Experimentation Description

0025-EX-ML-2002 Text Documents

Honeywell International Inc.


                                                 Exhibit 1

                                     EXPERMINENT DESCRIPTION

 In October of 1995, the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) Technical Management
Committee approved RTCA Document Number RTCA/DO-186a that defines the requirements for aircraft-
communication radios operating on a channel spacing of 8.33 kHz. The purpose of the 8.33 kHz channel
spacing is to provide for more efficient use of the portion of the spectrum between 118.00 MHz and 137.00
MHz, which is used for aircraft communications. Europe has already implement 8.33 kHz channel
operation for air-traffic-control functions in some areas.

Honeywell International develops and produces communications and navigation products for fixed and
rotary wing aircraft. These products include panel-mounted units and remote-mounted units and marked
using the BENDIX/KING brand name. Two BENDIX/KING VHF transceivers have already been
developed that are compatible with the 8.33 kHz channel spacing, the KY196B and the KX165A.
Experimental Station WA2XQU has been an important part of the successful development of these
products. Honeywell plans to continue to develop communication radios that are compatible with the 8.33
kHz channel spacing as well as products that will be compatible with the conventional 25 kHz channel

  Present communication transceiver designs employ receivers of both single conversion and dual
conversion topologies. An active detector demodulates the signal and noise energy; the detected signal is
fed to audio filtering and amplification circuitry as well as to a signal-to-noise squelch circuitry. The
transmitters employ high-level AM modulation. Frequency stability is achieved by use of a crystal
reference oscillator in the synthesizer circuit.

 Honeywell continues to look at new technologies to make our aviation products more reliable and cost
effective. Digital signal processing (DSP) is one technology that has the potential of yielding better
reliability and lower cost. This technology also entails unique design challenges. One of the major
challenges it to ensure the radios will exhibit adequate performance in strong interfering signal
environments. On-the-air testing, including flight testing, will be important in assuring that the
performance of radios using DSP technology satisfy both regulatory requirements and the requirements of
our customers in the real-world environment. It is the intent of Honeywell’s to utilize this Experimental
Station License to support the development and support of VHF communications products, including an
ever-increasing use of DSP technology.

An additional use of this Experimental Station License is to support the flight testing of HF SSB products.
While Honeywell utilizes the HF frequency privileges associated with Experimental Station KI2XAO
during flight tests, we have found it to be beneficial to coordinate and synchronize these tests on a VHF
frequency. Thus, the WA2XQU authorization would also be used to support the development and
evaluation of products operating between 2.0 and 30.0 MHz.

 It is the objective of Honeywell to provide the aviation community with modern-technology products that
demonstrate improved reliability, performance and value. The development of additional VHF transceivers
capable of operating in a 8.33 kHz environment, as well as the development of new HF transceivers, is an
integral part of this overall objective. This development effort is ongoing and is expected to extend
through the term of the present License expiration date of June 1, 2004.

Document Created: 2002-05-16 15:29:08
Document Modified: 2002-05-16 15:29:08

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