Technical Description

0345-EX-ST-2017 Text Documents



 UAS Development

Submitted by Joel Thorsheim on behalf of Insitu
The Boeing Company
Frequency Management Services
P.O. Box 3707 MC: 2T-22
Seattle, WA 98124-2207
206-544-6066 Office

 Why an Experimental License is Necessary:

 An experimental license is required to support development and testing of the UAS
 communications data link architecture.

 Operation Description:

 The operation involves experimentation using a Common Data Link (CDL) systems that
 will be used as the communications data link for a UAS. The initial phase of the
 experimentation will require ground testing of the data link from the UAS terminal to a
 ground control station terminal. During this phase of the testing the aircraft terminal
 equipment will be operated on the ground at Bingen, WA. The UAS communications
 terminal will transmit in the CDL mobile band (14400 – 14830 MHz), and the fixed
 ground control terminal will transmit in the CDL fixed band (15150 – 15350 MHz). No
 mobile air operations are required for the initial phase, and all communications tests will
 be conducted within the requested areas of operation.

 Follow-on testing will include actual mobile air to fixed ground station operations, and is
 anticipated to be conducted at Boardman Bombing Range, OR. Flight testing will
 demonstrate communications capability from ground to 10,000 feet.

Table (1) lists the aircraft terminal specifications, including frequency band of operation,
transmitter output power, emissions, antenna types and gains, as well as maximum ERP.
Figure (1) is a diagram of the aircraft terminal configuration.

                                Frequency Data
       Transmit                         14400 – 14830 MHz
       Receive                          15150 – 15350 MHz
                                Transmitter Data
       Transmitter Model                Mini CDL 200
       Transmitter Manufacturer         L3 Communications
       Transmitter Power Output         2.5 Watts
                                 Antenna Data
       Bicone Antenna                   5 dBi Gain Omni
       Bicone Antenna ERP               5 Watts

       Hemispherical Antenna                 3.8 dBi Gain Omni
       Hemispherical Antenna ERP             4 Watts
                                      Emission Data
       Emissions                             800KG1D

                            Table 1 – Aircraft Terminal Data

Table (2) lists the ground terminal specifications, including frequency band of operation,
transmitter output power, emissions, antenna types and gains, as well as maximum ERP.
The ERP calculation takes into account various system losses between the transmitter
output and antenna feed. Figure (2) is a diagram of the ground terminal.

                                Frequency Data
       Transmit                         15150 – 15350 MHz
       Receive                          14400 – 14830 MHz
                                Transmitter Data
       Transmitter Model                Mini CDL 200
       Transmitter Manufacturer         L3 Communications
       Transmitter Power Output         2.5 Watts
                                 Antenna Data
       Bicone Antenna                   5 dBi Gain Omni
       Bicone Antenna ERP               5 Watts

       Hemispherical Antenna                  3.8 dBi Gain Omni
       Hemispherical Antenna ERP              4 Watts

       1.2 Meter Directional Dish             8 Watts + 41.1 dBi
       1.2 Meter Directional Dish ERP         83,000 Watts

                                     Emission Data
       Emissions                            800KG1D

                           Table 2 – Ground Terminal Data

Table (3) lists the locations/areas of operations, as well as the station class of the

City                State    Latitude      Longitude         Radius      Station Type

Bingen               WA      45-42-23N     121-27-29W        5           Fixed/Ground

Boardman            OR       45-44-54N     119-47-38W        2           Fixed/Ground
Bombing Range

Boardman            OR       45-44-54N     119-47-38W        50          Mobile/Air
Bombing Range

                                  Table 3 – Location Data

Operation Period:
Start Date: April 1, 2017
Stop Date: September 30, 2017

Stop Buzzer POC:
Stop Buzzer for this operation is Insitu Operations Action Center at 509-493-4691.

Document Created: 2017-03-17 12:56:30
Document Modified: 2017-03-17 12:56:30

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