
4410-EX-PL-1994 Correspondence



                          Federal Communications Commission
                                  Washington, D.C. 20554
                                     MAR 13 1997

Ron Carr
Account Manager
IWL Comrpunications, Inc.
4311 FM 2351
Friendswood, TX 77546

       RE:     Experimental Application File No: 4410—EX—PL—94
               Signature Date: July 8, 1994

Dear Mr. Carr:

The above referenced application has been pending with the FCC for a considerable period
awaiting approval from the International Bureau of the FCC granting COMSAT authority to
service the Inmarsat equipment listed in your application. To date we have been unable to
obtain the necessary clearance, hence the delay in granting the license.

If you have received a letter issued to Comsat Mobile Communications, giving them
permission to serve the Inmarsat equipment in your application, please send us a copy and we
will resume processing your application. If you have not received such a letter, and the
requirement for this operation still exists, please contact Comsat to obtain a copy of approval
from the FCC to serve these terminal(s). In either case and in view of the long pendency of
your applic‘ation, please indicate to me in writing, whether or not you wish to continue to
prosecute your application.

Please submit the requested information to the FCC, 2000 M St., NW., Suite 230,
Washington, D.C. 20554, Attn: OET/NTDD/ELB, MS 1300E1l, Ms. Peggy Fowler. Failure
to respond within 30 days will result in the dismissal of your application in accordance with
Section 5.60(b) of the Commission‘s Rules.


                                                   Paul L. Marrangoni
                                                   Experimental Licensing Branch

Document Created: 2001-07-30 15:51:08
Document Modified: 2001-07-30 15:51:08

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