HSAT Experiment Narrative Rev C 01

0016-EX-CN-2016 Text Documents

Harris Corporation


Exhibit 1: Experiment Description Document for FCC

                                  Stephen T. Gillespie, P.E.

                                     Principal Investigator
                                        Harris Corporation

                                                 Revision C

                                           05 August 2016

                                 Revised 15 February 2017


                                                       TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.0     INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 3
2.0     TECHNICAL DETAILS ........................................................................................................................ 5

    2.1 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION AND EXPERIMENT .................................................................................................. 5
    2.2 RECEIVE-ONLY RADIO FREQUENCY SPECTRUM UTILIZED ............................................................................... 6
       2.2.1  Requested Emitter Frequency Allocations .............................................................................. 7
    2.3 ANTENNA DETAILS ................................................................................................................................ 7
       2.3.1  Space Segment Emitting Antennas ......................................................................................... 7
       2.3.2  Space Segment Receive-Only Antennas ................................................................................ 11
       2.3.3  HSAT-1 Ground Terminal Antenna ........................................................................................ 15
    2.4 HARRIS “STOP BUZZER” CONTACT.......................................................................................................... 16

                                                             Table of Figures
Figure 2-1: HSAT-1 Physical Description ......................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2-2: Globalstar GAT-17PP Tx Antenna Pattern ................................................................................... 8
Figure 2-3: Globalstar GAT-17PP Rx Antenna Pattern .................................................................................... 8
Figure 2-4: Globalstar GAT-17PP Antenna .................................................................................................... 9
Figure 2-5: Measured S-band Patch Azimuth Pattern .................................................................................. 10
Figure 2-6: Measured S-band Patch Elevation Pattern ................................................................................. 11
Figure 2-7: AIS Monopole Antenna Directivity ............................................................................................. 12
Figure 2-8: BBDA Directivity, 159.0125 MHz ............................................................................................... 13
Figure 2-9: BBDA Directivity, 195 MHz ........................................................................................................ 13
Figure 2-10: BBDA Directivity, 397.5 MHz ................................................................................................... 14
Figure 2-11: BBDA Directivity, 1260 MHz .................................................................................................... 14
Figure 2-12: Predicted HSAT-1 Ground Terminal Antenna Pattern (including radome loss) ...................... 15
Figure 2-13: HSAT-1 Ground Terminal Location & Facility Details ............................................................... 16

                                                              Table of Tables
Table 2-1: HSAT-1 Technical Description ....................................................................................................... 5
Table 2-2: Radio Frequency Spectrum Summary for HSAT-1 ........................................................................ 17

