Request Letter

0146-EX-CN-2017 Text Documents

Harris Corporation


WS                                                                                   HARRIS CORPORATION

                                                                                                    Forrest Pierson
                                                                                                7821 Orion Avenue
                                                                                         Van Nuys, CA USA 91406
                                                                                             phone 1.818.901.2457
                                                                                                fax 1.818.901.2536

March 8th, 2017

Federal Communications Commission
Office of Engineering and Technology
Experimental Licensing Branch
455 12"" St., S.W.
Room 7—A322
Washington, DC 20554

Subject: New X—band license for PAR System testing at Orion Plant in Van Nuys, CA.

Dear OET:

We are requesting a new conventional experimental license using frequency 9003 MHz. This frequency is
needed due to a new Harris PAR system that will be stationed at one of the U.S. Naval locations where
the Navy currently uses 9003MHz to radiate. This Harris PAR system maintains the same functionality
that we have under current active Call Sign WG2XGM. I could send additional attachments regarding
functionality of our radar system although it would be identical to data previously received for WG2XGM.
Here at our Orion Plant (7821 Orion Avenue, Van Nuys, CA 91406) test location, the customer requests
we test at the 9003 MHz frequency during our Site Acceptance Tests (SAT).
We are fully aware that any testing needs to be coordinated with the FAA Western Area Frequency
Coordinator prior to any radiating. Harris will honor all conditions that may be necessary to prevent
interference with any existing equipment and are willing to schedule the hours of operation to take place
during times of least air traffic in the vicinity.

Harris Corporation requests the frequency operation, which is:

9003 MHz

(520W Output power, 914541.34W ERP power, 36.60 dBi antenna gain)

Orion Plant, 7821 Orion Avenue, Van Nuys, CA 91406

Latitude: 34° 12" 50", Longitude: 118° 28‘ 15", Elevation: 289 ft. (240.487m)

In conclusion, we are anxious to continue our testing and will answer any questions you may have.


DA liise
Forrest Pierson
Frequency Manager

Document Created: 2017-03-08 13:49:11
Document Modified: 2017-03-08 13:49:11

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