1226-EX-ST-2016 Text Documents




                                     SECURITY SUMMARY & SPECIAL HANDLING REQUIREMENTS

      The title of this application is : Split Aces IMSAR UWB SAR

             The overall classification of this application is :    UNCLASSIFIED

               Refer to your Security Manual for further guidance.

               The Application Level Special Handling is : E
                    Exempt from the Freedom of Information Act
                    Not Releasable outside the US Government IAW Section 552 (b)(1) of Title 5 of the US Code.

                                                                                                        J/F 12/10848

  Special Handling Instruction : E

DD Form 1494, MAY 91                                        S/N 0102-LF-001-4941
                                                            EL-CID ver. 6.0 rev 227   04/28/2016

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                         FULL RECORD PRINT FOR Split Aces IMSAR UWB SAR

   Application Title
        (U) Split Aces IMSAR UWB SAR
   System Name             : (U) Split Aces IMSAR UWB SAR
        Coord.ID/JF12 Num.     : J/F 12/10848
        Stage                  : (U) 3 - Developmental
        Agency                 : (U) N - Department of the Navy
        NTIA Certified         : (U) No
        Date Of Import         : 4/4/2016 12:35:11 (GMT)
        Date/Time Last Mod. : 4/28/2016 11:10:31 (GMT)
        Overall Security       : Unclassified

        System Description
                 (U) Ultra Wide Band (UWB) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) brings sensing capability
                     to small UAV platforms. IMSAR UWB SAR uses radio waves to generate images through
                     rain, fog, and dust, and independent of day or night, and is capable of foliage
                     penetration, CCD, NCCD, thin wire detection, and ground penetration. Target detection,
                     identification, and geolocation capabilities are enhanced with this radar.

        Geographic Areas for Stage 3
            (U) Redstone Arsenal, (U) AL        (U) Polygon

             (U) Fort Huachuca, (U) AZ     (U) Polygon

             (U) Yuma Marine Corps Air Station, (U) AZ             (U) Polygon

             (U) Twentynine Palms Marine Corps, (U) CA               (U) Polygon

             (U) China Lake Naval Weapons Cente, (U) CA                     (U) Polygon

             (U) Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Ba, (U) CA                 (U) Polygon

             (U) Avon Park Air Force Bombing Ra, (U) FL               (U) Polygon

             (U) Eglin Air Force Base, (U) FL     (U) Polygon

             (U) Camp Atterbury Millaty Reserva, (U) IN            (U) Polygon

             (U) Camp Grayling Military Reserva, (U) MI            (U) Polygon

             (U) Atlantic Field Marine Corps Ai, (U) NC          (U) Polygon

             (U) Camp LeJeune Marine Corps Base, (U) NC                     (U) Polygon

             (U) Cherry Point Marine Corps Air, (U) NC           (U) Polygon

             (U) Boardman Naval Bombing Range, (U) OR                  (U) Polygon

             (U) Patuxent River, MD      (U) Polygon


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                            FULL RECORD PRINT FOR Split Aces IMSAR UWB SAR

             (U) Dugway Proving Grounds, (U) UT         (U) Polygon

             (U) Springville, (U) Utah   (U) Single Point
                   Lat/Lon                   : (U) 40 9'53"N 111 36'55"W

             (U) Whidbey Island Naval Air Stati, (U) WA          (U) Polygon

             (U) Camp Guernsey, (U) Wyoming (U) Center Point and Radius
                   Lat/Lon              : (U) 42 26'53"N 104 47'57"W lat/lon
                   Radius               : (U) 25.0 km

        Predefined Trunking? :       (U) No

        Control Numbers
             SPS- 21135/1
        Certification of Spectrum Support Information

             Type                :   Other
             Ref. To Cert.       :   False
             Ref. ID             :   SPS 19665/1
             Ref. Title          :   AF Application for Stage 2 Spectrum Review of Ultra SAR UWB Radar
             Ref. Author         :   (U) Jose Cardona
             Ref. Org.           :   (U) AFSMO/SQC
             Ref. Date           :   7/22/2013
             Ref. Is Class.      :   False

             Type                :   Previous Certification
             Ref. To Cert.       :   True
             Ref. Title          :   AF - ImSAR Ultra SAR UWB Radar - 2 - Unapproved - J/F 12
             Ref. Org.           :   (U) AF
             Ref. Date           :   7/22/2013
             Ref. Is Class.      :   False