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1.0       Introduction
Harris Corporation is requesting a 24 month experimental license from the Federal
Communication Commission’s (FCC) Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) in
order to complete the objectives of the HSAT-1 mission. The HSAT-1 cubesat is an
orbital experimental testbed being developed by Harris Corporation for launch in Q2
2017. The following objectives of the HSAT-1 orbital experiment will improve the radio
      •       Assess the effectiveness of radiation mitigation techniques of the payload
                  in the actual environment with continual performance and event
      •       Assess the performance of a broad-bandwidth deployable antenna (BBDA)
                  specifically designed for cubesats through on-orbit measurement
      •       Assess the effective coverage of Harris’ earth-to-space and space-to-earth
                  Tracking, Telemetry, and Control (TT&C) and payload experiment
                  data communications through on-orbit demonstration of an S-band
In order to assess payload performance in a radiation environment, the HSAT-1 orbital
testbed must continually receive and process, which requires a signal-rich environment.
Initially, HSAT-1 will receive and process maritime Automatic Identification System (AIS)
signals using a TRL-9 commercially available cubesat antenna, hereafter referred to as
the “AIS monopole antenna”. TT&C and payload experiment data communications to
the Harris Satellite Operations Center will be performed during the first phase through
either 1) the satellite S-band radio to the Harris Ground Terminal, or 2) through the
Globalstar constellation & network.
Approximately 60 days after launch, HSAT-1 will disable the AIS monopole antenna and
deploy a broad-bandwidth deployable antenna (hereafter referred to as the “BBDA”).
This begins the second phase of the payload experiment. The payload will receive VHF
broadcast signals in addition to AIS signals to determine the low band performance.
Solar noise will also be received to determine performance of the BBDA’s mid and upper
band. During this time, TT&C and payload experiment data communications will occur
through the S-band radio to a Harris ground terminal. Since the BBDA receives in a
much wider bandwidth, a higher data rate modem than the Globalstar is required to
transmit the payload experiment data to satisfactorily characterize the performance of
the antenna. The S-band radio meets this need with a higher data rate downlink
Specific frequency bands requested are listed in Section 2.2. Usage of the requested
RF spectrum for this flight experiment is critical to the success of the flight experiment.
The requested RF communications implementation provides both the ability to
successfully command the spacecraft and the ability to receive critical engineering
telemetry and experiment data. Since HSAT will also be a risk-reduction opportunity to
prove out space-ground communications for the “USAV” project, additional spectrum is
being requested in the federally-allocated bands for communication of TT&C and
mission data (Uplink and Downlink bands 2 and 3). Harris Corporation is requesting a
24 month experimental license from the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC)

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Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) in order to complete the objectives of the
HSAT-1 mission.
Harris Corporation will be the sole owner and operator of the HSAT-1 satellite.

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2.0    Technical Details

2.1    Physical Description and Experiment
The HSAT-1 orbital testbed is a 6U cubesat with two deployable solar array panels and
two deployable antennas as depicted in Figure 2-1. Harris Corporation has signed a
Launch Services Agreement (LSA) with Spaceflight, Inc, to launch HSAT-1 on an Indian
Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) in May 2017 through the Indian Space Research
Organization (ISRO) at the SHAR (Sriharikota) Spaceport (Satish Dhawan Space
Center). The satellite will fly in a sun-synchronous orbit at 500 km altitude, 97.4°
inclination, and 9:30 AM Local Time Descending Node (LTDN). Table 2-1 details other
technical parameters of HSAT-1.

                      Figure 2-1: HSAT-1 Physical Description

                     Table 2-1: HSAT-1 Technical Description
                  Parameter                  Value / Description
                 Mission Life                 2 years minimum
                     Mass                         < 13.2 kg
                     Size                            6U
                  Propulsion                        None
               Attitude Control         Reaction wheels & torque rods
                   Batteries          Nine 2.8 amp-hour lithium ion cells
              Primary TT&C Link              Globalstar Network
             Redundant TT&C Link                S-band Radio

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HSAT-1 will be launched in a powered off state within its dispenser. Upon orbital
insertion, HSAT-1 will be ejected from its dispenser and begin a power-on and boot
sequence followed by orientation into a sun-safe mode (solar panels oriented towards
sun). No radio communications will occur for a minimum of 30 minutes after ejection
from the launch dispenser. After the radio blackout period has ended, the satellite will
transmit state-of-health telemetry to Harris through the Globalstar constellation and
network using Globalstar’s GSP-1720 modem and to the Harris ground terminal using
the HSAT onboard S-band radio. Once the data has been reviewed, Harris will
command the satellite to deploy the AIS monopole antenna. This antenna is
manufactured by Innovative Solutions in Space and is fully qualified with flight history
(TRL-9). The AIS monopole antenna is fed to a Harris-manufactured AIS receiver,
which has qualification-by-similarity history. Once deployed, Harris will upload specific
mission decks that will command the payload to begin receiving and processing AIS
signals. Telemetry will be recorded indicating specific payload performance as well as
any radiation-induced events. During this time the telemetry and corresponding mission
data will be communicated to the Harris Satellite Operations Center (HSOC) through the
HSAT S-band radio link with the Harris Ground Terminal.
After the primary payload objectives have been demonstrated (up to 2 months after
launch), Harris will command the satellite to deploy the BBDA. Once deployed, Harris
will review the deployment telemetry and then switch the payload receiver from the AIS
monopole antenna to the BBDA. Payload processing will continue as before, but now
utilizing four separate bands over the BBDA range instead of one. This presents the
opportunity to continue to monitor payload performance and radiation effects over
mission life while utilizing several discrete regions across the BBDA to evaluate specific
antenna performance
Testing will conclude 24 months after launch, at which time the spacecraft will be
passivated and decommissioned. Deorbit will occur naturally through atmospheric drag.
Based on an analysis utilizing NASA’s DAS 2.0.2 software with specific HSAT-1 inputs
(mass, size, form, initial orbit, material types, etc), HSAT-1 is anticipated to remain in
orbit less than 4.3 years total. In addition, the HSAT-1 design passed all other
requirements of debris and deorbit in accordance with NPR 8715.6A, which addresses
breakups and other debris-producing events. Reference Exhibit 2 Document 7052742
for the complete Orbital Debris and Deorbit Assessment.

