Dismissal Without Prejudice generated [Feb 07, 2002]

0299-EX-ST-2000 Correspondence

Hewlett Packard Company


                                       Re:     File No. 0299—EX—ST—2000
                                               Experimental Radio Service

                                             February 7, 2002

Simon Widdowson
Hewlett Packard Company
1501 Page Mill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304

Dear Mr. Widdowson:

The Commission was unable to grant your referenced application for an Experimental Radio
station special temporary authorization for the specific authorization period you requested. Since
that authorization period has now expired, we are hereby dismissing the application as moot. See
Sections 0.241(c) and 5.67 of the Commission‘s Rules.

If you object to the dismissal of the application, you may file a petition for reconsideration within
30 days of the date of this letter. See Section 1.106 of the Commussion‘s Rules; see also Sections
1.49, 1.51, and 1.52 of the Commussion‘s Rules. Otherwise, the dismissal of the application will
become final in 30 days.


                                               Jim Burtle, Chief
                                               Experimental Licensing Branch
                                               Electromagnetic Compatibility Division
                                               Office of Engineering and Technology

Document Created: 2002-12-24 08:54:25
Document Modified: 2002-12-24 08:54:25

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