             Type                :   Technical Reference
             Ref. To Cert.       :   False
             Ref. ID             :   20258/1
             Ref. Title          :   NTIA Certification Data Advisory Notice of the Air Force Ultra SAR UWB Radar,
                                     Stage 2
             Ref. Author         :   (U) William M. Doolan
             Ref. Org.           :   (U) NTIA SRB
             Ref. Date           :   4/28/2014
             Ref. Is Class.      :   False

             File Name              :     (U) MSAR Out-of-Band Justification 26OCT12.pdf
             File Name              :     (U) Response to NTIA UWB preliminary assessment ver1 Dated 28OCT2014.pdf
             Date of the Attachment :     10/28/2014
             File Name              :     (U) UWB EMC analysis 50 W.pdf
             Date of the Attachment :     1/12/2016
             File Name              :     (U) UWB SAR additional remarks.docx
             Date of the Attachment :     7/1/2013


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                            FULL RECORD PRINT FOR Split Aces IMSAR UWB SAR

                Recommending Offical         :   Stephen J. Butcher
                      Title                  :   Chairman Spectrum Planning Subcommittee
                Certifying Official          :   Edward M. Davison
                      Title                  :   Deputy Associate Administrator

          To Address              :   (U) Navy Marine Corps Spectrum Center
                                          P.O. Box 549
                                          Ft. Meade, MD 20755-0549
          From Address            :   (U) NAVAIR / PMA 263
                                          22707 Cedar Point Road
                                          Patuxent River, MD 20670
          Point(s) of Contact     :
                                      (U) Program Manager: John Gernand

                                      (U) Project Engineer: Jennifer Archer
         Stage Start(s)
              Stage (U) 4 - Operational Start Date        : (U) 1/1/2017
         Target Date(s)
              System Approval            : (U) 9/1/2015
              System Activation          : (U) 9/1/2015
              System Termination         : (U) 9/1/2045
         National Coord. Required?: Yes
         NSEP Use                 : (U) No
         Extent of Use
                    (U) Intermittent: 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week
         ITU Waiver               : (U) No
         Number Of Units                 : (U) 5
              Num. Units in Same Environment : (U) 1
              Number Of Units Per Stage  :
                    Stage 4       : (U) 40
         Estimated Initial Cost of the System        : (U) $ 350000
              System Cost Comments
                    (U) Per UAS platform.
         Information Transfer Requirement
                    (U) A pulsed frequency modulated continuous wave is mixed in homodyne mode.
         System Essentiality
                    (U) Small UAS platforms will have the capability to image in adverse conditions
                        and reduced visibility. Command and control of the SAR will be over existing UAS
                        command and control links.
         Replacement Information
                    (U) NA
     Remark(s) (U)
(U) Names have been modified from prior Stage 2 applications to reflect that this submission is
    for a Marine-Corps project utilizing the same technology.


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                          FULL RECORD PRINT FOR Split Aces IMSAR UWB SAR

(U) The usable bandwidth of the system is 200-2000 MHz. In theory, the center frequency can be
    tuned to any portion of this band, although the operating bandwidth options are dependent on the

    The equipment can be fully configured by the operator to meet local spectrum requirements,
    including notching out any desired portion of the transmitted band. Notches are applied via a password
    protected local network web interface, and the transmitter is then turned off during the bands
    specified. The notching parameters are stored in the radar as an electronic file. The parameters can
    be changed in advance of operation, or 'on the fly' to remedy a frequency conflict found in the
    middle of a sortie.

    Active notching is not currently available with this system, but could be developed if
    considered beneficial and/or necessary
(U) Links were not created due to software limitation. Some were allowed, but in order not to
    confuse actual requested frequencies (200-2000MHz), none were created.

    The follwoing EL-CID software message appears when creating links:

    There are Selected Modes in this combination of equipments whose band limits no longer m"atch
    the Frequency Allocation Table (FAT). They have been removed from the Selected Modes grid.
    (Click View Link to see all existing stored modes.)
    This occurs when the FAT is changed after this record is built.
    Review the Selected Modes and click Apply to bring this record into compliance with the FAT."

