Summary and supporting material

0363-EX-ST-2011 Text Documents

Harris Caprock Communications, Inc.


               Application for Special Temporary Authority (STA) ‐ Supporting Information

Applicant:               Harris Caprock Communications, Inc.
STA File number:         0363‐EX‐ST‐2011
STA Confirmation:        EL505754

General Summary

This application for a Special Temporary Authority (STA) is to license the test and operation of three
satellite terminals to test performance and link availability to a US‐licensed satellite (Intelsat‐903,
34.5°WL) using frequencies in the C‐band (4/6 GHz).

The terminals use a VSAT antenna of diameter 60cm, and achieve compatibility with adjacent satellites
through the use of spread‐spectrum modulation to reduce the power density and hence maintain off‐
axis power levels to below the levels required to comply with FCC regulations on 2° orbital spacing.

Compatibility with terrestrial systems has been assessed for each of the three antennas by COMSEARCH.

Operation is required for a period of six months between June 13th and December 13th, 2011.

Supporting Information

The following attachments provide supporting information to this application:

        (1) Non‐ionising radiation analysis (source: Harris Caprock)

        (2) Off‐Axis EIRP analysis, demonstrating compatibility with FCC requirements (source: Harris

        (3) Letter from satellite operator detailing permitted operating conditions (source: Intelsat)

        (4) Co‐ordination analysis for Houston, TX, antenna (source: COMSEARCH)

        (5) Co‐ordination analysis for Mountainside, MD, antenna (source: COMSEARCH)

        (6) Co‐ordination analysis for Melbourne, FL, antenna (source: COMSEARCH)

May 19th, 2011
                                 Harris CapRock
        Analysis of Non-Ionizing Radiation for a 0.6m Earth station system

This report analyzes the non-ionizing radiation levels for a 0.6m earth station system.
The analysis and calculations performed in this report comply with the methods
described in the FCC Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin, No. 65 first
published in 1985 and revised in 1987 in Edition 97-01. The radiation safety limits used
in the analysis are in conformance the FCC R&O 96-326. Bulletin No. 65 and the FCC
R&O specifies that there are two separate tiers of exposure limits that are dependant on
the situation in which the exposure takes place and/or the status of the individuals who
are subject to the exposure. The Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits for
persons in General Population/Uncontrolled environment are shown in Table 1. The
General Population/Uncontrolled MPE is a function of transmit frequency and is for an
exposure period of thirty minutes or less. The MPE limits for persons in
Occupational/Controlled environment are shown in Table 2. The Occupational MPE is a
function of transmit frequency and is for an exposure period of six minutes or less. The
purpose of the analysis described in this report is to determine the power flux density
levels of earth station in the far-field, near-field, transmission region, between the feed
and main reflector surface, at the main reflector surface, and between the antenna edge
and the ground and to compare these levels to the specified MPEs.

         Frequency Range (MHz)                     Power Density (mW/cm2)
                  30-300                                     0.2
                 300-1500                         Frequency (MHz)*(0.8/1200)
               1500-100,00                                   1.0
        Table 1. Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (MPE)

        Frequency Range (MHz)                    Power Density (mW/cm2)
                30-300                                      0.2
               300-1500                         Frequency (MHz)*(0.8/1200)
             1500-100,00                                    1.0
           Table 2. Limits for Occupationa;/Controlled Exposure (MPE)

Parameter            Symbol          Formula           Value          Units
Antenna                 D              Input            0.6             m
Antenna               Asurface         πD2/4          0.2826           m2
Surface Area
Frequency                F             Input           6250           MHz
Wavelength               λ             300/F           0.048            M
Transmit Power           P             Input              4            W
Antenna Gain            Ges            Input             28            dBi
Antenna Gain            G             10Ges/10          630            n/a
Pi                      π            Constant       3.1415927          n/a
Antenna                  η         G λ2/( π2D2)         65             %
     Table 3. Formulas & Parameters Used for determining Power Flux Densities

   1. Far Field distance Calculation

The distance to the beginning of the far field can be determined from the following

Distance to the Far Field Region                Rff = 0.60 D2 / λ
                                                    =4.5 m

The maximum main beam power density in the far field can be determined from the
following equation:

On-Axis Power Density in the Far-Field              Sff = G P / (4 π Rff2)
                                                        =10 W/m2
                                                        = 1mW/cm2

   2. Near field Calculation

Power Flux Density is considered to be at a maximum value throughout the entire length
of the defined Near Field region. The region is contained within a cylindrical volume
having the same diameter as the antenna. Past the boundary of the Near Field region,
the power density from the antenna decreases linearly with respect to increasing

The distance to the end of the Near Field can be determined using the following

Extent of the Near Field                        Rnf = D2 / (4 λ)
                                                    = 1.875 m

