
0142-EX-RR-2000 Correspondence

Honeywell International, Inc.


                     Experimental Licensing Branch
                                      455 12th Street, S.W.
                                    Washington, D.C. 20554

                                        September 7, 2000

                                                                                In reply refer to:
                                                                                  NH, Rm 7—A321
                                                                                     MS 1300—E1

Mr. Arthur J. Ercolani
Aerospace Electronic Systems
23500 West 105°" Street, MS #37
Olathe, KS 66061

RE:    Experimental Radio Services
       (Part 5 of the FCC Rules)

Dear Mr. Ercolani:;

       Your requests for license renewal of experimental radio stations WA2XRI and WAZXRK
are hereby returned to you. This office is unable to process these applications, because our
tracking system has already accepted the electronic applications for renewal that you submitted
for these stations. Per your letters of August 23, 2000, you were unable to edit the data you wanted
to change on the renewal form because changing data on an existing license requires a separate
transaction from the renewal. Modifications to existing stations require an FCC Form 442, which
may be submitted either on paper or electronically. An additional $45 processing fee is required
for each modification.
        If you wish to change the data on your current licenses, we recommend that you proceed
with applications for modification.

                                              Thank you,

                                              Nancy Hey
                                              Information Technician
                                              Experimental Licensing Branch


Document Created: 2001-03-29 07:20:59
Document Modified: 2001-03-29 07:20:59

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