                Station Name         :   (U) Target - Generic

               Station Name          : (U) Air Platform
                     Point Type          : Point to Point
                          (U) IMSAR UWB Radar
                          (U) IMSAR UWB Radar
                          (U) IMSAR UWB Log-periodic Antenna


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                        FULL RECORD PRINT FOR Split Aces IMSAR UWB SAR

                       TRANSMITTER IMSAR UWB Radar

             Nomenclature             : (U) IMSAR UWB Radar
             Manufacturer             : (U) IMSAR LLC
             Model Name               : (U) IMSAR UWB Radar
             Tx Type                  : (U) Interrupted FMCW
             NTIA Approval Status : (U) Unapproved
             Coordination ID          : J/F 12
             Date of Import           : 4/4/2016 12:35:11 (GMT)
             Date/Time Last Mod. : 4/28/2016 11:08:43 (GMT)
             Fcc Acc. Number          : (U) NA
             Tx Installation(s)       : (U) Aircraft
             Filter Type              : (U) See remarks
             Freq. Stability          : (U) 50ppm
             Output Device            : (U) Integrated Circuit
             Tuning Method            : (U) PLL Synthesizer
             Radar/Comm               : (U) Radar
             Supp. of Harmonics       : (U) No
                   Power Type : Mean
                   Lower Limit : (U) 1.00 W
                   Upper Limit : (U) 6.50 W
                   Power Type : Peak Envelope
                   Upper Limit : (U) 50.0 W
                         Figure 1 - 2nd Harmonic Curve (U)
                            Atten.     Offset (Fo)
                            -54.5 dB   0.00000 MHz



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                      FULL RECORD PRINT FOR Split Aces IMSAR UWB SAR

                      Figure 2 - 3rd Harmonic Curve (U)
                           Atten.     Offset (Fo)
                           -60.0 dB   0.00000 MHz


                      Figure 3 - Other Harmonic Curve (U)
                           Atten.     Offset (Fo)
                           -60.0 dB   0.00000 MHz


                      Figure 4 - Spurious Emission Curve (U)

                           Maximum Spurious
                                          : Emission
                           -56.4 dB



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                        FULL RECORD PRINT FOR Split Aces IMSAR UWB SAR

                  Tuned Frequency            : (U) 200.0000 MHz - 2000.000 MHz
                  Number Freq. Required      : (U) 1
                  Freq. Blocking Indicator   : (U) No
                  Lowest Usable Channel      : (U) 455.0000 MHz
                  Em. Designator             : (U) 510MF3N
                       Necessary BW          : (U) 510.00 MHz
                            Modulation - 510MF3N
                                  Occupied Bandwidth        : (U) 510.00 MHz
                                  Measured/Calculated       : (U) Calculated
                                  Radar/Communications      : (U) Radar
                                  Radar Type                : (U) FM CW Radar
                                  Spread Spectrum           : No

                       Figure 5 - Fundamental Curve (U)

                            Meas/Calc : Calculated
                            Level    Offset (Fo)

                            -3.00 dB   250.00 MHz
                            -20.0 dB   255.00 MHz
                            -40.0 dB   259.60 MHz
                            -60.0 dB   259.60 MHz


                   Em. Designator            : (U) 1G50F3N
                        Necessary BW         : (U) 1500.0 MHz
                            Modulation - 1G50F3N
                                  Occupied Bandwidth        :         (U) 1500.0 MHz
                                  Measured/Calculated       :         (U) Calculated
                                  Radar/Communications      :         (U) Radar
                                  Radar Type                :         (U) FM CW Radar
                                  Spread Spectrum           :         No


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                        FULL RECORD PRINT FOR Split Aces IMSAR UWB SAR

                       Figure 6 - Fundamental Curve (U)

                            Meas/Calc : Calculated
                            Level    Offset (Fo)

                            -3.00 dB   735.30 MHz
                            -20.0 dB   750.00 MHz
                            -40.0 dB   763.50 MHz
                            -60.0 dB   763.50 MHz


                   Em. Designator            : (U) 805MF3N
                        Necessary BW         : (U) 805.00 MHz
                            Modulation - 805MF3N
                                  Occupied Bandwidth        :         (U) 805.00 MHz
                                  Measured/Calculated       :         (U) Calculated
                                  Radar/Communications      :         (U) Radar
                                  Radar Type                :         (U) FM CW Radar
                                  Spread Spectrum           :         No

