Consent letter and purpose of experiment description

0106-EX-PL-2010 Text Documents

Intel Corporation


March 25, 2010

Nir Metzer
Manager, Witeless Technology and Products
Intel Corporation

Consent to Use WHB652 (C123), and WHG442 (D1234) Stations

Dear Nir:

Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC, and Fixed Wireless Holdings, wholly—owned subsidiaries
of Clearwire Corporation ("Clearwire") are the De Facto lessees of EBS Stations WHB652
(George Mason University), and WHG442 (HITN Washington DC LLC) . These stations have
a geographic service area covering the Arlington VA/Hemdon VA area.

Intel has requested Clearwire‘s consent to use of Channels C123, D123 in the Arlington
VA/Herndon VA area described in Exhibit A (the "Spectrum") to conduct WiMax testing from
March 15, 2010 through March 15, 2011. Intel‘s use of the Clearwire system will be coordinated
and under the control of Clearwire personnel.

By its signature below, Clearwire hereby consents to Intel‘s use of the Spectrum on a temporary
basis for WiMax testing described in more detail in Exhibit B. Intel agrees to operate on the
Spectrum at its sole cost and expensein accordance with the rules and regulations of the Federal
Communications Commission, and to take all necessary steps to cause no interference to any
operations and to protect and preserve the status of the licenses associated with the Spectrum.
Intel will obtain an Experimental Authorization (currently WDIXZV) for use of the Spectrum
and pay all reasonable out of pocket costs incurred by Clearwite to obtain consents from the EBS
licensees, in an amount not to exceed $1000 per licensee. Intelfurther agrees to indemnify
Clearwire against any damages caused by their temporary operation ofthe Spectrum, including,
without limitation, the payment of anyfineslevied by the FCC or other regulatory authority for
any improper use of the Spectrum, such as, but not limited to, interference with other channels
or Clearwire‘s commercial network. Withoutlimiting the foregoing, Intel agrees that in the event
of interference, immediately upon oral or written notice (within four (4) hours in any event), it
will immediately cease any use of the Spectrum, until any interference issues that might arise are
resolved to Clearwire‘s satisfaction. Clearwire reservesthe rightto terminate or substitute the use
of someor the entire Spectrum, with 30 days prior notice.

Intel agrees to cooperateto share test plans on a confidential basis. To that end, during and upon
completion ofthe WiMax testing, and in exchange for Clearwire‘s consent as described above,

Clearwire and its corporate affiliates shall have reasonable access to thetesting data and
conclusions in connection with the equipment as collected by Intel, for the purpose of evaluating
possible interference with the commercial network. Test information provided will be
consistent in format and substance with previous information exchanged between Clearwire and
Intel. Clearwire reserves the right to reasonably reject or collaborate with Intel to modify any
test plans that would result in interference with Clearwire‘s commercial system.

If there are any further questions, please contact Paul McCarthy at $47—993—9631, or the
undersigned at (202) 330—4011 or at as soon as possible.


                                       AL w%l /A,/J@(fi()(/\/%(,(f"t\,
                                       Nadja S. Sodos—Wallace
                                       Senior Regulatory Counsel, Assistant Secretary

Agreed to:
Intel Corporation




Contact in the event ofinterference:

Wash, DC area:
Omer Sezer
Office: (503) 712—4240
Cell: 503—819—6839

                                             Exhibit A

                                                                                Nadja 5. Sodos:—Wallace
                                                         Senior Regulatory Counsel, Assistant Secretary
                              *                                           815 Connecticut Avenue, NW
                                                                                             Suite 610
                                                                                Washington, DC 20006

Testing at locations and times designated byauthorized Clearwire personnel.

                                        Exhibit B

1) To test and evaluate the performance ofthe Intel Wireless Multiconnection EDM320a WiMax
network, Kilmer Peak —V and other chips and devices as requested by Clearwire.

March 25, 2010

Nir Metzer
Manager, Wireless Technology and Products
Intel Corporation

Consent to Use WHR543 (A123), WHR746 (B12) and WLX237 (B3) Stations

Dear Nir:

Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC, and American Telecasting of Portland, LLC, wholly—
owned subsidiaries of Clearwire Corporation ("Clearwire") are the lessee of EBS Stations
WHRS34, WHRT74G and WLX237. These stations have a geographic service area covering the
Portland, Oregon area.

Intel has requested Clearwire‘s consentto use of Channels A123, B123 in the Hillsboro Oregon
area described in Exhibit A (the "Spectrum") to conduct WiMax testing from March 15, 2010
through March 15, 2011. Intel‘s use at the Clearwire Bancroft site will be coordinated with
Clearwire personnel.

