Harris Corp C Band CNPC Experimental License

0734-EX-CN-2018 Text Documents

Harris Corporation


                        Harris Corporation

UAS C Band Radio
    Attachment to FCC Experimental License

         James Ziarno
         Commercial UAS Solutions, Director of Technology
         Office: +1-321-309-6130 / Mobile: +1-321-604-9822
         harris.com / jziarno@harris.com
         1025 W NASA Blvd / Melbourne, FL 32919 / USA

                                       Attachment – Form 42
                                      FCC Experimental License

1. Overview
Harris Corporation is requesting an FCC Experimental License within the allocated UAS C Band
(5030 – 5091 MHz) to perform testing and validation of our Command & Non-Payload
Communications (CNPC) Radio System. We will install a Mobile CNPC Radio in an Unmanned Air
Vehicle (UAV) and communicate to the UAV via a Fixed CNPC Base Station Mobile Station. Our
experimental UAS operations will be conducted within 17km (10 miles) of the Harris Corporation
Manufacturing facility located in Malabar, FL. The UAV will be operated below 400’ Above Ground
Level (AGL) and In Accordance With (IAW) all applicable FAA rules

2. Harris Command & Non-Payload Communications (CNPC) Radio System
Harris Corporation is participating in several key FAA UAS initiatives, including FAA Pathfinder, FAA
UAS test site projects, the RTCA Drone Advisory Committee and RTCA SC-228. We have also been
an active participant in RTCA SC-228 “Minimum Performance Standards for Unmanned Aircraft
Systems” and the follow-on Phase 1 Terrestrial-based CNPC Link (Command & Non-Payload
Communications) committee
Based on this experience, Harris is developing initial UAS CNPC Radio and Beyond Visual Line of
Sight (BVLOS) network capabilities which are at various levels of maturity given current state of the
UAS standards such as RTCA DO-362 and the more recently published FAA Technical Standard
Order (TSO) C213.
Our CNPC Radio systems are now at a point in development that we are ready to perform controlled
RF radiation testing to verify the integrity and performance of the radio. Following the receipt of
approval from the FAA we are hereby requesting an Experimental License from the FCC to further
continue our testing.
3. Test Site Area (Malabar, FL)
The planned Test Site is centered on Harris Corporation’s Manufacturing facility located at 2800
Jordan Blvd. Malabar, FL. This is a remote area rural area with a small General Aviation Airport
(Valkaria) located about 1 1/2 miles from the Harris facility. We will closely coordinate our flight tests
with Valkaria Airport Manager (Steve Borowski).

                                    Test Site Area of Operation

                                                         Attachment – Form 42
                                                        FCC Experimental License

4. C Band Spectrum for Unmanned Air Systems (UAS)
   The FAA has designated C Band Spectrum (5030 – 5091 MHz) for use by UAS. Additionally, the
   FAA Spectrum Office has recommended the band be divided into 41 channels, which are allocated
   based on the Data Class of operation and required bandwidth.

    This Experimental License application request is for a “Low, Medium and High-end” 85 kHz channel
    (3 Total) to support initial testing of the Harris Command and NonPayload Communication (CNPC)
    radio designed to support UAS Operations. Our request is to allow Manufacturing Testing of the
    Harris CNPC Radio for channels 3, 23 and 39 for both D1 and D2 as shown in the table below:

    5. Coordination with FAA
    The requested C Band allocation is within the FAA Aviation Protected Spectrum and therefore
    requires pre-coordination and approval from the FAA prior to applying for an Experimental License
    from the FCC. Correspondingly, we have been closely coordinating with the FAA Spectrum
    Engineering Office and the use of these (12) channels have been determined to be acceptable to
    the FAA.
               For additional information please contact:
               FAA Spectrum Office
               Don Nellis

    Our Frequency Coordination Requests have been engineered by the FAA Spectrum Engineering
    Office resulting in the following (12) FAA approvals:

Chan D1/D2 Freq    TRK #    NG #                                                                       Details
  3   D1   5041.31 183072   80550   Frequency Range: 5041.27000000 to 5041.35400000 MHz, Power: 10.000000 W, Mean Peak: Peak, Tolerance: 0.01000000, Station Class: Fixed
  3   D1   5041.31 183071   80549   Frequency Range: 5041.27000000 to 5041.35400000 MHz, Power: 1.000000 W, Mean Peak: Peak, Tolerance: 0.01000000, Station Class: Mobile
  3   D2   5041.39 183076   80554   Frequency Range: 5041.35400000 to 5041.44250000 MHz, Power: 10.000000 W, Mean Peak: Peak, Tolerance: 0.01000000, Station Class: Fixed
  3   D2   5041.39 183075   80553   Frequency Range: 5041.35400000 to 5041.44250000 MHz, Power: 1.000000 W, Mean Peak: Peak, Tolerance: 0.01000000, Station Class: Mobile
 23   D1   5045.61 183078   80556   Frequency Range: 5045.57000000 to 5045.65400000 MHz, Power: 10.000000 W, Mean Peak: Peak, Tolerance: 0.01000000, Station Class: Fixed
 23   D1   5045.61 183077   80555   Frequency Range: 5045.57000000 to 5045.65400000 MHz, Power: 1.000000 W, Mean Peak: Peak, Tolerance: 0.01000000, Station Class: Mobile
 23   D2   5041.69 183081   80558   Frequency Range: 5045.65400000 to 5045.74250000 MHz, Power: 10.000000 W, Mean Peak: Peak, Tolerance: 0.01000000, Station Class: Fixed
 23   D2   5041.69 183080   80557   Frequency Range: 5045.65400000 to 5045.74250000 MHz, Power: 1.000000 W, Mean Peak: Peak, Tolerance: 0.01000000, Station Class: Mobile
 39   D1   5049.05 183083   80560   Frequency Range: 5049.01000000 to 5049.09400000 MHz, Power: 10.000000 W, Mean Peak: Peak, Tolerance: 0.01000000, Station Class: Fixed
 39   D1   5049.05 183082   80559   Frequency Range: 5049.01000000 to 5049.09400000 MHz, Power: 1.000000 W, Mean Peak: Peak, Tolerance: 0.01000000, Station Class: Mobile
 39   D2   5049.14 183087   80564   Frequency Range: 5049.09400000 to 5049.18250000 MHz, Power: 10.000000 W, Mean Peak: Peak, Tolerance: 0.01000000, Station Class: Fixed
 39   D2   5049.14 183086   80563   Frequency Range: 5049.09400000 to 5049.18250000 MHz, Power: 1.000000 W, Mean Peak: Peak, Tolerance: 0.01000000, Station Class: Mobile
                              Summary of (12) FAA C Band UAS Channel Approvals


                                     Attachment – Form 42
                                    FCC Experimental License

6. Modulating Signal Description
Both the fixed (Ground Base Station) and mobile (Unmanned Air Vehicle) transmitters use a GMSK
(Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying) modulation scheme. Binary ones and zeroes are generated with
a modulation index of 0.5 and a Bandwidth-Time (BT) product of 0.2.

6.1. RTCA TDD Format
RTCA DO-362 compliant Time Division Duplex (TDD) structure of 50 millisecond frames with 23
millisecond uplink and downlink sub-frames.
   RTCA DO-362 Section TDD Frame Structure Is shown below.

                                  DO-362 TDD Frame Structure
6.2. Harris CNPC TDD Format
The Harris C Band CNPC Radio utilizes a very similar TDD subframe structure although currently
with a 200 ms frame as shown below.

                               Harris CNPC TDD Frame Structure
Note: As part of our continuing development, Harris plans to modify our TDD structure to be fully
compliant with the TDD (50 ms) frame structure specified in RTCA DO-362 Section

7. UAS Requested Experimental License Channels
The FAA Spectrum Office has designated (41) channels at (5) different bandwidths (45 kHz, 85
kHz, 130 kHz, 170 kHz and 205 kHz). Harris is requesting Experimental Licenses at 85 kHz at the
Low, Medium and High-end of the UAS C Band designated as channels 3, 23 and 39 as shown in
the figure and chart below:


#— Chan 3 >

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      D1 85 KHz         D2 85 KHz
                                                 UAS C Band (85 kHz) Channels 3, 23, 39

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                                    Attachment – Form 42
                                   FCC Experimental License

8. FAA Approval - Aviation Protected Spectrum channels
Harris has received approval from the FAA for all (12) Aviation Protected Spectrum channels
requested by Harris to support our Experimental License application with the FCC. The details of
these approvals including FAA Tracking Numbers are described below:

For additional information please contact:
                           FAA Spectrum Office
                           Don Nellis