                       Figure 7 - Fundamental Curve (U)

                            Meas/Calc : Calculated
                            Level    Offset (Fo)

                            -3.00 dB   392.10 MHz
                            -20.0 dB   402.50 MHz
                            -40.0 dB   409.75 MHz
                            -60.0 dB   409.75 MHz


                   Em. Designator            : (U) 1G20F3N
                        Necessary BW         : (U) 1200.0 MHz
                            Modulation - 1G20F3N
                                  Occupied Bandwidth        :         (U) 1200.0 MHz
                                  Measured/Calculated       :         (U) Calculated
                                  Radar/Communications      :         (U) Radar
                                  Radar Type                :         (U) FM CW Radar
                                  Spread Spectrum           :         No


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                        FULL RECORD PRINT FOR Split Aces IMSAR UWB SAR

                       Figure 8 - Fundamental Curve (U)

                            Meas/Calc : Calculated
                            Level    Offset (Fo)

                            -3.00 dB   588.25 MHz
                            -20.0 dB   600.00 MHz
                            -40.0 dB   610.80 MHz
                            -60.0 dB   610.80 MHz


                   Em. Designator            : (U) 1G78F3N
                        Necessary BW         : (U) 1780.0 MHz
                            Modulation - 1G78F3N
                                  Occupied Bandwidth        :         (U) 1780.0 MHz
                                  Measured/Calculated       :         (U) Calculated
                                  Radar/Communications      :         (U) Radar
                                  Radar Type                :         (U) FM CW Radar
                                  Spread Spectrum           :         No

                       Figure 9 - Fundamental Curve (U)

                            Meas/Calc : Calculated
                            Level    Offset (Fo)

                            -3.00 dB   872.55 MHz
                            -20.0 dB   890.00 MHz
                            -40.0 dB   916.20 MHz
                            -60.0 dB   916.20 MHz



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                          FULL RECORD PRINT FOR Split Aces IMSAR UWB SAR

     Remark(s) (U)

(U) Output Device is Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC)

(U) Modulation technique is similar to Interrupted Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave. The IMSAR
    UWB radar varies from the typical definition of an IFMCW system in that it does not necessarily
    operate with a 50% duty cycle. Also, the radar is programmed so that each transmitted segment within
    a chirp begins where the previous segment ended. This means that the entire bandwidth is used,
    and the data processed as if it were an FMCW system, even though it has the same "pulsing"
    characteristics of an IFMCW system.

(U) The out-of-band filter cutoff is designed as follows: -3 dB @ 1620 MHz, -10 dB @ 1685 MHz,
    -20 dB @ 1755 MHz, -40 dB @ 1860 MHz. This supports the upper limit of the current hardware,
    which operates up to about 1550 MHz. A near-future hardware redesign will allow for operation up
    to the 2000 MHz.

(U) The target platform is small UAVs. For testing and development (and for convenience at other
    times), the system may be flown on small manned aircraft, such as a Cessna 172.

(U) The IMSAR UWB radar is capable of notching out specified transmission bands to prevent
    interference to other systems. Notch depths of -52 dBc or better are achievable across the band.

(U) A chirp is divided into some   number of pulses, with each pulse covering an equal portion of
    the full frequency modulated   operating band. The number of pulses within a chirp is computed
    dynamically depending on the   standoff range to the target of interest. Since the PRF is a fixed value
    (typically 1 kHz), the pulse   rate, width, and compression ratio all vary according to the number of
    pulses in each chirp. Also,    the pulse rate and width are inversely proportional. The pulse rise
    and fall times are constant,   and independent of bandwidth.


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                         FULL RECORD PRINT FOR Split Aces IMSAR UWB SAR