By its signature below, Clearwire hereby consents to Intel‘s use of the Spectrum on a temporary
basis for WiMax testing described in more detail in Exhibit B. Intel agreesto operate on the
Spectrum at its sole cost and expense in accordance with the rules and regulationsofthe Federal
Communications Commission, and to take all necessary steps to cause nointerference to any
operations and to protect and preserve the status of the licenses associated with the Spectrum.
Intel will obtain an Experimental Authorization (currently WDOXZV) for use of the Spectrum
and pay all reasonable out of pocket costs incurred by Clearwire to obtain consents from the EBS
licensees, in an amountnot to exceed $1000 per licensee. Intel further agreesto indemnify
Clearwire against any damages caused by their temporary operation ofthe Spectrum, including,
withoutlimitation, the payment of any fines levied by the FCC or other regulatory authority for
any improper use of the Spectrum, such as, but not limited to, interference with other channels
or Clearwire‘s commercial network. Withoutlimiting the foregoing, Intel agrees that in the event
of interference, immediately upon oral or written notice (within four (4) hours in any event), it
will immediately cease any use of the Spectrum, until any interference issues that might avise are
resolved to Clearwire‘s satisfaction. Clearwire reserves the right to terminate orsubstitute the use
of some or the entire Spectrum, with 30 days prior notice.

Intel agrees to cooperate to sharetest plans on a confidential basis. To that end, during and upon
completion of the WiMax testing, and in exchange for Clearwire‘s consent as described above,

Clearwire and its corporate affiliates shall have reasonable access to the testing data and
conclusions in connection with the equipment as collected by Intel, for the purpose of evaluating
possible interference with the commercial network. Test information provided will be
consistent in format and substance with previous information exchanged between Clearwire and
Intel. Clearwire reserves the right to reasonably reject or collaborate with Intel to modify any
test plans that would result in interference with Clearwire‘s commercial system.

If there are any further questions, please contact Paul McCarthy at 847—993—9631, or the
undersigned at (202) 330—4011 or at as soon as possible.


                                    Jna dinpgoasNemhse
                                        Nadja S. Sodos—Wallace
                                        Senior Regulatory Counsel, Assistant Secretary

Agreed to:
Intel Corporation




Contact in the event of interference:

Portland area:
Office: (503) 264—2284
Cell: 503 807 8499
 rent .

                                              Exhibit A
Jones FarmCampus
Location :  45,543350,—122.961258
JFDAP — Outdoor

         Motorola DAP 1x connected to BCU—I
         3 sector, outdoor configuration using Clearwire standard Kathrein antennas and site configuration
         2508.5MHz, 2518.5MHz, 2528.5MHz
         126W EIRP per sector (combined branches)

J2DAP — Outdoor — (not currently operational — very rately used — for DAP—Ix vs DAP—Vx analysis—side—
by—side with JEDAP)

         Motorola DAP Vx connected to BCU—II
         3 sector, outdoor configuration using Clearwire standard Kathrein antennas and site configuration
         2508.SMHz, 251 8.SMHz, 2528 SMHz
         316W EIRP per sector (combined branches)

PCDAP — Indoor

         Motorola DAP Ix connected to BCU—I
         1 sector, indoor configuration, 30dB attenuation, 8.5 dBi omni antennas
         ~ImW EIRP (combined branches)

PIDAP — Indoor (usually used in a co—channel interference configuration)
         Motorola DAP V‘x connected to BCU—I

         4 sector, indoor configuration 20dB attenuation, 3 dBi omni antennas
         2508MHz, 25 ISMHz, 2528MHz
         <20mW EIRP per sector (combined branches)

P2DAP— Indoor {usually used in a co—channel interference configuration)

     *   Motorala DAP Vx connected to BCU—II
     *   4 sector, indoor configuration 20dB attenuation, 3 dBi omni antennas
     *   2508MHz, 2518MHz, 2528MHz
     *   <20mW EIRP per sector (combined branches)

SeAH Picocells (8 units) —— Indoor

     *   SeAHRAS 1000
     *   Indoor configuration, 2dBi antennas
     *   2508MH2, 25 I8MHz, 2528MHz
     *   <10OmW EIRP per Picocell (combined branches)

Samsung Picocells (LS3i) —— Indoor

Cabled use only because it doesn‘t support the correct band There are about 30—40 additional indoor base
stations on the campus —— all attenuated and conductance cabled and most in shielded rooms. Any OTA
work on these BTS is exclusively done in shielded rooms.

