Experiment Description

0232-EX-PL-2008 Text Documents

Intel Corporation



Frequency: new ITFS/MMDS band (eg: 2.5GHz - 2.7GHz.)

Modulation: QPSK thru QAM64, both for uplink and downlink.

Technology: 802.16e (mobile WiMAX) with studies on 802.16m --
specifically repeater technology within the coverage area.


Intel needs to expand its capability of field testing Mobile WiMAX and
its new components/products being introduced later this year and in
2009. These are engineering tests in the design phase to ensure proper
field noise levels coincide with predictions. These are impacted by
mobility specifically during hand-over conditions. Furthermore, field
testing will be taking place between WiMAX and devices operating in the
ISM band for adjacent band interference of both. Intel is working with
IEEE in developing 802.16m which creates a new OTA frame, FDD, and a new
concept of 'WiMAX repeater'.

Document Created: 2008-05-22 16:20:35
Document Modified: 2008-05-22 16:20:35

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