DNR Correspondance

0638-EX-ST-2014 Text Documents



From: Kaikkonen, John (DNR) [mailto:John.Kaikkonen@dnr.wa.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 12:37 PM
To: Mark.A-CTR.Jordan@faa.gov; Jerry McWithey; Charlton Evans; Paul McDuffee; KASSEL, ALBERT
(DNR); Verner, Mary (DNR)
Subject: Carlton Complex Fire

Hi Mark,

We are evaluating a rapidly evolving set of circumstances surrounding the Carlton Complex Fire near
Twisp, WA.

The fires are converging and our priorities for suppression are shifting. Homes are threatened at the
moment, we are sizing things up. There is a Type 2 team assuming command today. We have a
declaration of emergency from the Governor in relation to the situation in a majority of the eastern half
of the state, competing asset requirements, and a lot of fires burning in WA and OR.

Assuming you think it is just, we will be applying for an ECOA in an effort to leverage every available
asset to our advantage that we can.

Please let us know if we can streamline the process if at all possible in working off of the existing ECOA
that we have.

I will contact you when I get out of this conference call.

Thank you for your flexibility and support.


Document Created: 2014-07-16 14:37:31
Document Modified: 2014-07-16 14:37:31

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