Intel may use additional 2496—2690 frequencies in cabled configurations and shielded rooms, provided an
experimental license is obtained and there is no interference to Clearwire‘s commercial system or its EBS lessors.

   lawthorne Farms Campus
Location:     45.532412, —122.927560

    *    HEDAP — Outdoor

             s e e +     Motorola DAP Ix connected to BCU—I
                          3 sector, outdoorconfiguration using Clearwire standard Kathrein antennas and site configuration
                         2508.5MHz, 2518.5MHz, 2528.SMHz:
                          126W EIRP per sector (combined branches)
Ronler Acres Campus
Location :        45.546840, —122.913629

    *    RADAP—Outdoor

                          Motorala DAP Ix connected to BCU—I
                          3 sector, outdoor configuration using Clearwire standard Kathrein antennas and site configuration
                          2508.SMHz, 2518.5MHz, 2528.5MHz
                          126W EIRP per sector (combined branches)

Location :             45.523643, —122.898073

    *    ORDAP—Outdoor

                          Motorola DAP Ix connected to BCU—I
                          3 sector, outdoorconfiguration using Clearwire standard Kathrein antennas and site configuration
                          2508.5SMHz, 2518.5MHz, 2528 SMHz
                          126W EIRP per sector (combined branches)

Clearwire Portland Banceroft Site
Location :  45.492976, —122.670628

    *    CL1DAP—Indoor

                  *       Motorala DAP Ix connected to BCU—I
                  *       1 sector, indoor configuration
                  *       Frequencies and use coordinated with Clearwire Tx Power is +23dBm

                                                                                    Nadja 8. Sodos—Wallace
                                                              Senior Regulatory Counsel. Assistant Secretary
                                 *                                             815 Connectiout Avenue, NW
      \                                                                                           Suite 610
                                                                                     Washington, DC 20006

                                            Exhibit B

1) To test and evaluate the performance ofthe Intel Wireless Multiconnection EDM320a WiMax
network and Kilmer Peak —V.
2) The Alpha network is an end—to—end WiMAX system currently comprised of 36 Motorola
Base Stations, a complete locally—managed core network, OMA—DM services (FUMO,
subscription portal, hotlining, etc.), rich synthetic traffic generation and analysis, and WAN
emulation. The base stations are deployed in conductance configurations in labs, indoor DAS
and picocell—like configurations, and outdoor suburban macro coverage in the Hillsboro area.
Most equipment is located in the Jones Farm campus but some equipment is in the Intel Israel
labs, Intel California labs, and Clearwire Portland (Bancroft) labs. Intel and Clearwire employees
use the system to characterize performance, capacity, coverage, and interoperability of the
system with a primary focus on the ecosystem of client devices. The RAN configuration is
aligned with the Portland commercial system or with expected upcoming configurations.

                                                                                      Nadja S. Sodos—Wallace
                                                                Senior Regulatory Counsel, Assistant Secretary
                                  *                                              815 Connectiout Avenue, NW
                                                                                                    Suite 610
                QO r                                                                   Washington, DC 20006

March 25, 2010

Nir Metzer
Manager, Wireless Technology and Products
Intel Corporation

Consent to Use WHR543 (A123), WHR746 (B12) and WLX237 (B3) Stations

Dear Nir:

Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC, and American Telecasting of Portland, LLC, wholly—
owned subsidiaries of Clearwire Corporation ("Clearwire") are the lessee of EBS Stations
WHR534, WHR746 and WLX237. These stations have a geographic service area covering the
Portland, Oregon area.

Intel has requested Clearwire‘s consent to use of Channels A123, B123 in the Hillsboro Oregon
area described in Exhibit A (the "Spectrum") to conduct WiMax testing from March 15, 2010
through March 15, 2011. Intel‘s use at the Clearwire Bancroft site will be coordinated with
Clearwire personnel.

By its signature below, Clearwire hereby consents to Intel‘s use of the Spectrum on a temporary
basis for WiMax testing described in more detail in Exhibit B. Intel agrees to operate on the
Spectrum at its sole cost and expense in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Federal
Communications Commission, and to takeall necessary steps to cause no interference to any
operations and to protect and preserve the status of the licenses associated with the Spectrum.
Intel will obtain an Experimental Authorization (currently WDIXZV) for use ofthe Spectrum
and pay all reasonable out of pocket costs incurred by Clearwire to obtain consents from the EBS
licensees, in an amount not to exceed $1000 perlicensee. Intel further agrees to indemnify
Clearwire against any damages caused by their temporary operation ofthe Spectrum, including,
without limitation, the payment of any fines levied by the FCC or other regulatory authority for
any improper use ofthe Spectrum, such as, but not limited to, interference with other channels
or Clearwire‘s commercial network. Withoutlimiting the foregoing, Intel agrees that in the event
ofinterference, immediately upon oral or written notice (within four (4) hours in any event), it
will immediately cease anyuse of the Spectrum, until any interference issues that might arise are
resolved to Clearwire‘s satisfaction. Clearwire reserves the right to terminate or substitute the use
of some or the entire Spectrum, with 30 days prior notice.

