Exhibit 1 Request for Special Temporary Authority

0505-EX-ST-2019 Text Documents

Harris Corporation


                                              HARRIS CORPORATION
                                              EXPERIMENTAL STA APPLICATION
                                              FILE NO. 0505-EX-ST-2019


Harris Corporation ("Harris") hereby requests experimental Special Temporary Authority
(“STA”) to operate an experimental X-band ground terminal located in Malabar, Florida
to support communications with a LEO earth observation satellite. The proposed ground
terminal will provide Telemetry Tracking & Command data to the LEO satellite and will
receive Thematic Mapper and sensor data from the LEO satellite.

The terminal will consist of a Comtech T242XR, 4.2M carbon fiber parabolic reflector,
with a circularly polarized feed, mounted on an XY positioner capable of pointing at any
elevation 10 degrees above the horizon at any azimuth.

Harris will not cause harmful interference to any stations operating in accordance with
the Table of Frequency Allocations and will use its best efforts to avoid and mitigate any
issues that may arise.

Because the equipment is technically incapable of providing station identification, Harris
respectfully requests a waiver of the station identification provisions of Section 5.115 of
the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 5.115.

All network traffic will be simulated traffic only, solely for evaluation purposes and not
for the purpose of providing network data communications services to user stations.

Harris submits that a grant of this STA request is necessary and in the public interest as it
is anticipated that it will lead to commercial sensor improvements for earth sensing.

The stop buzzer contact for this project is Kim Singleton – Satellite Operations Manager
(Mobile: 321-446-2262), and an alternative stop buzzer contact is Rod Nelson - Chief
Engineer (Mobile: 321-544-6477), e-mail: gnelso03@harris.com.

                                  Low/Medium Earth Orbit
                                     Satellite Tracking
                                     Antenna Systems

Cost-Effective | Precision Tracking | Unlimited Configuration Flexibility
                     X/Y Antenna Pedestal Technology

               Fixed and Deployable Systems and Radomes

                           Space & Component Technology | www.trackmysat.com

                                        © 2019, Comtech Telecommunications Corp. All rights reserved.

Comtech Introduction
Comtech Space & Component Technology has developed a cost-effective X/Y antenna pedestal technology that specializes in precision
antenna tracking. Our systems are specifically designed for low and medium earth orbits that support Remote Sensing, Earth
Observation, and TT&C applications.

We offer a range of X/Y tracking antennas from 30 centimeters to 11 meters coupled with our installation expertise and worldwide
support in extreme environments such as the Arctic, Middle East and Tropics. Comtech Space & Component Technology provides the
customer a complete satellite and tracking solution for your ground stations.

    Type 1 Deployable with non-ground                             Type 1 on a platform                                  Type 2 ground mount
            penetrating mount

■■ 30 centimeters to 11 meters antenna size                                  ■■ Program and Auto Track Performance
■■ X/Y axis configuration (Series A through Type 6 for increasingly larger      ■■ Effective program track capabilities that utilize ephemeris data in
   dishes)                                                                         the form of Two Line Element (TLE) data and other formats
■■ Transmit/receive feed technologies through V-band                            ■■ Autotrack Capabilites:
■■ Designed for tracking LEO, MEO, HEO and GEO spacecraft                           »» Low loss mode coupler tracking system for high frequencies and
■■ Applications include Earth Observation, Remote Sensing,                             larger aperture antennas that does not affect G/T performance
   Communications and TT&C functions                                                »» Software assisted autotrack - the low velocity tracking dynamic
■■ Lights-out operation, including ethernet (TCP/IP) and M&C software                  of the X/Y allows the implementation of real time signal level
   is provided with Linux-based M&C system, includes SNMP and XML                      peaking throughout the track by utilizing unique tracking
   support                                                                             algorithms to control the servo control system

Radome Options:
The Comtech X/Y Antenna Systems do not require a radome for operation, but for extreme locations
Comtech can provide a cost-effective radome solution. A radome offers many advantages like
protection from extreme weather conditions, extension of component life and provides antenna position

■■ Radome Diameter Sizes: 1.5 meters to 20 meters (larger on request) tuned for the frequency or
   frequencies of interest
■■ Foam Core Sandwich Composition – three types of construction
   ■■ ‘A’ sandwich consisting of three layers
   ■■ ‘C’ sandwich consisting of five layers
   ■■ ‘S’ space frame design using a fiberglass framing with a reinforced PTFE-impregnated glass fiber
      (Teflon) fabric (ideal for wideband applications)                                                             Antenna in 5m radome with integrated
   ■■ Wind Speed: Radomes capable of surviving in winds up to 200 km/hr – 300 km/hr (depending on                                 ring wall
      specific model)

                                                                                  © 2019, Comtech Telecommunications Corp. All rights reserved.

Additional Features & Options:
■■ Deployable, trailer, truck and skid mounts
■■ High-performance shaped Cassegrain feed configurations
■■ Multi-frequency feed systems
■■ Highly-responsive installation and maintenance services
■■ Full RF and data chain including:
   »» Frequency converters, spectrum analyzers, RF switching, demodulators/
      modems, uplink amplifiers
■■ Mode coupler auto-track and software RSSI auto-track (ideal for X/Y
   low dynamic)                                                                                              Type 1 on trailer mount

         Type A Micro Deployable                                Type 5 ground mount                          Deployable with breakaway X/Y mount

X/Y System Advantages:
Cost Advantage: Simplified and elegant design, advanced manufacturing techniques, and use of
commercial components makes the X/Y one of the most cost-effective antenna products available in the

High Performance:
   ■■ System eliminates the “keyhole” at zenith or “cone of silence” associated with overhead passes
      experienced on other pedestal configurations
   ■■ Less dynamic tracking motion of the X/Y antenna over an El/Az provides for more accurate
      pointing, which is especially important when tracking Ka-band
   ■■ Low dynamic of movement greatly reduces system wear, thus extending the system life and
      reducing maintenance
   ■■ No cable wrap issues; no need for rotary joints or slip rings
   ■■ Precision gear assemblies eliminate drive-system backlash

 Delivery: 14 to 26 weeks (ARO) for the 1st system, delivery schedules will vary based on system
 requirements, antenna size and factory loading at the time of the order. Some X/Y positioner stock is
 maintained on the shelf and ready for delivery, please inquire.