2.2    Receive-Only Radio Frequency Spectrum Utilized
Table 2-2 summarizes the requested radio frequency spectrum for the HSAT-1 satellite.
These bands were selected for various reasons:
               1) Reducing cost through high reuse and utilization of existing designs
                  (the hardware has been previously designed for these frequencies
                  and some long lead components were already available in inventory);
               2) Four separate bands spaced over the BBDA design band is
                  necessary for evaluating antenna performance;

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These bands already contain an abundance of continuous signals such as AIS and VHF
broadcasting which allow the payload to continually receive and process in order to
monitor and detect radiation events.

2.2.1 Requested Emitter Frequency Allocations
Harris Corporation specifically requests to utilize the following allocations for the HSAT-1
satellite system:
         Two emitters on the HSAT-1 mobile satellite
             o Globalstar: Space-to-space (1610-1626.5 MHz)
             o S-band radio:
                     Downlink 1: Space-to-earth (2180-2185 MHz)
                     Downlink 2: Space-to-earth (2245-2250 MHz)
                     Downlink 3: Space-to-earth (2262.6-2267.6 MHz)
         One ground terminal owned by Harris Corporation
             o Uplink 1: Earth-to-space (2005-2006.25 MHz)
             o Uplink 2: Earth-to-space (2095.875-2097.125 MHz)
             o Uplink 3: Earth-to-space (2097.875-2099.125 MHz)
Harris Corporation requests the above specific frequency allocations to meet the current
ground terminal design capabilities, there is flexibility to modify the request to nearby
bands in case of coordination issues with other users.
Since HSAT will also be a risk-reduction opportunity to prove out space-to-ground and
ground-to-space communications for the “USAV” program, additional spectrum is being
requested in the federally-allocated bands for communication of TT&C and mission data.
This requested spectrum includes two additional uplink bands (Uplink 2 and 3) and two
additional downlink bands (Downlink 2 and 3) as shown above.

2.3       Antenna Details

2.3.1 Space Segment Emitting Antennas Globalstar Patch Antenna
HSAT-1 initial and primary TT&C and payload experiment communications link is
through the Globalstar GAT-17PP patch antenna in conjunction with the Globalstar
GSP-1720 modem aboard the satellite. The transmit element provides +4.5 dBic gain
within the operating frequency band of 1610-1626.5 MHz. The receive element provides
+0.2 dBic gain at 2483.5-2500.0 MHz. Figure 2-2 details the radiating pattern of the
patch antenna for transmit, and Figure 2-3 details the pattern for receive.