Intel agrees to cooperate to share test plans on a confidential basis. To that end, during and upon
completion of the WiMax testing, and in exchange for Clearwire‘s consent as described above,

                                                                                      Nadja S. Sodos—Wallace
                                                                Senior Regulatory Counsel, Assistant Secretary

 C clearwire
                                                                                 815 Connectiout Avenue, NW
                                                                                                     Sute 610
                                                                                       Washington, DC 20006

Clearwire and its corporate affiliates shall have reasonable access to the testing data and
conclusions in connection with the equipmentas collected by Intel, for the purpose of evaluating
possible interference with the commercial network. Test information provided will be
consistent in format and substance with previous information exchanged between Clearwire and
Intel. Clearwire reserves the right to reasonably reject or collaborate with Intel to modify any
test plans that would result in interference with Clearwire‘s commercial system.

If there are any further questions, please contact Paul McCarthy at 847—993—9631, or the
undersigned at (202) 330—4011 orat as soon as possible.


                                      Nadja S. Sodos—Wallace
                                      Senior Regulatory Counsel, Assistant Secretary

Agreed to:
Intel Corporation

Name:         ‘\j\‘ N\@L

Title:     WTP BPiysio megot                   {, L/

Date:             24 / '%Z/U

Contact in the eventofinterference:

Portland area:
Brent Elliott
Office: (503) 264—2284
Cell: 503 807 8499

                                             Exhibit A
Jones Farm Campus
Location :  45.543350,—122.961258
 JFDAP — Outdoor

                                                                                             Nadja S. Sodos—Wallace
                                                                       Senior Regulatory Counsel, Assistant Secretary
                                     *                                                  815 Connecticut Avenue, NW
                                                                                                           Suite 610
                                                                                              Washington, DC 20006
      C        eO r

               Motorola DAP Ix connected to BCU—I
               3 sector, outdoor configuration using Clearwire standard Kathrein antennas and site configuration
               2508.SMHz, 2518.SMHz, 2528.SMHz
               126W EIRP per sector (combined branches)

*   J2DAP—Outdoor— (not currently operational— very rarely used — for DAP—Ix vs DAP—Vx analysis — side—
    by—side with JFDAP)

               Motorola DAP Vx connected to BCU—II
               3 sector, outdoor configuration using Clearwire standard Kathrein antennas and site configuration
               2508.5MHz, 2518.SMHz, 2528.SMHz
               316W EIRP per sector (combined branches)

*   PCDAP — Indoor

               Motorola DAP Ix connected to BCU—I
               1 sector, indoor configuration, 300B attenuation, 8.5 dBi omni antennas
               ~ImW EIRP (combined branches)

*   PIDAP—Indoor (usually used in a co—channel interference configuration)

               Motorola DAP Vx connected to BCU—II
               4 sector, indoor configuration 20dB attenuation, 3 dBi omni antennas
               2508MHz, 2518MHz, 2528MHz
               <20mW EIRP per sector (combined branches)

*   P2DAP—Indoor (usually used in a co—channel interference configuration)

               Motorola DAP Vx connected to BCU—II
      e k 0%

               4 sector, indoor configuration 20dB attenuation, 3 dBi omni antennas
               2508MHz, 2518MHz, 2528MHz
               <20mW EIRP per sector (combined branches)

*   SeAH Picocells (8 units) — Indoor

               SeAH RAS 1000
               Indoor configuration, 2dBi antennas
               2508MHz, 25 18MHz, 2528MHz
               <100mW EIRP per Picocell (combined branches)

*   Samsung Picocells (LS3i) — Indoor

*   Cabled use onlybecause it doesn‘t support the correct band There are about 30—40 additional indoorbase
    stations on the campus — all attenuated and conductance cabled and most in shielded rooms. Any OTA
    work on these BTSis exclusively done in shielded rooms.

                                                                                                  Nadja 5. Sodos—Wallace
                                                                            Senior Regulatory Counsel, Assistant Secretary
                                          «                                                  815 Connectiout Avenue, NW
                                                                                                                Suite 610
             C      20 r                  I   2                                                    Washington, DC 20006

Intel may use additional 2496—2690 frequencies in cabled configurations and shielded rooms, provided an
experimental license is obtained and there is no interference to Clearwire‘s commercial system or its EBS lessors.