 Carbon Fiber Reflectors: No need to heat the dish to avoid expansion and contraction as temperatures
                                                                                                                             Type 5 on a tower
 change; greater gain performance over an aluminum dish, especially at the higher Ka-band through
 V-band ranges. Heated reflectors for ice and snow removal are available.

 Environmental Resilience: System designed for operation in coastal, arctic, and desert environments.

                                                                               © 2019, Comtech Telecommunications Corp. All rights reserved.

                                                                                                                             Space & Component Technology


 Specifications                 Pedestal                           Dish Sizes                                    Pedestal                              Dish Sizes
                                Weight (lbs) Height (ft/in)                                                      Weight (lbs) Height (ft/In)
 Apertures sizes:               Series A (45lbs)                   30cm to 50cm                                  Type 3                                3.5m—5.5m (Outdoor System)
                                Series B (90lbs)                   80cm to 1.2m                                  (2,700lbs) (9’10”-14’9”)              6.1m (In-Radome System)

                                                                                                                 Type 4
                                Series C (165lbs)                  1.4m to 1.8m                                                                        5.0m (In-Radome System)
                                                                                                                 (3,850lbs) (9’10”-14’9”)

                                Type 1                             1.8m—3.4m (Outdoor System)                    Type 5                                5.0m—7.3m (Outdoor System)
                                (725lbs) (72” to 94”)              3.7m (In-Radome)                              (5,500lbs) (14’9”-20’)                7.6m—9.0m (In-Radome System)

                                Type 2                             3.0m—3.7m (Outdoor System)                    Type 6                                7.6m—9.0m (Outdoor System)
                                (2,200lbs) (9’10” - 12’2”)         4.2m—4.5m (In-Radome)                         (12,500lbs)                           8.0m—11.0m (In-Radome System)
 Point Accuracy                 0.10 to 0.050 (configuration dependent)
 Position Step Resolution       0.00040
 Acceleration                   10 0/S2 max
 Velocity                       50/s typical to 20 0max   (note X/Y configuration only requires a fraction of the velocity that would be required with a typical El/Az configuration)

 Axis Configuration             X over Y geometry
 Axis Travel                    Full hemispheric coverage
 Horizon Limits                 -10 typical
 Frequency Ranges               L, S, X, C, Ku, Ka, Q and V bands
 Polarization                   Left Hand and/or Right Hand Circular Polarization (linear on request)
 Feed Configurations            Multi-band prime focus and/or Cassegrain configuration
 Autotrack feed options         Mode-coupler mono-pulse or RSSI software tracking
                                2.4-meter S-band 10.7dB/K Prime focus feed
                                3.0-meter X-band 24.0dB/K Prime focus feed
                                3.7-meter X-band 27.5dB/K Cassegrain feed
                                4.2-meter S-band 16.0dB/K Prime focus feed
 G/T Performance Samples [1]
                                5.0-meter X-band 29.5 dB/K Cassegrain feed
                                5.5-meter X-band 30.2dB/K Cassegrain feed
                                6.1-meter X-band 31.0dB/K Cassegrain feed
                                7.3-meter X-band 32.6dB/K Cassegrain feed
                                                                                    Control System
 Monitor & Control              Full Linux based, includes satellite scheduler and TLE propagator.
 Interface                      1Gig Ethernet (TCP/IP) (fiber optic interface can be provided), includes SMNP and XML modules
 Power                          100/240Vac, 1phase, 15~30A; Types 5 and 6 require 3-phase 208VAC or 380/415VAC
                                                                        Environmental (without Radome)
                                80km—100km/hr wind (62 mph) Operational [2] [3]
 Wind Speed
                                200 km/hr wind (124 mph) Survivable
 Temperature                    -40°C—+70°C (-40°F - +158°F)
 Humidity                       100% Relative Humidity
 Driving rain                   Up to 10cm/hr (4 in/hr)

[1] G/T Performance at 5° elevation clear sky
[2] Optional measures (heaters, radomes, HVACS) can be taken to improve operational
    environmental limits
[3] Depends on pedestal/antenna combination                                                                                     Space & Component Technology
                                                                                                                                6181 Chip Ave.
                                                                                                                                Cypress, CA 90630 USA
                                                                                                                                Toll Free: 1.866.264.0793

About Comtech                                                                                                                   Comtech Telecommunications Corp.
Comtech Telecommunications Corp. (Nasdaq: CMTL) designs, develops,                                                              275 West Street
produces and markets innovative products, systems and services for                                                              Annapolis, MD 21401 USA
advanced communications solutions. The Company sells products to                                                                Toll Free: 1.800.557.5869
a diverse customer base in the global commercial and government                                                                 Outside US: +1.410.263.7616
communications markets. For more information visit www.comtechtel.com.                                                          www.comtech-cct.com

                                                                                                    © 2019, Comtech Telecommunications Corp. All rights reserved.

Document Created: 2019-04-09 13:04:04
Document Modified: 2019-04-09 13:04:04

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