3500 MHz experiment summary

0311-EX-ST-2006 Text Documents

Intel Corporation


                            STA APPLICATION
                                                                 Date: 4/14/2006
                                                                  File Number:

Full Company Name:                  Intel Corporation

FRN of Company or Contact:          0009362237

               Please complete all sections below with entirety.

Full Contact Name:               John Hammond

Contact Mailing Address:         2111 NE 25th – JF2-15
                                 Hillaboro, Oregon

Event Name                       GlobalComm Conference
STA Start / End Dates :          1-June-06 thru 12-June-06
(including setup/test)

Description of Experiment or Research – Which Needs to Include the Following

 Specific Objectives to be covered (detailed):

 Demonstrate usage and technology models for WiMAX, 802.16-2004 to the
 industry leaders attending the GlobalComm Wireless conference. Demonstrations
 will include equipment from various companies which will show interoperability.

Intel Confidential                      1 of 3                        Version 1.1

 Description of equipment (detailed):

 The equipment which will be used is manufactured by Airspan, Alvarion, Redline
 Communications, and Aperto. Intel will be showing both the indoor (self install)
 and outdoor subscriber stations along with base station in / around the confines of
 the parameters listed below.

Transmitter Equipment and Station Details

   Equipment Manuf / P/N:            Airspan MacroMax BS, both the EasyST and
                                     ProST, Aperto, and Alvarion subscriber stations.

    Number of Fixed Units:                                     1
Location of Fixed Antennas           1.   McCormick Place
( Lat / Lon, Street Address)         2.   2301 S. Lake Shore Drive
                                     3.   Chicago, Illinois 60616
NAD 27               NAD 83   X      4.   41.853333 N
                                     5.   87.616111 W

   Number of Mobile Units                                      4
                                     1.   5 km
    Radius of Mobile Unit            2.   5 km
location from Fixed station(s)       3.   5 km
         (specify km)                4.   5 km

   Frequency Range /          HIGH (MHz)         LOW(MHz)           %
       Tolerance                                                Tolerance
                              1.   3450          3400           0.004
                              2.   3550          3500           0.004
    Station Number            3.   3550          3500           0.004
                              4.   3550          3500           0.004
                              5.   3550          3500           0.004

Transmitter Parameters         Modulation          Emission    Bandwidth     Power Out
                                                  Designator                    dBm
    Station Number            1. 64QAM           7M20W1D       7.0 MHz      +23 max

Intel Confidential                           2 of 3                          Version 1.1

                            2.   64QAM       3M25G1D       3.5MHz      +18dBm
                            3.   64QAM       3M25G1D       3.5MHz      +18dBm
                            4.   64QAM       3M25G1D       3.5MHz      +18dBm
                            5.   64QAM       3M25G1D       3.5MHz      +18dBm

Antenna                      Type                   Gain  Beam      Beam HAAT
Details                                             (dB)  Width     Width (meters)
                                                           (H)        (V)
            1. Secorized, 60 degree                 18dBi 60        8
            2. Internal antenna for SI Subscriber   6dBi 90         8
            3. Internal antenna for SI Subscriber   6dBi 90         8
            4. Internal antenna for SI Subscriber   6dBi 90         8
            5. Internal antenna for SI Subscriber   6dBi 90         8

Intel Confidential                       3 of 3                          Version 1.1

Document Created: 2006-04-14 10:05:54
Document Modified: 2006-04-14 10:05:54

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