 Hawthorne Farms Campus
Location :  45.532412, —122.927560

    *    HFDAP — Outdoor

                    Motorola DAP Ix connected to BCU—I
                    3 sector, outdoor configuration using Clearwire standard Kathrein antennas and site configuration
                    2508.5MHz, 25 18.5MHz, 2528.SMHz
                    126W EIRP per sector (combined branches)

Ronler Acres Campus
Location :   45.546840, —122.913629

    *    RADAP—Outdoor

                    Motorola DAPIx connected to BCU—I
                    3 sector, outdoorconfiguration using Clearwire standard Kathrein antennas and site configuration
                    2508.5MHz, 2518.SMHz, 2528.SMHz
                    126W EIRP per sector (combined branches)

Orenco Tower
Location : 45.523643, —122.898073

    *    ORDAP— Outdoor

                    Motorola DAP Ix connected to BCU—I
                    3 sector, outdoor configuration using Clearwire standard Kathrein antennas and site configuration
                    2508.5MHz, 2518.SMHz, 2528.SMHz
                    126W EIRP per sector (combined branches)

Clearwire Portland Baneroft Site
Location :       45.492976, —122.670628

    *    CLIDAP—Indoor

             *      Motorola DAP Ix connected to BCU—I
             *      1 sector, indoor configuration
             *      Frequencies and use coordinated with Clearwire Tx Power is +23dBm

                                                                                    Nadja S. Sodos—Wallace
                                                              Senior Regulatory Counsel, Assistant Secretary

 C clearwire                                                                         mnegyo e
                                                                               815 Connectiout Avenue, NW


                                            Exhibit B

1) To test and evaluate the performance of the Intel Wireless Multiconnection EDM320a WiMax
network and Kilmer Peak —V.
2) The Alpha network is an end—to—end WiMAX system currently comprised of 36 Motorola
Base Stations, a complete locally—managed core network, OMA—DM services (FUMO,
subscription portal, hotlining, etc.), rich synthetic traffic generation and analysis, and WAN
emulation. The base stations are deployed in conductance configurations in labs, indoor DAS
and picocell—like configurations, and outdoor suburban macro coverage in the Hillsboro area.
Most equipment is located in the Jones Farm campus but some equipment is in the Intel Israel
labs, Intel California labs, and Clearwire Portland (Bancroft) labs. Intel and Clearwire employees
use the system to characterize performance, capacity, coverage, and interoperability of the
system with a primary focus on the ecosystem of client devices. The RAN configuration is
aligned with the Portland commercial system or with expected upcoming configurations.

                                                                                      Nadja S. Sodos—Wallace
                                                                Senior Regulatory Counsel, Assistant Secretary

 C clearwire                                                                           evae oot
                                                                                 815 Connectiout Avenue, NW


March 25, 2010

Nir Metzer
Manager, Wireless Technology and Products
Intel Corporation

Consent to Use WHB6S52 (C123), and WHG442 (D1234) Stations

Dear Nir:

Clearwire Spectrum Holdings II, LLC, and Fixed Wireless Holdings, wholly—owned subsidiaries
of Clearwire Corporation ("Clearwire") are the De Facto lessees of EBS Stations WHB6532
(George Mason University), and WHG442 (HITN Washington DC LLC) . These stations have
a geographic service area covering the Arlington VA/Herndon VA area.

Intel has requested Clearwire‘s consent to use of Channels C123, D123 in the Arlington
VA/Herndon VA area described in Exhibit A (the "Spectrum‘") to conduct WiMax testing from
March 15, 2010 through March 15, 2011. Intel‘s use of the Clearwire system will be coordinated
and under the control of Clearwire personnel.

By its signature below, Clearwire hereby consents to Intel‘s use of the Spectrum on a temporary
basis for WiMax testing described in more detail in Exhibit B. Intel agrees to operate on the
Spectrum atits sole cost and expense in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Federal
Communications Commission, and to take all necessary steps to cause no interference to any
operations and to protect and preserve the status of the licenses associated with the Spectrum.
Intel will obtain an Experimental Authorization (currently WD9XZV) for use of the Spectrum
and payall reasonable out of pocket costs incurred by Clearwire to obtain consents from the EBS
licensees, in an amount notto exceed $1000 per licensee. Intel further agrees to indemnify
Clearwire against any damages caused by their temporary operation of the Spectrum, including,
without limitation, the payment ofany fines levied by the FCC or other regulatory authority for
any improper use of the Spectrum, such as, but not limited to, interference with other channels
or Clearwire‘s commercial network. Withoutlimiting the foregoing, Intel agrees that in the event
ofinterference, immediately upon oral or written notice (within four (4) hours in any event), it
will immediately cease any use ofthe Spectrum, until any interference issues that might arise are
resolved to Clearwire‘s satisfaction. Clearwire reserves the right to terminate or substitute the use
of some or the entire Spectrum, with 30 days prior notice.