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Figure 2-2: Globalstar GAT-17PP Tx Antenna Pattern

Figure 2-3: Globalstar GAT-17PP Rx Antenna Pattern

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                     Figure 2-4: Globalstar GAT-17PP Antenna S-band Passive Patch Antenna
HSAT-1 secondary TT&C and payload experiment communications link is through a
custom passive patch antenna in conjunction with a Tethers Unlimited S-band radio
aboard the satellite. This patch antenna will transmit signals containing TT&C and
payload experiment data to the Harris Ground Terminal at each of the requested bands.
Figure 2-6 details the radiating pattern of the antenna at the center of the requested
Downlink 1 band. The pattern is the same for the Downlink 2 and Downlink 3 bands.

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Figure 2-5: Measured S-band Patch Azimuth Pattern

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               Figure 2-6: Measured S-band Patch Elevation Pattern

2.3.2 Space Segment Receive-Only Antennas S-band Receive Patch Antenna
HSAT-1 will utilize a custom passive patch antenna in conjunction with a Tethers
Unlimited S-band radio aboard the satellite. This antenna is separate from the patch
antenna described in Section, and will receive TT&C signals from the Harris
Ground Terminal at each of the 3 Uplink bands. The patch antenna receive pattern is
identical to the radiating pattern depicted in Figure 2-6. Payload AIS Monopole Antenna
HSAT-1 will utilize a deployable monopole whip antenna manufactured by Innovative
Solutions in Space to receive AIS signals as part of the payload experiment. The
antenna will receive AIS signals between 159.0125-161.025 MHz. Figure 2-7 details the
pattern of the antenna at 159.0125 MHz.

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                   Figure 2-7: AIS Monopole Antenna Directivity Payload Broad Bandwidth Deployable Antenna (BBDA)
HSAT-1 will utilize a custom broad bandwidth deployable antenna (BBDA) manufactured
by Harris Corporation which will receive various AIS, VHF TV broadcasting, and solar
noise from 159.0125-1260.0 MHz as a part of the payload experiment. Figure 2-8,
Figure 2-10, and Figure 2-11 detail the pattern of the BBDA at 159.0125 MHz, 195 MHz,
397.5 MHz, and 1260.0 MHz respectively. Specific frequency bands of the receiver are
outlined in Table 2-2. Successful demonstration of this antenna technology will improve
the state of the art for cubesat wideband deployable antennas.

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Figure 2-8: BBDA Directivity, 159.0125 MHz

  Figure 2-9: BBDA Directivity, 195 MHz

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 Figure 2-10: BBDA Directivity, 397.5 MHz

 Figure 2-11: BBDA Directivity, 1260 MHz

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2.3.3 HSAT-1 Ground Terminal Antenna
HSAT-1’s secondary TT&C communications uplink (the Globalstar Radio being the
primary) will utilize a 4.2 meter parabolic dish antenna located at 28.026552, -80.604989
(Lat, Lon NAD83) on a rootop antenna test platform of a Harris Corporation facility in
Palm Bay FL to send TT&C to the HSAT-1 spacecraft. The location and elevation of the
proposed ground terminal is shown in Figure 2-13. This antenna will provide 35.1 dBic
transmit gain (including radome loss) within the operating frequency band of Uplink
bands 1, 2, and 3 with 2.5° half-power beamwidth. Figure 2-12 details the radiating
pattern of the antenna. No other ground stations will communicate directly with HSAT-1.
This antenna will also receive TT&C and payload experiment data transmitted by the
satellite at Downlink bands 1, 2 and 3.

