Description of Testing and Coordinatioin

0599-EX-ST-2018 Pre Coordination Document

Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory




The STA will cover tests to be conducted at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory’s
Satellite Communications Facility (SCF). The 18.3 meter diameter antenna will be used to transmit the
test signals. These tests will be implemented by the same personnel that routinely operate the SCF.

Signals of various modulation schemes will be transmitted intermittently within the June-August 2018
timeframe. Each individual test transmission will be directed at a low earth orbit (LEO) “calibration
sphere”. These “calibration spheres” are routinely used for tests by radar developers and operators. The
specific calibration spheres have not yet been selected. Each individual test should not exceed 30
minutes of transmission. The transmitted signals will be circularly polarized and not to exceed an EIRP of
80 dBW. The elevation angle of the transmit antenna should be above 15 degrees to minimize impact on
terrestrial receivers.

Coordination with NASA GSFC

We are coordinating with Mr. Vincent Scott Galbraith, Spectrum Manager at NASA Goddard Space Flight
Center. He has concurred with our testing/frequency requests as long as we deconflict any potential
interference scenarios prior to our scheduled tests. NASA GSFC will provide satellite TLEs to plan
together. We have agreed to this and will be working closely with the NASA Spectrum Office.


Mr. Eliud Bonilla
Professional Staff
Johns Hopkins University - Applied Physics Laboratory
11100 Johns Hopkins Road
Laurel, MD 20723

[Please see the attached SCF Data Sheet below.]

  The Satellite Communications Facility (SCF)
at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics
Laboratory (APL) traces its genesis to the early
days of Sputnik. Since the first signal from
space, APL has provided the nation with global
timing and positioning solutions, world class
space and planetary science, robust and reliable
spacecraft, and precise navigation, commanding
and communications to ensure mission success.

Quality and Cost—effective Support
Established in 1961 to support the command and
telemetry requirements of the world‘s first satellite
navigation system under contract to the U.S. Navy,
the APL station has provided more than 50 years of
ground contact support to our sponsors. The station
has conducted over 100,000 satellite contacts in the
last 15 years alone. With available, on—call technical
support, the station has been conducting attended and
unattended spacecraft tracking operations since 1995.

Assets at APL include two independent operational
antenna systems. Our mid—latitude station can be
configured to support a wide variety of missions           Station Details
ranging from Low Earth Orbit (LEO) through Deep             Location            | se:t0 N,re:sa w           _
Space, with a variety of data formats, including TDM        Antenna               5—meter, 60—foot (18.3—meter)
and CCSDS. Current capabilities include support
for L—band, S—band, and X—band communications.

Recent system improvements and technology                  for government, academia, and commercial operations
enhancements enable these systems to provide future        on a non—exclusive basis. While currently these systems
sponsors with advanced capability at cost—effective        are conducting routine daily contacts, their availability for
rates. APL‘s concept of a Shared Service, Multi—mission    additional contacts is still over 60%. Portions of these
Ground System makes the remote scheduling and data         facilities are owned by the U.S. government and some
transfer capabilities of these systems highly attractive   restrictions on their use may apply.

                                       JOHNS HOPKINS
                                     APPLIED PHYSICS LABORATORY

5—Meter System
                                     Downlink                      L—band                 S—band                      X—band

                                        Frequency Range            1650—1750 MHz          2200—2300 MHz               8000—8500 MHz

                                        Polarization               RHC                     él:é_‘ *                   RHC

                                        @T                        >11.2 dB/K               >13.6 dB/K                 >24.1 dB/K

                                        Beamwidth                 2.5 deg                  1.8 deg                    0.5 deg

                                     Antenna Pointing Control

                                        Program track (TLE, Spice—SPK, Chebychev Polynomials. RA/DEC)

 60—Foot (18.3—Meter) System
                                     Downlink                     S—band                                 X—band
                                        Frequency Range           2200—2400 MHz                          8400—8500 MHz

                                        Polarization              Simultaneous Rgé;nd LHC            | Simultaneous RHC an’erHCV

                                        GT                         >28.3 dB/K                        |   >38.5 dB/K

                                        Beamwidth                  0.5 deg §      A                      0.13 deg
                                     Uplink                       S—band
                                        Frequency Range            2025—2120 MHz

                                        Polarization               "On—the—fly" Selectable LHC or RHC

                                        Beamwidth                  0.5 deg

                                        EIRP                       >80 dBW

                                        Transmitter                2000 W Klystron (dual redundant)

                                     Antenna Pointing Control
                                        Program track (TLE, Spice—SPK, Chebychev, RA/DEC), S—band Autotrack, S/X—band Steptrack

                                     CCSDS Compliant
                                        Command, Ranging, Doppler & Telemetry, including Turbo (r1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6), Convolutional
                                        (r1/2), Reed—Solomon, and Cony/R—§; Wide variety of modulation formats; Space Link Extension
                                        "SLE" (Fwd CLTU, RAF, & RCF services)

With a legacy of more than 50 years of crafting high—quality, reliable space solutions,
             APL can craft a solution for your ground station requirements.

            Bill Dove                                                                                     Tony Garcia
          Station Manager                                                                       Station Systems Engineer
   240—228—3766 Washington, DC                                                               240—228—9535 Washington, DC
    443—778—3766 Baltimore, MD                                                                443—778—9535 Baltimore, MD
                                     JonnsHopking                                                        ~*«—*—*®—«
                                    APPLIED PHYSICS LABORATORY
                                              11100 Johns Hopkins Rd
                                               Laurel MD 20728
                                          240—228—5000 / Washington
   For more information, contact:          443—778—500 / Baltimore                                                                 ADaA—2015—0835                                                                                                         99—1634—°C8

Document Created: 2018-05-15 14:00:37
Document Modified: 2018-05-15 14:00:37

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