Intel agrees to cooperate to share test plans on a confidential basis. To that end, during and upon
completion of the WiMax testing, and in exchange for Clearwire‘s consent as described above,

                                                                                      Nadja S. Sodos—Wallace
                                                                Senior Regulatory Counsel, Assistant Secretary

 C clearwire
                                                                                 815 Connectiout Avenue, NW


Clearwire and its corporate affiliates shall have reasonable access to the testing data and
conclusions in connection with the equipment as collected by Intel, for the purpose of evaluating
possible interference with the commercial network. Test information provided will be
consistent in format and substance with previous information exchanged between Clearwire and
Intel. Clearwire reserves the right to reasonably rejector collaborate with Intel to modify any
test plans that would result in interference with Clearwire‘s commercialsystem.

If there are anyfurther questions, please contact Paul McCarthy at 847—993—9631, or the
undersigned at (202) 330—4011 or at as soon as possible.


                                      Nadja S. Sodos—Wallace
                                      Senior Regulatory Counsel, Assistant Secretary

Agreed to:
Intel Corporation



Contact in the eventofinterference:

Wash. DC area
Omer Sezer
Office: (503) 712—4240
Cell: 503—819—6839

                                             Exhibit A

                                                                                Nadja S. Sodos—Wallace
                                                          Senior Regulatory Counsel, Assistant Secretary
                               *                                           815 Connectiout Avenue, NW
   f                                                                                         Suite 610
                                   r                                             Washington, DC 20006
              ec r
         C                                                                               (202)330—4011

Testing at locations and times designated by authorized Clearwire personnel.

                                         Exhibit B

1) To test and evaluate the performance of the Intel Wireless Multiconnection EDM320a WiMax
network, Kilmer Peak —V and other chips and devices as requested by Clearwire.

March 17. 2010
Hispanie Information and Telecommunications Network,. Inc.
Attention: Jose Luis Rodriguez. President
63 Flushing Avenue. Unit 281
Brooklyn. NY 11205
Re:    Consent to Temporary Use ofEBS Spectrumin
       Arlington and Hermdon.   u
HITN — Washington, D.C. D. LLC ("HITN®) is the licensee of EBS Station WHG442 covering
Arlington and Herndon, Virginia. That Stationis leased. pursuant to a De Facto Transfer Lease,
to Clearwire Spectrum Holdings 11 LLC. a wholly—ownedsubsidiary ofClearwire Corporation
(Clearwire"). Intel Corporation("Intel") would like to begin the use of Channels D1, D2, D3
and D4 (collectively the "Spectrum") prior to commercial launch ofthat spectrum: from March
15, 2010 through March 15. 2011.
HITN and Clearwire agree to permit temporary operation of the Spectrum under the terms and
conditions set forthin this letter. Intel will ensure that all operations overthe Spectrumwill be
in accordance with therules and regulations ofthe Federal Communications Commission andthe
Lease Agreement between HITN and Clearwire. Clearwire represents that Intel‘s use ofthe
Spectrum will be in cooperation and coordination with Clearwire. Clearwire furtheragrees to
indemnify HITN against any damages caused by the temporary operation ofthe Spectrum.
including, without limitation. the payment ofany fines levied by the FCC or other regulatory
authority for any improperuse ofthe Spectrum. suchasinterference with other channels. There
will be no commercial use of the Spectrum pursuant to this experimental application. Clearwire
believes that HITN‘s consent to this trial will benefit HITN and other EBS licensees. Intel will
timely file an applicationfor an experimental authorization to dothis testing. and will do the
testing in compliance with that application andsuch associated authorizationas shall be issued
by the Commission. The parties acknowledge that this letter will beattachedto the application
for Experimental Authorityto be filed by Intel withthe FCC‘s Office ofEngineering and
Technology for independent authorization to operate on the Spectrum.
Nothing containedhereinshall be deemed to amendor modify the Lease between HITN and
Clearwire in any way.