The maximum power Flux Density in the Near Field can be determined from the
following equation:

Near Field Power Flux Density                       Snf = 16 η P / (π D2)
                                                        = 3.6 mW/cm2

   3. Transition Region Power Density

The transition region is located between the Near and Far Field regions. The power
density begins to decrease linearly with increasing distance in the Transition region.
While the power density decreases inversely with distance in the transition region, the
power density decreases inversely with the square of the distance in the Far Field
Region. The maximum power density calculation in Section 1 is the highest power
density the antenna can produce in any of the regions away from the antenna. The
power density at a distance Rt can be determined from the following equation:

Transition Region Power Density                     St = Snf Rnf / Rt
                                                       = 1.5 mW/cm2

   4. Main Reflector Region

The power density in the main reflector is determined using the following equation:

Power Density at Main Reflector                       Ssurface = 4 P / Asurface
                                                               = 5.6 mW/cm2

   5. Region Between the Main Reflector and the Ground

Assuming uniform illumination of the reflector surface, the power density between the
antenna and the ground can be determined from the following equation:

Power density between Reflector and Ground            Sg = P / Asurface
                                                         = 1.4 mW/cm2

   6. Summary of Calculations

Region                           Calculated Maximum Radiation            Hazard assessment
                                 power Density Level (mW/cm2)
1. Far Field                        Sff              9.8      Satisfies FCC MPE
2. Near Field                       Snf              3.6      Satisfies FCC MPE
3. Transition Region                 St             0.99      Satisfies FCC MPE
4. Main Reflector            Ssurface            5.6          Satisfies FCC MPE
5. Between Main Reflector      Sg                1.4          Satisfies FCC MPE
and Ground
  Table 4. Summary of Expected Radiation Levels for Uncontrolled Environments

1. Far Field                   Sff             1.875          Satisfies FCC MPE
2. Near Field                  Snf              3.6           Satisfies FCC MPE
3. Transition Region           St               1.5           Satisfies FCC MPE
4. Main Reflector           Ssurface            5.6           Satisfies FCC MPE
5. Between Main Reflector      Sg               1.4           Satisfies FCC MPE
and Ground
   Table 4. Summary of Expected Radiation Levels for Controlled Environments

It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the public and operational personnel are
not exposed to harmful levels of radiation.

   7. Conclusion

Based on the above analysis it is concluded that harmful levels of radiation will not exist
in regions normally occupied by the public or the earth station’s operating personne. The
transmitter will be turned off during antenna maintenance so that FCC MPE of 5 mW/cm2
will be complied with for those regions with close proximity to the reflector that exceed
acceptable levels.

Harris CapRock
           FCC Off-Axis EIRP Mask Calculation
                            BUC (W)             3.5         5
                         Bandwidth (kHz)       1250        625

                         Tx Gain                       Actual EIRP
                 ITU               Tx Gain      EIRP
Theta[deg]               (linear                       (dBW/4kHz
                 mask               (dBi)    (dBW/4kH
                          pole)                              )
   1.00          31.74     24.12    27.12         7.61     12.17
   2.00          24.77     23.24    26.24         6.74     11.30
   3.00          20.37     20.07    23.07         3.56      8.12
   4.00          17.25     17.68    20.68         1.17      5.73
   5.00          14.83     10.67    13.67        -5.84     -1.28
   6.00          12.85      5.28     8.28       -11.23     -6.67
   7.00          11.17    -11.22    -8.22       -27.73    -23.17
   8.00          11.30     -1.49     1.51       -18.00    -13.44
   9.00          11.30      4.64     7.64       -11.87     -7.31
   10.00         10.30      6.12     9.12       -10.39     -5.83
   11.00          9.27      6.97     9.97        -9.54     -4.98
   12.00          8.32      6.25     9.25       -10.26     -5.70
   13.00          7.45      1.97     4.97       -14.54     -9.98
   14.00          6.65     -1.91     1.09       -18.42    -13.86
   15.00          5.90     -7.28    -4.28       -23.79    -19.23
   16.00          5.20     -6.01    -3.01       -22.51    -17.96
   17.00          4.54     -8.47    -5.47       -24.98    -20.42
   18.00          3.92    -11.40    -8.40       -27.90    -23.35
   19.00          3.33     -2.89     0.11       -19.40    -14.84
   20.00          2.77     -0.43     2.57       -16.94    -12.38
   21.00          2.24      1.26     4.26       -15.25    -10.69
   22.00          1.74      0.81     3.81       -15.70    -11.14
   23.00          1.26     -1.91     1.09       -18.42    -13.86
   24.00          0.79     -3.16    -0.16       -19.66    -15.10
   25.00          0.35     -3.98    -0.98       -20.49    -15.93
   26.00         -0.07     -4.18    -1.18       -20.69    -16.13
   27.00         -0.48     -6.90    -3.90       -23.41    -18.85
   28.00         -0.88     -7.93    -4.93       -24.44    -19.88
   29.00         -1.26     -2.75     0.25       -19.25    -14.69
   30.00         -1.63      1.11     4.11       -15.40    -10.84
   31.00         -1.98      2.25     5.25       -14.26     -9.70
   32.00         -2.33      2.80     5.80       -13.71     -9.15
   33.00         -2.66      3.12     6.12       -13.38     -8.82
   34.00         -2.99      3.09     6.09       -13.42     -8.86
   35.00         -3.30      2.96     5.96       -13.55     -8.99
   36.00         -3.61      2.87     5.87       -13.63     -9.08
   37.00         -3.91      2.50     5.50       -14.00     -9.44
   38.00         -4.19      2.29     5.29       -14.21     -9.66
   39.00         -4.48      1.90     4.90       -14.61    -10.05
   40.00         -4.75      1.85     4.85       -14.66    -10.10
   41.00         -5.02      2.09     5.09       -14.42     -9.86
   42.00         -5.28      2.23     5.23       -14.28     -9.72
   43.00         -5.54      2.28     5.28       -14.23     -9.67
   44.00         -5.79      2.06     5.06       -14.44     -9.88
   45.00         -6.03      1.27     4.27       -15.24    -10.68
   46.00         -6.27      0.78     3.78       -15.73    -11.17
   47.00         -6.50     -0.36     2.64       -16.87    -12.31
   48.00         -6.73     -0.99     2.01       -17.49    -12.93