                        RECEIVER IMSAR UWB Radar

             Nomenclature            :   (U) IMSAR UWB Radar
             Manufacturer            :   (U) IMSAR LLC
             Model Name              :   (U) IMSAR UWB Radar
             RxType                  :   (U) FMCW Homodyne
             NTIA Approval Status    :   (U) Unapproved
             Coordination ID         :   J/F 12
             Date of Import          :   4/4/2016 12:35:11 (GMT)
             Date/Time Last Mod.     :   8/3/2015 14:46:12 (GMT)
             Fcc Acc. Number         :   (U) NA
             Rx Installation(s)      :
                                         (U) Aircraft
             Freq. Stability          : (U) 50ppm
             Tuning Method            : (U) PLL Synthesizer
             Preselection Type        : (U) Microstrip Resonator Based antenna
                  Tuned Frequency : (U) 200.0000 MHz - 2000.000 MHz
                             Em. Designator : (U) 510MF3N
                             Necessary BW        : (U) 510.00 MHz
                             Perf. Crit.         : (U) S/N - Signal to Noise Ratio (dB)
                             Perf. Value         : (U) 0
                             Sensitivity         : (U) -103 dBm
                             Noise Fig.          : (U) 2.00 dB
                             Em. Designator : (U) 1G50F3N
                             Necessary BW        : (U) 1500.0 MHz
                             Perf. Crit.         : (U) S/N - Signal to Noise Ratio (dB)
                             Perf. Value         : (U) 0
                             Sensitivity         : (U) -98.0 dBm
                             Noise Fig.          : (U) 2.00 dB
                             Em. Designator : (U) 805MF3N
                             Necessary BW        : (U) 805.00 MHz
                             Perf. Crit.         : (U) S/N - Signal to Noise Ratio (dB)
                             Perf. Value         : (U) 0
                             Sensitivity         : (U) -101 dBm
                             Noise Fig.          : (U) 2.00 dB
                             Em. Designator : (U) 1G20F3N
                             Necessary BW        : (U) 1200.0 MHz
                             Perf. Crit.         : (U) S/N - Signal to Noise Ratio (dB)
                             Perf. Value         : (U) 0
                             Sensitivity         : (U) -99.0 dBm
                             Noise Fig.          : (U) 2.00 dB
                             Em. Designator : (U) 1G78F3N
                             Necessary BW        : (U) 1780.0 MHz
                             Perf. Crit.         : (U) S/N - Signal to Noise Ratio (dB)
                             Perf. Value         : (U) 0
                             Sensitivity         : (U) -97.0 dBm
                             Noise Fig.          : (U) 2.00 dB


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                          FULL RECORD PRINT FOR Split Aces IMSAR UWB SAR

                         Figure 10 - RF Selectivity Curve (U)
                              Meas/Calc : Calculated
                              Atten.   Offset (Fo)
                              3.00 dB  900.00 MHz
                              20.0 dB  1000.0 MHz
                              60.0 dB  1200.0 MHz


     Remark(s) (U)

(U) The target platform is small UAVs. For testing and development (and for convenience at other
    times), the system may be flown on small manned aircraft, such as a Cessna 172.

(U) The IMSAR UWB radar employs a front-end hardware filter and back-end software algorithms to
    reduce the effects of radio frequency interference (RFI), of which there is a considerable amount in
    the UHF band, and to which the radar is sensitive.


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                          FULL RECORD PRINT FOR Split Aces IMSAR UWB SAR

                         ANTENNA IMSAR UWB Log-periodic Antenna

              Nomenclature               :   (U) IMSAR UWB Log-periodic Antenna
              Manufacturer               :   (U) IMSAR LLC
              Model Name                 :   (U) IMSAR UWB Log-periodic Antenna
              Antenna Type               :   (U) Log Periodic
              Antenna Category           :   Linear
              NTIA Approval Status       :   (U) Unapproved
              Coordination ID            :   J/F 12
              Date of Import             :   10/31/2014 14:29:12 (GMT)
              Date/Time Last Mod.        :   11/6/2014 21:09:36 (GMT)
              Lower Freq. Limit          :   (U) 300.0000 MHz
              Upper Freq. Limit          :   (U) 1600.000 MHz
              Polarization               :   (U) Horizontal
              Main Beam Gain             :   (U) 6.00 dBi
              1st Horz. Sidelobe Level   :   (U) 0.000 dB
              1st Vert. Sidelobe Level   :   (U) 0.000 dB
              Atten. Rel/Act             :   (U) Actual dBi
              Horz. Beamwidth            :   (U) 80.0 degrees
              Vert. Beamwidth            :   (U) 120 degrees
     Remark(s) (U)

(U) 1st Major Side Lobe: -3 dbi @ 25 deg

(U) The current antenna does not support the full 200-2000 MHz band. A redesign is anticipated
    in the near future, which will allow for operation across this wider band.


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Document Created: 2016-04-28 09:51:16
Document Modified: 2016-04-28 09:51:16

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