Exhibit 2 Technical Information

0024-EX-CN-2017 Text Documents

HawkEye 360, Inc.


                               Exhibit 2 - FCC Form 442
                             HawkEye 360 Pathfinder Cluster
                                    Technical Information

        1.      Ownership, Operations and Construction. HE360 is the owner and operator of
the Pathfinder cluster. The company has selected Deep Space Industries, headquartered at NASA
Ames Research Park in California and its sub-contractor UTIAS Space Flight Laboratory (SFL)
as the manufacturer of the satellites. The satellites are expected to be launched on a Falcon 9 launch
vehicle from Vandenberg, AFB in the 4th Quarter of 2017. Pursuant to Part 5 §5.64 of the
Commission’s Rules, construction of the proposed experimental satellites and associated facilities
will begin prior to the Commission’s grant of an authorization. This is necessary given the nature
of satellite construction and technical requirements over long lead times. Such construction is
entirely at HE360’s risk without any assurances that its proposed experiment will be subsequently
           •   Space Station Name: Hawk-1, Hawk-2 and Hawk-3 (the “Pathfinder cluster”)
           •   Estimated Construction Completion Date: August 2017
           •   Estimated Launch Date: 4th Quarter 2017
           •   Purpose: Experimental, non-Common Carrier basis
           •   Orbital Type: NGSO

        2.     Orbital Requirements. The Pathfinder cluster will fly in proximate formation and
work together to form a single observation platform. The satellites are designed to operate in
circular sun-synchronous orbits with a nominal altitude of 575 km and inclination between 97 and
98 degrees. The satellites will be three-axis stabilized using an on-board closed-loop control
system. The satellites are based on COTS technology that allows for small, lightweight and low-
cost spacecraft.
         The Hawk satellites will be separated from one another by up to 250 km. Typical inter-
satellite distances will be between 125 and 250 km. Station-keeping maneuvers will maintain the
relative formation of the cluster throughout the life of the mission. Maintenance maneuvers will
be conducted relatively infrequently – approximately once per week. There will be variations in
the satellites’ inclination angles, apogees, perigees, and right ascension of the ascending node.
Maintaining the desired geometry and spacecraft separation is the primary goal.

HawkEye 360, Inc.                               -1-                                         Exhibit 2

            Total Number of Satellites (single cluster):                     3
            Total Number of Orbital Planes:                                  1
            Celestial Reference Body:                                      Earth
            Inclination Angle (degrees):                                  97 - 98
            Orbital Period (seconds)                                       5770
            Apogee                                                        575 km
            Perigee                                                       575 km

       3.       Service Area:           United States

         4.      Satellite Payload. The Pathfinder communications payload consists of two
command and control systems. Each satellite is designed to receive commands from associated
ground stations and to downlink telemetry data stored on board the satellite as well as RF survey
data stored on board the satellite which has been collected by a software defined receiver (SDR).
The collected, processed and stored data onboard the satellites will be downlinked in the 8025-
8400 MHz band to the appropriate ground station while the satellites are visible from that particular
ground station site at a five degree elevation angle or higher. The transmitter has three possible
user data rates: 3 Mbps, 25 Mbps and 50 Mbps. The storage capacity for the payload on board each
satellite is approximately 32 GB. The block diagram of the communication payload is shown in
Figure 1 below.

                                         Figure 1
                            Communication Payload Block Diagram

HawkEye 360, Inc.                               -2-                                        Exhibit 2

       5.       Power Flux Density Calculation

       (a)      Power Flux Density at the Surface of the Earth in the band 8025-8400 MHz

       Table 21-4 of the ITU Radio Regulations states that the PFD at the Earth’s surface
produced by emissions from an EESS space station in the 8025-8400 MHz band, including
emissions from a reflecting satellite, for all conditions and for all methods of modulation, shall not
exceed the following values:

       •     –150 dB(W/m2) in any 4 kHz band for angles of arrival between 0 and 5 degrees above
             the horizontal plane;
       •     –150 + 0.5(d -5) dB(W/m2) in any 4 kHz band for angles of arrival d (in degrees)
             between 5 and 25 degrees above the horizontal plane;
       •     –140 dB(W/m2) in any 4 kHz band for angles of arrival between 25 and 90 degrees
             above the horizontal plane.

