LRR3 Data

0427-EX-ST-2012 Text Documents

Honeywell International Inc.


Chassis Systems Control
LRR3: 3rd generation
Long-Range Radar Sensor

                                                       Operating principle
                                                       The main task of the radar sensor is to detect objects
                                                       and measure their velocity and position relative to the
                                                       movement of the host radar-equipped vehicle. To do
                                                       this, the sensor has four antenna elements that simul-
                                                       taneously transmit radar waves in the frequency range
                                                       between 76 and 77 GHz. These waves are reflected by
                                                       objects in front of the vehicle. By comparing the ampli-
                                                       tudes and phases of the signal echo received by the
                                                       antenna elements, conclusions about the objects’ po­-
                                                       sition can be drawn. The relative speed of objects is
                                                       measured using Doppler effect (shift in frequency be-
                                                       tween the reflected and transmitted signals) and dis-
                                                       tance to the object can be determined by the time lag.

                                                       Mechanical sensor design
                                                       The robust sensor design without any mechanically
                                                       moving parts and its high mechanical vibration resis-
Customer benefits                                      tance allows the application in commercial vehicles,
 Best-in-class price performance ratio by using       particularly in heavy trucks. An optional lens and
  cost-effective SiGe technology                       radome heating is implemented to allow full sensor
 Excellent measurement accuracy and object            performance even under bad weather conditions
  separation capability (velocity, angle, distance)    (snow and ice). Important parameters and interfaces
 Sensor performance unaffected by harsh weather       such as field of view (opening angle), the configuration
  conditions (snow and ice) due to optional lens and   of the car connector and the position of the mirror for
  radome heating                                       the optical sensor alignment can be customized.
 Adjustable detection range via modification of
  the focusing element (lens aperture)                 Standardized manufacturing processes and the usage
 Scalable system performance with multiple sensor     of fully automotive qualified electronic devices (ac-
  configurations including sensor data fusion          cording to AEC Q100) guarantee the best quality and
 Robust sensor design allows application even         reliability. The cost-effective design encourages appli-
  in heavy commercial vehicles                         cation in all segments. It also makes advanced driver
 CAN and FlexRay interfaces allow for easy            assistance systems with multiple sensor configurations
  integration into the vehicle                         (complementary or redundant) economically viable.

 Chassis Systems Control | Long-Range Radar Sensor LRR3

  Technical features                                                                        design enables a detection range of 0.5 up to 250 m
  Frequency range                                76…77 GHz                                  with a field of view of 30°. The field of view can be cus-
  Distance                                       0.5…250 m                                  tomized to an opening angle up to 45° by modifying
     Accuracy                                    ±0.1 m                                     the aperture of the lens. LRR3 provides excellent mea-
  Relative speed                                 -75 …+60 m/s
     Accuracy                                    ±0.12 m/s
                                                                                            surement accuracy of angle, velocity and distance as
  Vision range                                                                              well as object separation.
     Horizontal opening angle                    30 ° (-6 dB)
     Vertical opening angle                      5 ° (-6 dB)                                Applications
  Modulation                                     FMCW
  Max. number of detected objects                32
                                                                                            The LRR3 is the centerpiece of the automatic distance
  Operating temperature                          -40 °C…+85 °C (periphery)                  and speed control system ACC (Adaptive Cruise Con-
  Vehicle connector                              MQS 8 Pins                                 trol) and Predictive Emergency Braking Systems. ACC
  Cycle time (incl. auto diagnosis)              typically 80 ms                            and the Predictive Emergency Braking Systems net-
  Dimensions (H x W x D)                         77 mm x 74 mm x 58 mm
  Weight                                         285 g
                                                                                            work the radar sensor with the ESP® system.
  Power consumption                              typically 4 W
  ISO certification                              ISO 15622 Class IV sensor                  ACC uses information from the long-range radar sensor
                                                                                            to control the vehicle’s speed by automatically braking
Sensor architecture                                                                         and accelerating so that it maintains at a predefined
The LRR3 sensor is a monostatic Frequency Modulated                                         minimum distance from the preceding vehicle.
Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar with four fixed beams.
An important aspect of the sensor architecture is the                                       Our Predictive Emergency Braking Systems continu-
high level of integration for the RF-functionality as well                                  ously monitor the situation in front of the vehicle and
as for the sensor control unit and the signal process-                                      trigger appropriate collision avoidance/mitigation
ing. This results in a highly reliable and compact sensor.                                  measures in critical situations. They support the driver
We use cost-effective, fully silicon based technology                                       with an intelligent predictive warning concept and also
for the RF-components. Innovative signal processing                                         provide effective emergency braking assistance in
algorithms allow excellent measurement performance                                          critical situations. If a collision is unavoidable, the
and the handling of complex traffic situations such                                         system automatically triggers emergency braking in
as a “lane free detection” by angular separation of                                         order to reduce the risk of injury.
ob­jects. Our dedicated safety concept guarantees
the compatibility of the sensor with safety relevant                                        Via intelligent networking of our radar sensor with
applications.                                                                               components and systems installed in the vehicle or by
                                                                                            integrating information of other sensors such as a
The sensor consists of two PCBs:                                                            camera or additional radar sensors we enable new
 The RF-module contains the RF-circuitry (SiGe-                                            applications or enhancements of existing functions.
   MMICs) and the Radar-ASIC with integrated modu­                                          Through the use of multiple sensors and components
   lation control and the signal pre-processing (pre-                                       we further increase the safety of vehicle occupants
   amplification, A/D conversion, filtering).                                               and other road users without increasing cost. Bosch
 The sensor control unit contains the microcontroller,                                     collects this networking of components and systems
   the System-ASIC and optionally a FlexRay transceiv-                                      under the name CAPS – Combined Active Passive
   er. The integrated sequencer takes over control tasks                                    Safety.
   of the radar sensor. This enables the handling of new
   signal processing algorithms by the microcontroller
   as certain time consuming task schemes are out-
   sourced and taken over by the Radar-ASIC. The micro-                                                                  Robert Bosch GmbH
   controller has been developed especially for driver                                                                   Chassis Systems Control
                                                                                                                         Driver Assistance
   assistance systems. The System-ASIC forms an
   essential part of the safety concept. It provides the                                                                 Postfach 16 61
   power supply and contains the CAN interfaces.                                                                         71226 Leonberg

Sensor performance
The LRR3 sensor exhibits a combined patch lens anten-                                                          
na which is well suited for large frequency ramps allow-
ing a high resolution in distance. Its advanced antenna                                                                  Printed in Germany

© Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, repro-
duction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.

Document Created: 2009-07-30 11:48:51
Document Modified: 2009-07-30 11:48:51

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