 FCC Off-axis Mask Maximum EIRP Density Specification   Theta[deg]
              26.3-25log(theta)                            1~7
                     5.3                   dBW/4kHz       7 ~ 9.2
              29.3-25log(theta)                          9.2 ~ 48

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18°" February 2011
To: Pete Shaw
Teleport & Resource Manager
Schlumberger Oilfield UK Ltd
Newton Road,
Kirkhill Industrial Estate,
Aberdeen AB21 OGE

Dear Pete,

Confirmation of Operating Conditions for Seaconnect earth stations operating
via Intelsat satellites

Intelsat provides transponder services to Schlumberger on various satellites,
and hereby confirm the agreed conditions of operation that will apply to
Schlumberger‘s 60cm C—band circular—polarised Seaconnect earth stations
operating via Intelsat satellites ("the Stations").

These operating conditions are based upon Seaconnect planned operating
parameters and are designed to limit interference to adjacent satellites when
operated within a 2 degree spacing environment.

Pursuant to the existing service agreements between Schlumberger and
Intelsat, Schlumberger will ensure its Stations are operated in full compliance
with the following operating conditions:

      1. The noise bandwidth of the transmit carrier will be a
         minimum of 500kHz (based on an occupied carrier
         bandwidth of 625kHz associated with a 72kbps information

      2.     Seaconnect earth stations will not exceed a maximum EIRP of
             29 dBw

      3.     Multiple earth stations will not transmit simultaneously at the
             same frequency/carrier allocation.

      4. Off—axis EIRP spectral density for co—polarised signals will not
         exceed the following limits :

                 26.3 — 25log([®]) dBW/MAkHz for 1.5° <= [0] <= 7.0°

                 5.3 dBW/AkHz for 7.0° < [0] <= 9.2°

                29.3 — 25log([®]) dBW/AkHz for 9.2° < [0] <= 48°

                —12.7 dBW/AkHz for 48° < [8] <= 180°

             where [8] is the angle in degrees from the axis of the main lobe.

Intelsat Global Sales & Marketing Ltd.
Building 5 Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick High Road, London W4 5YF, United Kingdom T +44 20—3036—6700 F +44 20—3036—6707

Registered in England and Wales with Company Number 4098445. Registered office: 100 New Bridge Street, London ECAV 6JA, United Kingdom

         5. Off—axis EIRP spectral density for cross—pol signals will not
            exceed the following limits :

                16.3 — 25log([8]) dBW/AkHz for 1.8° <= [0] <= 7.0°

                —4.7 dBW/AkHz for 7° < [8] <= 9.2°

              where [8] is the angle in degrees from the axis of the main lobe.

         6. Antenna pointing accuracy towards the target spacecraft will
            be maintained within +0.2°.

         7.   Seaconnect earth stations will automatically inhibit all
              transmissions in the event of antenna pointing error
              exceeding 0.5° for more than 100ms. Retransmission will
              resume only once nominal pointing accuracy (+0.2°) has
              been restored.

         8.   Seaconnect earth stations will follow existing Intelsat satellite
              access procedures.

     Intelsat may introduce additional or alternative operating conditions as
     necessary to meet operational or coordination requirements applicable to any
     given satellite or orbital location.