         These limits relate to the PFD that would be obtained under assumed free-space
propagation conditions. As shown in Figures 2 – 3 below, the PFDs at the Earth’s surface produced
by the cluster data and telemetry transmissions satisfy the PFD limits in the ITU Radio Regulations
for all angles of arrival. In Figures 2 and 3 the gain contours are plotted at the intended 575 km
altitude for the Pathfinder cluster. In several of the plots, contours beyond a certain distance from
peak are not shown because they do not intersect with the Earth.

         In addition, the transmit power for both the TT&C and payload data transmitters can be
adjusted on orbit to a limited extent. This capability supports HE360’s ability to manage the
satellites’ PFD levels during all phases of the mission.

HawkEye 360, Inc.                               -3-                                         Exhibit 2

                                            Figure 2
            PDF at the Surface of the Earth produced by Hawk satellites TT&C Downlinks
                             Shown for 575 km Pathfinder cluster orbit

HawkEye 360, Inc.                            -4-                                         Exhibit 2

                                           Figure 3:
        PFD at the Surface of the Earth produced by Hawk Commissioning / Backup Downlinks
                          Shown for 575 km Pathfinder cluster orbit altitude

       (b)    Power Flux Density at the Surface of the Earth in the band 8400-8450 MHz

        ITU-R Recommendation SA-1157 specifies a maximum allowable interference power
spectral flux-density level at the Earth’s surface of -255.1 dB(W/(m2·Hz)) to protect ground
receivers in the deep-space research band 8400-8450 MHz. HE360 does not operate in this
frequency range, so no special precautions are warranted. The highest band edge for the Hawk
with the highest operating frequency (8300 MHz) will have an upper band edge more than 100
MHz lower than the lower edge of the DSN band.

       (c)    Power Flux Density at the Geostationary Satellite Orbit

        No. 22.5 of the ITU Radio Regulations specifies that in the frequency band 8025-8400
MHz, which the EESS (using non-geostationary satellites) shares with the fixed-satellite service
(Earth-to-space) and the meteorological-satellite service (Earth-to-space), the maximum PFD
produced at the geostationary satellite orbit (“GSO”) by any EESS space station shall not exceed

HawkEye 360, Inc.                             -5-                                       Exhibit 2

–174 dB(W/m2) in any 4 kHz band. The calculation below shows that the PFD produced by the
transmissions from the proposed HE360 satellites does not exceed the limit in No. 22.5, even in
the worst possible hypothetical case.

The PFD at the GSO produced by the HE360 transmission is:

PFD [dBW/m2 /4 kHz] = EIRP (dBW) - 71 - 20log10(D) - 10log10(BW) – 24

  • EIRP is the Maximum EIRP of the transmission, in dBW;
  • D is distance between the HE360 satellite and GSO, in km;
  • BW is the symbol bandwidth of the transmission, in MHz.

    The minimum possible distance between a HE360 satellite and the GSO is 35,786 - 575 =
35,211 km for the highest possible HE360 satellite orbit of 650 km. Under a hypothetical
assumption that the HE360 satellite antenna is radiating at its peak EIRP toward the GSO, the
TT&C transmission with the peak EIRP = 9 dBW and BW = 85 MHz produces a PFD at the GSO
of -196.22 dBW/m2/4 kHz.

          6.      Principle specifications. The HE360 satellites are nearly identical. Each
microsatellite measures 200 mm x 267 mm x 440 mm with a total mass of less than 13 kg. It has
body-mounted solar panels on 5 sides that generate approximately 23 watts of power in sunlight.
Battery bus voltage is 12 Volts and consists of 3 cells with 6.8 Ah capacity. The satellite has no
deployable mechanisms. The satellite has a single electro-thermal propulsion system that uses
liquid water as the working fluid. The unit has an estimated Isp of 200 seconds. Over the mission
life all three satellites will have a minimum of 50% of their water propellant left. It has an estimated
lifetime of 7 years at a nominal orbit altitude of 575 km.

