EIRP emissions attachment

0442-EX-PL-2007 Text Documents

Intel Corporation


Anatoliy Ioffe
Intel Corporation
5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway
Hillsboro, OR 97124
(503) 712-4257

September 6, 2007

Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

Subject: Form 442 EIRP emissions attachment

To Whom It May Concern:

This attachment addresses additional questions received on September 6, 2007 (reference number 5482)
in regards to the filing of FCC Form 442, file number 0442-EX-PL-2007 (submitted on August 27, 2007
with confirmation number EL776583).

Please refer to the table below for our link budget analysis to compute the EIRP at 30m distance from the
radiating element.

           Parameter                 Difference             Value (dBm/Hz)         Value (dBm/24 MHz)
Signal in (over 24 MHz band)                                            -130.0                    -57.0
Outdoor antenna (with LNA)                     +38 dB                    -92.0
100’ cable LMR400                              -6.7 dB                   -98.7
Radiating antenna EIRP                           -2 dBi                 -100.7
Connectors/interface                           -0.3 dB                  -101.0
Shielded box isolation               -95 dB @ 1.5 GHz                   -196.0
EIRP at 30m distance                            -36 dB                  -242.0                     -169.0

The shielded box, where all radiated measurements will be performed, is manufactured by Ramsey
Electronics with part number STE2200. Below is an excerpt from the product data sheet.

In conclusion, we expect to be well within the EIRP bound of -140 dBm/24 MHz.


Anatoliy Ioffe
Wireless System Engineer

Document Created: 2007-09-06 14:19:05
Document Modified: 2007-09-06 14:19:05

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