 @ AC                    wire
Ifthere are anyfurtherquestions or you would like to learn more about the trials. please contact
                                                  or the undersignedat (202)
Agreed to:
       on x9
Agreed to:
  Nar &Qfl@fi _ ‘1f A___
TPLPrrvmmmccserT. 18/
        e ZJ/3/A> m

a9/24/2009   12:28         3018552955                      KELLEY                                             PAGE      02

                                                                                             Nadia 5. Sodcs—Wallace
                                                                       Senior Requlatory Counsel, Assistant Secretary
                 &                      *                                                       1250 Eye Streat, NW
         4     #"i¢             g>                                                                         Sute 901
                ELSA 1 £                                                                      Washington, DC 20008
                 *                                                                                    (omso4ion

                                                March 15, 2010

     George Mason University Instructional Foundation, Inc.
     4400 University Drive MS1D2
     Fairfax, Virginia 22030
     Attn Michael R. Kelley, President

                     Re:      Consent to Temporary Use of EBS Spectrum in
                              Arlington and Hemdon, Virginia

     Dear Mike:

             George Mason University Instructional Foundation, Inc.("GMU®) is the license of EBS
     Station WHB652 that covers Arlington and Herndon, Virginia, That Station is leased, pursuant
     to a De Facto Transfer Lease to Fixed Wiroless Holdings, LLC, a wholly—owned subsidiary of
     Clearwire Corporation ("Clearwire"), Intel Corporation ("Intel") would like to begin the use of
     those channels prior to commercial launch ofthat spectrum. Clearwire wouldlike to temporarily
     use Channels C1, C2 and C3 (the "Spectrum") from March 15, 2010 through March 15, 2011.

            GMU and Clearwire agree to permit temporary operation of the Spectrum under the
     terms and conditions set forth in this letter, Intel agrees to ensure that all that all operation over
     the Spectrum will be in accordance with the rules and regulations ofthe Federal
     Communications Commission and the Lease Agreement between the parties. Intel‘s use ofthe
     Spectrum will be in cooperation and coordination with Clearwire. There will be no commercial
     use of the spectrum pursuant to this experimental application. Licensee believes thatits consent
     to this trial will benefit it and other EBS licensees. Intel will be filing an application for an
     experimental authorization to do this testing, and will do the testing in compliance with that
     application and the associated authorization that will be issued by the Commission, The parties
     acknowledge that this letter will be attached to the application for Experimental Authority to be
     filed by Intel with the FCC‘s Office of Engineering and Technology.

             Ifthere are any further questions or would like to learn more about the trials, please
     contact Paul McCarthy at $47—993—9631 or or the undersigned at
     (202) 330—4011 or at

                                                 At d
                                                 4G                       |
                                                     Nadj t} odos—Wallace

a9/24/2009    12:28   3016552365        KELLEY ... _2          .222 2222             PASE       as

                                                                     Nagja S. Sodos—Wallace
                                               Senlor Requlatory Counsel, Asslstant Sacratary
                                   *                                    1250 Eye Stret. NW
                        Mp on                                                      Sulte 901
                       td :                                           Washington, DC 20008
                        hA                                                    (rom)ss0—4011

     Agreed to:


             G—/sm—4, 0


 C cecocwire
Portland Community College
12000 S.W. 49th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97280
Attention John R. Sneed

               Re:     Consent to Temporary Use of EBS Spectrum in
                       Portland, Oregon

Dear John:

      Portland Community College ("Licensee") is the license of EBS Stations WHR746 and
WLX237 in Portland, Oregon. That Station is leased, pursuantto a grandfathered leases to
American Telecasting of Portland, LLC, a wholly—owned subsidiaryof Clearwire Corporation
("Clearwire"). Intel Corporation would like to temporarily use Channels B1, B2 and B3 (the
"Spectrum") from March 15, 2010through March 15, 2011 pursuant to an Applicationfor
Experimental Authority to be filed with the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") by
Intel Corporation.

       Intel will be using the Spectrum for WiMax chip and infrastructure testing. By their
signatures below. License and Clearwire consentto Intel‘s use ofthe Spectrum until March 15,
2011 under the terms and conditions set forth in this letter. Intel agrees to take all necessary
steps to cause no interference to anycurrent operations of EBS Stations WHR746 and WLX237.
There will be no commercial use of the spectrum pursuant tothis experimental application.
Licensee believes that its consentto this trial will benefit it and other EBS licensees. The parties
acknowledge that this letter will be attached to the application for Experimental Authority to be _
filed byIntel with the FCC‘s Office of Engineering and Technology

        If there are any further questions or would like to learn more aboutthe trials, please
contact Paul McCarthy at $47—993—9631 or pa
(202) 330—4011 or at


               wpdbfOdbold Wiitiacs
               Nadja S. Sodos—Wallace

 C clccorwire
        ;                h   a   7        Le    lz ,"/,'
    Jihs     ¢.        calec.         &        /4