   Figure 2-12: Predicted HSAT-1 Ground Terminal Antenna Pattern (including
                                 radome loss)

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        Figure 2-13: HSAT-1 Ground Terminal Location & Facility Details

2.4   Harris “Stop Buzzer” Contact
Thomas Low, Ground Segment Architect
Harris Corporation SIS, Palm Bay FL

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                                                 Table 2-2: Radio Frequency Spectrum Summary for HSAT-1
                                                                 Modem /                          ERP                                   Polariz
  Type        Location          Function       Description                    Antenna Type                   Active Band (MHz)                  Modulation     Waveform & Coding
                                                                 Receiver                         (W)                                    ation
            HSAT-1 Satellite Comm Downlink     Globalstar
                                                                 GSP-1720     GAT-17PP Patch      0.76           1610-1626.5            LHCP QPSK/CDMA          Reference Globalstar
             (Mobile Sat)    Default/Primary Space-to-space
                                                                                                                                                              Rolloff factor 0.25, Reed-
                                                                  Tethers                                 Downlink 1: 2180.0-2185.0
            HSAT-1 Satellite Comm Downlink        S-Band                                                                                                          Solomon 255/239
                                                                 Unlimited     Passive Patch      5.72    Downlink 2: 2245.0-2250.0     LHCP      8PSK
Emitters     (Mobile Sat)      Secondary       Space-to-Earth
                                                                 Swift-SLX                                Downlink 3: 2262.6-2267.6
                                                                                                                                                                       7-7/8 CC
                                                                                                                                                               5 MHz Occupied BW
                                                                                                          Uplink 1: 2005.000-2006.250
             Melbourne, FL  Harris Ground         S-Band                                                                                                     Rolloff factor 0.25, 7-1/2 CC
                                                                   Harris    Parabolic Reflector 312.01   Uplink 2: 2095.875-2097.125   RHCP Offset QPSK
                (Fixed)    Terminal (Uplink)   Earth-to-space                                                                                                 1.25 MHz Occupied BW
                                                                                                          Uplink 3: 2097.875-2099.125
            HSAT-1 Satellite                         L1         NovAtel
                                 GPS                                      Passive Patch                            1575.42              RHCP        GPS L1 waveform, C/A coding
             (Mobile Sat)                      Space-to-Space OEM615 GPS
            HSAT-1 Satellite Comm Uplink         Globalstar
                                                               GSP-1720  GAT-17PP Patch                          2483.5-2500            LHCP QPSK/CDMA              Ref Globalstar
             (Mobile Sat)    Default/Primary   Space-to-Space
                                                                Tethers                                   Uplink 1: 2005.000-2006.250
            HSAT-1 Satellite   Comm Uplink        S-Band                                                                                                     Rolloff factor 0.25, 7-1/2 CC;
                                                               Unlimited  Passive Patch                   Uplink 2: 2095.875-2097.125   RHCP Offset QPSK
             (Mobile Sat)       Secondary      Earth-to-Space                                                                                                  1.25 MHz Occupied BW
                                                               Swift-SLX                                  Uplink 3: 2097.875-2099.125
                               Harris Ground                                                               Downlink 1: 2180.0-2185.0                          Rolloff factor 0.25, Reed-
Receivers    Melbourne, FL                        S-Band                       4.2m Parabolic     NA
                                 Terminal                          Harris                                  Downlink 2: 2245.0-2250.0    LHCP      8PSK       Solomon 255/239, 7-7/8 CC;
                (Fixed)                        Space-to-Earth                     Reflector
                                (Downlink)                                                                 Downlink 3: 2262.6-2267.6                            5 MHz Occupied BW
            HSAT-1 Satellite                     AIS signal                    AIS Monopole
                             AIS "Channel A"                                                                    155.98-162.10           Linear               AIS waveform
             (Mobile Sat)                         receiver                        Antenna
                                                                 Harris Corp
                                                                PN 3266638-      Broad  Band                    155.98-162.10
            HSAT-1 Satellite                   VHF/UHF/L-           101      Deployable Antenna                    174-216
                             UHF "Channel B"                                                                                            Linear     AIS, VHF Broadcast, Solar noise
             (Mobile Sat)                      band receiver                     Harris Corp                       385-410
                                                                                3266643-101                       1220-1300

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Document Created: 2017-02-15 09:44:59
Document Modified: 2017-02-15 09:44:59

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