        7.     Telemetry, Tracking and Command. For TT&C, the HE360 satellites have both
primary and secondary links as outlined in the table below. The satellites will receive command
communications from a gateway earth station using the primary uplink band of 2025-2110 MHz,
which is authorized in the EESS subject to such conditions as may be applied on a case-by-case
basis. FCC experimental authorization is being requested for one earth station equipped with a
3.7m dish antenna. Command signals will be issued from the mission operations center in
Herndon, VA, and uplinked to the satellites via the primary earth station. The satellites will
transmit telemetry data to the earth station using the primary downlink band of 8025-8400 MHz.
The telemetry will be received at the Herndon earth station and relayed to the Herndon operations
center for processing. As is typical of EESS operations, earth stations in the network will also have
the capability of issuing limited commands in the 2025-2110 MHz band that direct the tasking
operations of the satellites. HE360 alone will issue telecommand signals to command the

       8.    Radio equipment. HE360 is applying for experimental use of the downlink
frequency band of 8025-8400 MHz and the uplink frequency band of 2025-2110 MHz. The
maximum satellite output power is 2 Watts through a patch antenna, resulting in a power flux

HawkEye 360, Inc.                                -6-                                          Exhibit 2

density on the ground of -255.1 dB(W/(m2·Hz)) for the nominal space station altitude of 575 km.
Additionally, HE360 is applying for secondary downlink frequencies of 2200-2290 MHz and the
uplink frequency between approximately 435 and 437 MHz which will be used for the early
commissioning phase and emergency backup.

  Band        Frequency Band             System             T/R Mode         System Description
                                                                        OQPSK Modulation
                                                                        ½ Rate Convolutional
                                Primary Payload Downlink
                                                                        Encoding, K=7 with
 X-Band       8025-8400 MHz                &                  TX
                                                                        concatenated RS code TBD
                                                                        3 – 50 Mbps
                                                                        2 Watts max output power
                                                                       OQPSK Modulation
                                                                       ½ Rate Convolutional
                                                                       Encoding, K=7 with
 S-Band       2025-2110 MHz       Primary TT&C Uplink         RX
                                                                       concatenated RS code
                                                                       Nominally 256 kbps
                                                                       Up to 1 Mbps
                                Secondary TT&C Downlink
                                                                       ½ Rate Convolutional
 S-Band       2200-2290 MHz    For redundancy & emergency     TX
                                                                       32 kbps – 2 Mbps

                                 Secondary TT&C Uplink
                                                              RX       GFSK
  UHF         432 - 438 MHz    For redundancy & emergency
                                                                       4 kbps

         9.      Interference Analysis

         8025-8400 MHz (Primary Downlink)

        The 8025-8400 MHz band is allocated for a number of different uses including non-Federal
use for EESS (Earth-to-space) subject to such conditions as may be applied on a case-by-case
basis. Further, transmissions from the satellites operating in this band shall not cause harmful
interference to Federal and non-Federal stations operating in accordance with the U.S. Table of
Frequency Allocations. HE360 will coordinate with Federal and non-Federal operators in this
band to ensure compliance with this requirement.

        HE360 has taken time to understand and include mitigation techniques outlined in the ECC
Report 155, for operating its satellite downlink in the 8025 - 8400 MHz band. Below are the key
steps taken to minimize risk of interference.

HawkEye 360, Inc.                                 -7-                                    Exhibit 2

   •   HE360 satellites operate in a non-broadcast mode, only radiating when transmitting data
       to one or more of our planned earth stations
   •   HE360 satellites operate in the lower portion of the 8025 – 8400 MHz band.
   •   HE360 satellites operate well within the power flux density requirements.