Agreed to:
INTEL CORPORATION                j/
   rv Mefzrer            t

                  ¥o             W


                                                                                       Nadja S. Sodos—Wallace
                                                                 Senior Regulatory Counsel, Assistant Secretary
                                                                                          1250 Eye Street, NW
                                                                                                      Suite 901
                                                                                        Washington, DC 20005

Oregon Public Broadcasting
7140 SW Macadam Avenue
Portland, OR 97219—3099
ATTN Everett E. Helm

                Re:    Consent to Temporary Use of EBS Spectrum in
                       Portland, Oregon

Dear Everett:

        Oregon Public Broadcasting ("Licensee") is the license of EBS Station WHR543 in
Portland, Oregon. That Station is leased, pursuant to a grandfathered leases to American
Telecasting of Portland, LLC, a wholly—owned subsidiary of Clearwire Corporation
("Clearwire"). Intel Corporation would like to temporarily use Channels A1, A2 and A3 (the
"Spectrum") from March 15, 2010 through March 15, 2011 pursuant to an Application for
Experimental Authority to be filed with the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") by
Intel Corporation .

       Intel will be using the Spectrum for WiMax chip and infrastructure testing. By their
signatures below, License and Clearwire consent to Intel‘s use of the Spectrum until March 15,
2011 under the terms and conditions set forth in this letter. Intel agrees to take all necessary
steps to cause no interference to any current operations of EBS Station WHR543. There will be
no commercial use of the spectrum pursuant to this experimental application. Licensee believes
that its consent to this trial will benefit it and other EBS licensees. The parties acknowledge that
this letter will be attached to the application for Experimental Authority to be filed by Intel with
the FCC‘s Office of Engineering and Technology.

       If there are any further questions or would like to learn more about the trials, please
contact Paul McCarthy at 847—993—9631 or or the undersigned at
(202) 330—4011 or at


                                              Nadja S.     Ydédos—Wallace

                                                   Nadja S. Sodos—Wallace
                             Senior Regulatory Counsel, Assistant Secretary
                                                      1250 Eye Street, NW
                                                                 Suite 901
                                                    Washington, DC 20006

Agreed to:




Agreed to:


 » 3 > tems M&ma?@ ~

        47—# .— 2010

                                                                                        Nadja S, Sodos—Wallace
                                                                  Serior Regulatory Counsel, Assistant Secretery
                                        e                                                  1250 Eye Street, NW
                     f     m 1| al                                                                    Suite 901
                .         ul    d                                                        Washington, DC 20005

Oregon Public Broadcasting
7140 SW Macadam Avenue
Portland, OR 97219—3099
ATTN Everett E. Helm

                    Re:        Consent to Temporary Use of EBS Spectrum in
                               Portland, Oregon

Dear Everett:

        Oregon Public Broadcasting ("Licensee") is the license of EBS Station WHR543 in
Portland, Oregon. That Station is leased, pursuant to a grandfathered leases to American
Telecasting of Portland, LLC, a wholly—owned subsidiary of Clearwire Corporation
("Clearwire"). Intel Corporation would like to temporarily use Channels A1, A2 and A3 (the
"Spectrum") from March 15, 2010 through March 15, 2011 pursuant to an Application for
Experimental Authority to be filed with the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") by
Intel Corporation .

       Intel will be using the Spectrum for WiMax chip and infrastructure testing. By their
signatures below, License and Clearwire consent to Intel‘s use of the Spectrum until March 15,
2011 under the terms and conditions set forth in this letter. Intel agrees to take all necessary
steps to cause no interference to any current operations of EBS Station WHR543. There will be
no commercial use of the spectrum pursuant to this experimental application. Licensee believes
that its consent to this trial will benefit it and other EBS licensees. The parties acknowledge that
this letter will be attached to the application for Experimental Authority to be filed by Intel with
the FCC‘s Office of Engineering and Technology.

       If there are any further questions or would like to learn more about the trials, please
contact Paul McCarthy at §47—993—9631 or or the undersigned at
(202) 330—4011 or at


                                                   Nadja S. Sodos—Wallace

                                                      Nadja S. Sodos—Wellace
                                Senior Regulatory Counsel, Assistant Secretary
                                                          1250 Eye Street, NWV

             clearwire                                               Suite 901

                                                       Washington, DC 20005

Agreed to:


             M ar h Tle, 2012

Agreed to:




Document Created: 2010-03-29 12:25:20
Document Modified: 2010-03-29 12:25:20

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