Attachment A

0543-EX-ST-2009 Text Documents

Inmarsat Hawaii Inc.


                                     ATTACHMENT A


               By this Application, and pursuant to Section 5.61 of the Commission’s rules,
47 C.F.R. § 5.61, Inmarsat Hawaii, Inc. (“Inmarsat Hawaii”)1 seeks STA for six months to:
(i) conduct technical demonstrations using new, pre-production Global Satellite Phone
Service (“GSPS”) prototype handsets; (ii) test these handsets in connection with their
production and the deployment of other parts of the GSPS network; and (iii) otherwise
develop radio techniques, equipment, operational data and engineering data related to GSPS.
See 47 CFR §§ 5.3(d), (g), (i). These new, pre-production GSPS prototype handsets are
technically identical to the simulator-based GSPS prototype handset currently being tested by
Inmarsat Hawaii pursuant to authority previously granted by the Commission.2

                 Inmarsat Hawaii proposes to test Elcoteq IsatPhone Pro handsets installed with
firmware versions 1, 1.1, and 2, respectively. Testing would evaluate the performance of
these handsets and GSPS generally, through communications over the Inmarsat-4F3
spacecraft, to ensure that they are able to operate in accordance with design specifications.
Testing also would evaluate the interaction of these handsets with certain GSPS gateway
equipment.3 Testing, demonstrations, and studies using these handsets potentially could be
conducted at various locations throughout the United States, although it is expected that the
majority of such activities would be conducted at Lockheed Martin facilities in Pennsylvania,
and in Hawaii in the vicinity of Inmarsat’s gateway facilities and the network control center
for the I4F3 spacecraft. The technical specifications for the Elcoteq IsatPhone Pro handsets
are set forth in Table 1 and the accompanying cover form.

  Inmarsat Hawaii is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Inmarsat plc (“Inmarsat”), which operates
a global fleet of L-Band MSS spacecraft, including the Inmarsat-4F3 (“I4F3”) spacecraft
currently located at 97.65º W.L.
  See FCC File No. 0185-EX-ST-2009. Inmarsat Hawaii also seeks STA to continue testing
its earlier model Satellite Phone Service (“SPS”) handset and simulator-based GSPS
prototype handset, in a manner consistent with authority previously granted by the
Commission. See id.
  The GSPS system includes a Network Control Center-Gateway (NCC-GW) which provides
the interface to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) and the Inmarsat-4F3
spacecraft uplink. As part of the testing of this NCC-GW, Inmarsat Hawaii would like to
utilize a test handset / user terminal (UT) to provide an end-to-end test capability. This test
UT would incorporate a combination of commercial off the shelf equipment (i.e., antenna, L-
band up/down converters, power amplifiers), NCC-GW channel equipment configured to
emulate the UT layer 1 functions, known as the ICE, and the UT core module protocol stack
software running on a computer platform (collectively, the transportable enhanced inverse
channel equipment or “eICE-T”). The eICE-T would allow testing of the GSPS system air
interface operation to include idle mode operations, voice, and data calls. The eICE-T
equipment would be physically contained within the NCC-GW premises, would not be
accessible to the general public, and would be operated only by experienced test personnel.


                           Table 1: GSPS Handset Specifications

                                                  Elcoteq (manufacturer)
                                                  Sasken (designer and developer)
             Model                                IsatPhone Pro (ver. 1, 1.1, 2)
             Number of Units                      Up to 50
             Transmit Frequencies                 1626.5-1660.5 MHz
             Receive Frequencies                  1525.0-1559.0 MHz
             Output Power/ERP                     ≥ 6 dBw
             Mean Peak                            5 dBw max
             Frequency Tolerance (±)              ± 1 ppm
             Transmit Emission Designator         50K0G7W
             Receive Emission Designator          200KG7W
             Transmit Modulation                  GMSK
             Receive Modulation                   OQPSK

               These technical specifications are consistent with those for the simulator-
based GSPS handsets that Inmarsat has been testing pursuant to experimental authority
previously granted by the Commission in FCC File No. 0185-EX-ST-2009. Notably, testing
of those GSPS handsets, and the Satellite Phone Service (“SPS”) handsets covered by the
same authorization, has been carried out without causing harmful interference into any other
operator. In connection with its testing of the new Elcoteq terminals, Inmarsat Hawaii seeks
STA to continue testing these earlier model handsets, in a manner consistent with the
technical specifications set forth in FCC File No. 0185-EX-ST-2009, and incorporated by
reference herein.

                Inmarsat Hawaii proposes to test handsets in the 1626.5-1660.5 MHz transmit
band and in the 1525.0-1559.0 MHz receive band. Inmarsat has used these frequency bands
for years to serve the U.S. and foreign markets, and the technical parameters of the proposed
operations are consistent with the parameters of such service. Handsets would be operated by
experienced test personnel in a manner consistent with the Commission’s radio frequency
(RF) exposure guidelines and applicable provisions of Part 25 of the Commission’s rules.
The specific frequencies to be used by each handset would be assigned by the Inmarsat
satellite network,4 through Inmarsat-controlled earth station facilities located in Paumalu,
Hawaii. Thus, Inmarsat would remain in ultimate control of any experimental operation.5

                               *      *       *        *      *

  The SPS and GSPS user terminals provide terminal identification to the network via the
International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) process, rather than by voice or Morse code,
as specified in the Commission’s rules.
    Terminal equipment could be owned by manufacturers in some cases.


                GSPS will be a highly competitive offering in terms of hardware costs, airtime
rates and service quality, with a strong combination of form and functionality that Inmarsat
believes will change the landscape in the provision of the mobile satellite services. The
requested STA would facilitate the introduction of GSPS to the U.S. by enabling Inmarsat to
develop the technical expertise to extend and enhance existing uses of L-band spectrum
through the introduction of GSPS. Accordingly, the expeditious grant of this Application
would serve the public interest, convenience and necessity.

               Inmarsat Hawaii’s existing experimental STA, which has facilitated the testing
of earlier model SPS and GSPS terminals, will expire on November 18, 2009. In order to
ensure the continuity of Inmarsat’s experimental program as it expands to include the new,
pre-production Elcoteq IsatPhone Pro handsets, and facilitate the planned introduction of
GSPS by mid-2010, Inmarsat seeks STA as of November 18, 2009, and requests expedited
processing of this Application.


Document Created: 2009-11-11 11:08:56
Document Modified: 2009-11-11 11:08:56

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