8.1. FAA Approvals UAS C Band Channel 3 – D1 Base Station and Mobile

8.2. FAA Approvals UAS C Band Channel 3 – D2 Base Station and Mobile


                                 Attachment – Form 42
                                FCC Experimental License

8.3. FAA Approvals UAS C Band Channel 23 – D1 Base Station and Mobile

8.4. FAA Approvals UAS C Band Channel 23 – D2 Base Station and Mobile


                                 Attachment – Form 42
                                FCC Experimental License

8.5. FAA Approvals UAS C Band Channel 39 – D1 Base Station and Mobile

8.6. FAA Approvals UAS C Band Channel 39 – D2 Base Station and Mobile


                                    Attachment – Form 42
                                   FCC Experimental License

9. Harris CNPC Airborne (Mobile) Radio
The Harris CNPC radio is a Software Defined Radio (SDR) that has been guided by the evolution of
UAS Industry Standards and our participation in SC-228, RTCA MOPs and RTCA DO-362. Our
CNPC Radio implementation incorporates quad core processors, the latest generation Field
Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), and a state of the art programmable frequency agile transceiver.
The radio is a Technology Readiness Level of 7 and sufficiently mature to support Experimental
Tests and demonstrations.
The Harris CNPC radio supports the C-band spectrum approved by the FAA for UAS CNPC radio
use. The radio has 2 RF SMA Connectors to support the option of 2 Spatial Diversity antennas,
required to mitigate against multipath propagation losses, reducing Bit Error Rates, and improving
overall link performance. The radio also includes a connector J1 main interface, providing DC Power
Input, USB, Ethernet, RS-232, etc. and a J2 camera interface, providing video inputs.


                                    Attachment – Form 42
                                   FCC Experimental License

A web-based Graphical User Interface (GUI) is used to configure the radio. The radio control screen
allows the operator to configure both ends of the link. A health and status monitoring feature is
available via the GUI as well.
10. Harris CNPC (Fixed) Base Radio System
The Harris ground radio system includes a Harris CNPC radio, RF power amplifier (RFPA), and DC
power supply. The RFPA increases the RF Power to 10 watts (40 dBm), which fulfills the need to
close the CNPC Link with sufficient margin (12dB), while capable of supporting a minimum data rate
of 20 kbps throughout all phases of planned UAV flight.
For the Experimental License we plan on using a COTS omnidirectional C-band antenna with a gain
of 1 dBi. The CNPC ground radio system will be housed in a NEMA enclosure and mounted on a
portable telescopic antenna mast that extends a minimum of 12 feet Above Ground Level (AGL).
Note: Depending on area ground clutter it may be necessary to increase the height of the C Band
Antenna to maintain VLOS with the HALE UAV.
The Harris CNPC Base Station will be configured as shown in the figure below:


                                      Attachment – Form 42
                                     FCC Experimental License

11. Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) Mobile Antenna
We will evaluate several small form factor blade antennas, that are certified for aircraft use that are
vertically polarized, low gain (<3 dBi), omnidirectional, with elevation patterns that are near-
hemispherical in coverage such as the Octane and Taoglas mini-UAV antennas shown below:
1. Octane www.octanewireless.com Model AU-800-6000 shown below:


                                Attachment – Form 42
                               FCC Experimental License

2. Taoglas WCM.10.005QQ111



                                      Attachment – Form 42
                                     FCC Experimental License

                                  Typical UAV (Mobile Antenna)

12. CNPC (Fixed) Base Station Antenna
We will also evaluate several base station antennas, that are certified are vertically polarized, low
gain (<3 dBi), omnidirectional, with elevation patterns that are near-hemispherical in coverage
such as the Aruba and Southwest Antennas shown below:
12.1.      Aruba Base Station Antenna
ANT-2x2-5010 is a kit of two omnidirectional antennas for use in 802.11n MIMO mesh link and
client access applications. The kit contains
2 differently polarized antennas to be used as a 2x2 MIMO pair, and provides coverage in the 4.9 –
5.875 GHz frequency band.

                                     Aruba Antenna -2x2-5010


                                Attachment – Form 42
                               FCC Experimental License

                                Aruba Antenna Patterns

12.2.   Southwest Antenna Part # 1032-012

                                   Southwest Antenna
             Omni Bifilar Antenna, Circularly Polarized, 4.7 - 5.2 GHz, 3 dBic


      Attachment – Form 42
     FCC Experimental License

Southwest Antenna – Key Parameters

Southwest Antenna – Elevation Pattern

 Attachment – Form 42
FCC Experimental License


Document Created: 2018-09-21 13:15:45
Document Modified: 2018-09-21 13:15:45

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