Cover Letter/Addendum

3540-EX-PL-1992 Text Documents



Towa Satellite Company
The Livery, Suite S4
806 7th Street
Boone, IA 50036

March 7, 1994

Federal Communications Commission
Room 7326           6
Washington, D.C. 205#4

Dear Sir,

      On November 12, 1992 the Iowa Satellite Company sent an application for new radio station
authorization under part 5 of FCC rules (File number: 3540—EX—PL—92). This application was for
frequency allocation to be used in the operation of a small experimental satellite. This mission of this
satellite is educational in nature.

     Since the application was sent, the design of the communications system for this satellite has
matured and several changes have been made. Enclosed is an addendum containing the changes to be
made to the application. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (515) 294—5760.
Thank you.


 J1 CA
Dr. Leverne Seversike

Addendum to Application—1A: for transmitter at ground control center

Part 4 should read:

                      (A)       (B)      (C)       D)     _(E          E)         (G)
               137.010 MHz      3 W_|   2.5 W    Mean     F2D     9600 baud    20 KHz

     (G) see Exhibit no. Al1

Exhibit A1 should read:

Comm—1 Uplink Transmitter:

     Frequency:                137.010 Mhz
     Power:                    2—3 watts
     Maximum data rate:        9600 bits per second
     Modulation technique:     Continuous Phase Binary Frequency Shift Keying (CP—BFSK)
     Necessary bandwidth:      20 Khz

     How the necessary bandwidth was determined:

          For CP—BFSK (with modulation index equal to 0.715), it was determined that 99% of the
     modulated signal energy will be concentrated in a bandwidth of less than 16 Khz. This was
     determined by integrating the modulated signal power spectral density with respect to
     frequency deviation from the center frequency. The power level in neighboring channels will
     be less than —30 dB. The 20 Khz bandwidth that is being asked for will meet our requirements
     with a 4 KHz margin.

Addendum to Application—1B: for one of two transmitters on—board the satellite

Part 4 should read:

                      (A)       (B)      (C)       (D)     (E)                    (G)
               411.030 MHz      3 W    2.5 W     Mean     F2D     9600 baud      20 KHz

     (G) see Exhibit no. A2

Exhibit A2 should read:

     Comm—1 Downlink Transmitter:

     Frequency:               411.030 Mhz
     Power:                   2—3 watts
     Maximum data rate:       9600 bits per second
     Modulation technique:    Continuous Phase Binary Frequency Shift Keying (CP—BFSK)
     Necessary bandwidth:     20 Khz

     How the necessary bandwidth was determined:

     For CP—BFSK (with modulation index equal to 0.715), it was determined that 99% of the
     modulated signal energy will be concentrated in a bandwidth of less than 16 Khz. This was
     determined by integrating the modulated signal power spectral density with respect to
     frequency deviation from the center frequency. The power level in neighboring channels will
     be less than —30 dB. The 20 Khz bandwidth that is being asked for will meet our requirements
     with a 4 KHz margin.

Addendum to Application—2B: for one of two transmitters on—board the satellite

Part 4 should read:

                      (A)       (B)        _(C)    D)      (E)        (P)         (G)
               444.030 MHz      3 W       2.5 W   Mean    F2D     9600 baud      20 KHz

     (G) see Exhibit no. A4

Exhibit A4 should read:

     Comm—2 Downlink Transmitter:

     Frequency:               444.030 Mhz
     Power:                   2—3 watts
     Maximum data rate:       9600 bits per second
     Modulation technique:    Continuous Phase Binary Frequency Shift Keying (CP—BFSK)
     Necessary bandwidth:     20 Khz

     How the necessary bandwidth was determined:

     For CP—BFSK (with modulation index equal to 0.715), it was determined that 99% of the
     modulated signal energy will be concentrated in a bandwidth of less than 16 Khz. This was
     determined by integrating the modulated signal power spectral density with respect to
     frequency deviation from the center frequency. The power level in neighboring channels will
     be less than —30 dB. The 20 Khz bandwidth that is being asked for will meet our requirements
     with a 4 KHz margin.

Document Created: 2001-07-31 07:24:55
Document Modified: 2001-07-31 07:24:55

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