       (a)     Interference between EESS systems operating in the band 8025-8400 MHz

        Interference between the HE360 satellites and those of other systems is unlikely because
EESS systems operating in the 8025-8400 MHz band normally transmit only in short periods of
time while visible from the dedicated receiving earth stations (typically less than 10 minutes for a
single pass). HE360 satellites are designed to be non-broadcast satellites. For interference to
happen, satellites belonging to different systems would have to travel through the antenna beam
of the receiving earth station and transmit at the same time and at same frequency. In such a very
unlikely event, interference can be still be avoided by coordinating the satellite transmissions so
that they do not occur simultaneously. In addition, orbital parameters can also be adjusted such
that phasing of the contacts can be offset over time. HE360 satellites provide a propulsion system
which will allow additional maneuverability and phasing throughout their life. Our system design
life provides 50% margin of propellant at end of life. This provides budget for orbital phasing if
interference does occur. Our modulation format is OQPSK with three selectable data rates (3, 25
and 50 Mbps). This configurability allows for operation at lower bandwidths to provide another
option to resolve interference if it would occur.

       (b)     Interference with the Fixed Service and the FSS in the band 8025-8400 MHz

        HE360 demonstrates above that the Hawk satellite transmissions will meet the limits
specified by the ITU for protection of the Fixed Service in the 8025-8400 MHz band, as well as
the geostationary FSS satellites using this band for their uplinks. See Section 16(a) above.

       (c)     Protection of the deep-space research in the band 8400-8450 MHz

       HE360 also demonstrates above that the protection criterion recommended by the ITU for
deep-space research in the 8400-8450 MHz band is met. See Section 9 (a) above.

       2025-2110 MHz (Primary Uplink)

        The 2025-2110 MHz band is allocated for Federal/non-Federal use for EESS (Earth-to-
space) subject to such conditions as may be applied on a case-by-case basis. Further, transmissions
from the satellites operating in this band shall not cause harmful interference to Federal and non-
Federal stations operating in accordance with the U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations. HE 360
will coordinate with Federal and non-Federal operators in this band to ensure compliance with this

HawkEye 360, Inc.                              -8-                                        Exhibit 2

       2200-2290 MHz (Secondary Downlink)

         The 2200-2290 MHz band is allocated for Federal use for EESS (Earth-to-space) subject
to such conditions as may be applied on a case-by-case basis. Further, transmissions from the
satellites operating in this band shall not cause harmful interference to Federal and non-Federal
stations operating in accordance with the U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations. HE 360
understands that use and coordination of this band may not be possible for its ground location in
Herndon, VA. HE 360 will work coordinate with Federal operators in this band to ensure
compliance with this requirement and determine if its use is possible. As part of early coordination
HE360 evaluated different frequencies as alternatives to this band; however due to operational
needs, hardware development timelines and limited options of other frequencies in we are keeping
our secondary downlink in this band. HE360 satellites operate in a non-broadcast mode, only
radiating when transmitting data to one or more of our planned earth stations. Our ability to operate
in this band is controllable. The use of this band is only for commissioning and early orbit
operations as well as emergency backup.

       432 - 438 MHz (Secondary Uplink)

        The 432-438 MHz band is primarily allocated for amateur use for radiocommunication
service and secondarily for EESS service subject to such conditions as may be applied on a case-
by-case basis. HE360 satellites will operate a UHF low rate uplink for early commissioning.

        10.    Link Budget. The coverage area diameter from an altitude of 575 km is
approximately 5,000 km. Each satellite will pass over the U.S. about 4 times a day for
approximately 10 minutes. The satellite transmitters are only active while communicating with
user terminals. Below is the HE360 Satellite Link budget followed by the estimated footprint for
the X-band downlink, S-band downlink and UHF uplink.

