx power		                4W                                       MBR Power Supply        Max. 95 % non-condensing
Antenna gain		            21 dBi
EIRP			57 dBm                                                      Storage humidity
Modulation		              GMSK                                     MBR Unit (recommended) 20 to 70 % RH
Internal antenna elements 60                                       MBR Power Supply       Less than 55 %

                                                                   Ingress protection
INTERFACES                                                         MBR Unit		              IP66

Data			                        1 x Ethernet, RJ-45
                                                                   STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS

WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS                                             Electromagnetic compatibility
                                                                   Compliance to EMCD,
MBR Unit 		                    16.5 kg, 500 x 500 x 318 mm         immunity/emission      IEC 60945/EN 60945
MBR Power Supply               6.4 kg, 88.1 x 485 x 334.75 mm
                                                                   Product safety
                                                                   Compliance to LVD,
                                                                   standard used		         IEC 60950/EN 60950
MBR Unit
Max. power consumption 210 W
RX only			             70 W

1 Operational range is dependent on antenna placement and height
above sea level.
                                                                                                                             June 2016

Specifications subject to change without any further notice.

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Document Created: 2016-06-01 13:33:55
Document Modified: 2016-06-01 13:33:55

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