Exhibit 1 Purpose of Experiment and Duration

0024-EX-CN-2017 Text Documents

HawkEye 360, Inc.


                             Exhibit 1 - FCC Form 442
                          HawkEye 360 Pathfinder Cluster
                 Item 7 and 8: Purpose of Experiment and Duration

A.     The Proposed Program of Research and Experimentation
       HawkEye 360, Inc. (“HE360”), a Delaware corporation headquartered in Herndon, VA,
was formed in September, 2015 as a wholly owned subsidiary of Allied Minds, Inc. a Boston MA
company that funds, manages and builds products and businesses based on innovative technologies
developed at leading U.S. universities and federal research institutions. HE360 is requesting FCC
experimental authorization to test and validate its proprietary cutting-edge satellite technology
which will allow for unprecedented detection, analysis and mapping of wireless signals, resulting
in more accurate information and advanced Earth Exploration Satellite Service (“EESS”)
capabilities for commercial customers when compared to information not currently available
through terrestrial detection and image analysis.

        Specifically, HE360 requests FCC experimental authority to construct, launch and operate
three low-Earth orbit, non-geostationary (NGSO) microsatellites on an unprotected, non-
interference basis using the space-to-Earth downlink frequency band of 8025-8400 MHz and the
Earth-to-space uplink frequency band of 2025-2110 MHz. The 8025-8400 MHz band is allocated
in the U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations on a primary basis to non-government EESS in the
U.S. subject to a case-by-case electromagnetic analysis of compatibility with U.S. government and
other authorized operations in the band. US Footnote 347 to the U.S. Table of Frequency
Allocations allows EESS operations in the 2025-2110 MHz band on a non-interference basis with
all other allocated services on a case-by-case basis. The three satellites will fly in proximate
formation and work together to form a single observation platform (the “Pathfinder” cluster).

        Subject to achieving successful results from its experimental program, HE360 plans to
submit an FCC 312 application to the International Bureau for a commercial space station license
for a constellation of up to eighteen (18) microsatellites as well as an application for authority to
operate two (2) or more fixed earth stations in the United States in order to introduce to the public
its EESS data services. The Pathfinder satellites are designed to store data collected by the RF
survey and geolocation payload until a satellite ground station is within view, at which time the
satellite will transmit the collected data to the associated ground station. The collected data and
generated reports on geolocated wireless signals promises to be an unparalleled asset for natural
resource protection, emergency response and maritime domain awareness, among other fields of
activity. The satellites that HE360 proposes to use in this experimental program are carefully
designed and optimized for data relay with very low power consumption and radiation. Excluding
antennas, each satellite is a 200 mm x 267 mm x 440 mm prism weighing less than 13 kg.

        The Pathfinder RF survey and geolocation satellites are not subject to regulation by NOAA
under Title 51 of the U.S. Code. NOAA has assessed the HawkEye 360 Pathfinder Cluster and has
determined that a NOAA operator’s license is not required (see Exhibit 4 attachment, NOAA letter
of disposition dated February 23, 2016).

HawkEye 360, Inc.                           -1-                                            Exhibit 1

B.     The Specific Objectives Sought To Be Accomplished

     1. Test the basic capabilities of the low-cost bus built from Commercial Off-the-Shelf
(COTS) components.

        2. Investigate the effectiveness and efficiency of various power management techniques
for the HE360 low-Earth orbit satellite communications system…

       3. Measure the accuracy of RF Survey and geolocation performance.

         4. Evaluate the performance for RF sensing of different frequency bands, signals and
satellite formations.

       5. Evaluate new techniques for RF signal detection and capture using COTS payload
processing components.

        6. Conduct limited field trials with prospective customers to determine the accuracy and
viability of performing RF survey and geolocation missions for specific signals of interest (i.e.

       7. Demonstrate the use of a scheduling and remote API to external data users.

       8. Evaluate autonomous operations command and control for formation flying.

C.     How the program of experimentation has a reasonable promise of
       contribution to the development, extension, expansion, or utilization of
       the radio art, or is along line not already investigated.
        1.      Through its experimental program, HE360 will be able to conduct the necessary
tests and market studies that will enable it to apply for a commercial license in order to introduce
to the public a whole new method for visualizing information in a way no one has before.

       2.      There is growing public recognition and demand for the type of service that is under
development at HE360. The goal of the HE360 experimental program is to develop, test and
demonstrate its satellite-based data delivery and analytics system that will facilitate critical
information exchange and provide businesses and government agencies with global visibility of
transportation networks, environmental impact conditions, illegal fishing activity, and emergency
response situations, among other applications, resulting in new levels of executive control,
personnel efficiency and response time.

       3.      HE360 hopes to augment other EESS systems through its experimental program.
Other EESS’s rely on collecting large data sets for post processing and digestion. The HE360
system allows for a focused approach and will work in cooperation with other EESS systems to
improve efficiency and response time for critical events.

HawkEye 360, Inc.                           -2-                                           Exhibit 1

       4.      A partial list of HE360 applications include the following:

       •    Spectrum Mapping – Map and monitor world-wide usage of spectrum, both authorized
            and unauthorized users.
       •    Counting and Analytics – Quantify economic activity such as shipping activity.
       •    Ionospheric Monitoring – Measure and monitor the Total Electron Content (TEC) in
            the ionosphere, which impacts communications and the GNSS systems.
       •    Interference Mitigation – Geolocate sources of RF interference for telecommunication
            systems, including Geostationary satellite systems.
       •    Natural Resource Protection – Identify exploited protected areas. e.g. Logging in a
            protected jungle.
       •    Emergency Response – Provide independent tracking and geolocation of emergency
            beacons. Filling pending gaps in coverage and capability.
       •    Asset Management – Identify and track high value supply chain assets including cargo
            ships and railcars.
       •    Fishing – Identify illegal fishing behavior in commercial ship behavior.

D.     Estimated Experiment Duration

         Pursuant to Part 5 of the Commission’s Rules (§ 5.71 License period), HE360 respectfully
requests approval for a 5 year license for its experimental program. Due to the long lead times
required for spacecraft construction, consideration of HE360’s requested frequencies is of
paramount importance in the near term. However, the earliest date that HE360 can begin its
experimental program is in 2018 as the Pathfinder cluster is scheduled to be launched in the fourth
quarter of 2017, subject to launch delays. Validation of the HE360 technology for the commercial
market through tests, demonstrations and market studies, will provide a solid basis for pursuing an
FCC 312 application and entering the commercial market. Additional benefits to the U.S.
government and commercial sectors will accrue from the ongoing research and development
activities by HE360 in the field of RF spectrum survey and geolocation measurements. These
activities will provide a stimulus to U.S. development, expansion and utilization of these services
and contribute to the body of U.S. technological innovation.

       In summary, HE360 respectfully requests the Commission to grant its application for
launch and experimental operation authority as detailed herein. To the extent possible, HE360
hopes that expedited consideration of this Application will be given in order to ensure favorable
authorization in advance of the scheduled 4Q2017 launch of the Pathfinder cluster.

HawkEye 360, Inc.                          -3-                                           Exhibit 1

Document Created: 0550-12-15 00:00:00
Document Modified: 0550-12-15 00:00:00

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