HawkEye 360, Inc.                               -9-                                        Exhibit 2

                    HawkEye 360 Pathfinder Satellite Link Budget

                    Pathfinder Cluster Primary TT&C Uplink Analysis

HawkEye 360, Inc.                        - 10 -                       Exhibit 2

          Pathfinder Cluster Primary Payload Downlink and TT&C Analysis

HawkEye 360, Inc.                      - 11 -                             Exhibit 2

         Pathfinder Cluster Secondary TT&C Uplink Analysis/Emergency Backup

HawkEye 360, Inc.                     - 12 -                              Exhibit 2

      Pathfinder Cluster Secondary Downlink Analysis/ Commissioning/Backup

HawkEye 360, Inc.                      - 13 -                                Exhibit 2

                                                                   Farbeld mizqt?\ Abs (Phi=c)
so                                                             ‘                V
                                                      See —10f to +10°
                                                      Expandéd Plot ——(>
40 }cmmefrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmnnndncce                                 «L.

                                                                                                                 Main lobe magntude = 47.9 d8
30                                                                                                             JMain lobe drection = 0.0 deg.
                                                                                                                 Angular width (3 d8) = 0.6 deg.
                 :                                                                                               Sie lobe level = —16.5 d8
20        41q (0, 47.850)
              (48, 49.257)
    (¢ (18, 20.794)
10 4.         Eo


                      ITU—R $.405



ao                                                             ;                                                                         .
     so         so                  «o           LJ         20                    0                  20            a0                   so                        so         90

                                                                           Theta / Degree

                                                                   Farfeld Realzed Gan Abs (Phi=0)
                                                                       —«3.12° q       3.12°

    "{3.6m DuatShaped
      Stland Integral Equation simutation
      Snd feed Prime Focus via FSS
 10 4
      q (0,3477)
      4 (341, 11072)



                                                                                                                                       Main lbe magntude =         34.7 08
o                                                                                                                                     Main lobe drection = 0.0 deg.
                                                                                                                                      Angur wiéth (3 d8)     2.5 deg.
                                                                                                                         }            Se lbe lvel= —20.5 d8
   «so                       «0             4o            20                     0                        20            40                         so                        so
                                                                           Theta / Degree

                                                                            Farfeld Realzed Gan Abs (Phi=0)
    5o                                                                                    ¥                       7                          :
                                                                                           %                               ferbeld (F=0.2)            [fst]

    ap J

    ao |—
                                                          ITU—R 5.465                                             :
            System gain 8.2GHe                                                                                  Frequency = 8.2
    20                                                                                                        ~]Man lbe magntude =                   47.9 dBJ—
            q C0, 47.859)                                                                                       Main lobe drection = 0.0 deg.
                  (A, 31338                                                                                    Angular width (3 d8)              0.6 deg.
            % (1,31.302)                                                                                        Sde bbe level = ~16.5 dB
© qo        f*—                                                                                               N3                             r———




      410                      8                      4                 2                 0                      4                           6                                             10
                                                                                    Theta / Degree

                                                                            Farfeld Realzed Gan Abs (Phi=0)
                                                                                                                                                              ferfeld (f=2.025) [fs2]
                                                                                                                                                   Frequency = 2.025
    2                                                                                                                                            ~*|Man lobe magntude =           34.1 d8["*
                                                                                                                                                      Man lbe drection = 0.0 deg.
                                                                                                                                                      [Angular with (3 d8) =    2.7 deo.
                                                                                                                                                      Side lobe level= —21.1 08
    20   |—[3.6m DualShaped                                                                                                                      °
            S—land Integral Equation Simulation
            SBand feed Prime focus via FSS
            Low Band 2.0GHtz       2.1GHz TX
    10 4. >——            —
                  (0, 2.113)         1
            @reta—sila:                           ITU—R s.465
©    04—

                                                                                    Theta / Degree

      12.    Beam Contours

HawkEye 360, Inc.            - 16 -   Exhibit 2

                Pathfinder S—Band TX Nadir Contours from 575 k
      /           wA/1                           2ipal>
            fere: Outermostconto resresens tspucecrt horcon



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      wow                                                     Tow

HawkEye 360, Inc.   - 18 -   Exhibit 2

Document Created: 1700-03-22 00:00:00
Document Modified: 1700-03-22 00:00:00

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