     Schlumberger will be responsible for ensuring compliance of Seaconnect
     terminal operations with all applicable regulatory and licensing requirements.

     Yours faithfully,


     for and on behalf of
     Intelsat Global Sales & Marketing Ltd.

   Transmit/Receive Earth Station

            Prepared For
         Access Partnership
            Houston, Tx.

   Transmit/Receive Earth Station

           April 21, 2011

                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

I.     Introduction
II.    Contents of Report
III.   Summary of Results
IV.    Conclusions and Recommendations
V.     Operational Parameters and Satellite Data
VI.    Great Circle Interference Case Listing

                        List of Illustrations
                    Transmit/Receive Earth Station


Table 3.1-1 Interference Case Summary - (6 GHz)

Table 5.1-1 Earth Station Parameters
Table 5.2-1 Earth Station Azimuth Elevation Table
Table 6.1-1 Potential Interference Cases 6 GHz Transmit Band

                               SECTION 1

                     Transmit/Receive Earth Station

This report presents the results of a detailed interference analysis
for a proposed C-band transmit/receive earth station location. The site
was selected by Access Partnership and Schlumberger and is located at
Houston, Texas.

The analysis was performed for a 0.6 meter antenna. The long term
interference objective at 4 GHz, was -156 dBW/1 MHz, while the 6 GHz long
term interference objective was -154 dBW/4 kHz, as specified by the FCC.

The earth station was analyzed for transmission and reception of digital
traffic to and from a satellite at 34.5 West (325.5 East) degrees
Longitude. This report assumes that the satellite transponders are
numbered 1 through 24, with each transponder having a 36 MHz bandwidth.

This detailed interference analysis is meant to provide an estimate of
potential interference at this location, and to recommend a course of
future action.

                               SECTION 2

                     Transmit/Receive Earth Station

This section describes the contents of the report for a proposed C-band
transmit/receive earth station.

Section 1 describes the site location, the antenna considered, and the
system parameters considered in the detailed interference analysis. The
analysis was undertaken to determine the potential for microwave
interference for the transmit/receive earth station at the site

Initially, a computer analysis of this site was performed to determine
the extent of potential interference on a line-of-sight (LOS) basis. This
analysis considers the microwave environment with respect to the earth
station and calculates predicted signal levels between these systems.
Paths which exceed a given objective level are listed for further
analysis. The objective levels present the maximum interference levels
allowed between the earth station and       the surrounding terrestrial
microwave environment for the frequency band of interest.

To further analyze the effect of the predicted interference conflicts,
terrain path profiles were prepared for the critical        cases. This
involves plotting the interference path on topographic maps, typically
7.5 minute series U.S.G.S. maps, to determine the                terrain
characteristics of the path. Once this has been accomplished, predicted
over-the-horizon (O-H) losses are calculated using the techniques of the
National Bureau of Standards Technical Note 101 (Revised).

These calculations give the amount of signal attenuation achieved   due to
terrain blockage.

Section 3 summarizes the results of the site analysis. This   summary
includes the number of cases that were considered, the   interference
cases that remain, and the proposed resolution of   the interference

Tables 3.1-1 and 3.2-1 list the Great Circle interference cases and the
predicted O-H losses calculated on the various 6 and 4 GHz paths,
respectively. If multiple analyses are considered, such as changes in
satellite arc or antenna, the results are presented in Tables 3.1-1.1,
3.1-1.2, 3.2-1.1 3.2-1.2, etc.....

A brief explanation of the various columns shown in Tables 3.1-1    and
3.2-1 follows:

PATH ID:    This is the predicted interference path. The first      site
listed is the transmitter at 4 GHz or the receiver at 6 GHz.

BAND:   This shows the frequency plan of the interfering paths. The 4
GHz paths affect reception of the downlink, while the 6 GHz terrestrial
facilities are affected by the uplink. Receivers in the low half of the
band (5925 - 6175 MHz), are indicated by 6L.

Receivers in the high half of the band (6175 - 6425 MHz), are indicated
by 6H.

DIST: This is the distance from the earth station to the    terrestrial
station in kilometers.

AZ: This is the azimuth bearing in degrees (taken from True     North),
from the earth station toward the terrestrial station.

ES DISC: This is the earth station discrimination angle in     degrees,
towards the involved terrestrial facility.

ES GAIN: This is the gain of the earth station in dBi, at the
calculated earth station discrimination angle.

LOS  LOSS   REQ'D:  This is the amount of loss required in dB, on     a
line-of-sight basis, to meet the interference objective.

O-H LOSS: This is the calculated over-the-horizon (O-H) losses in dB,
between the earth station and the involved terrestrial station. The 20
percent column represents losses for the long term objective. The 0.0025
and .01 percent columns present the losses for the short term objective
at 6 GHz and 4 GHz, respectively.

REVISED MARGIN: This is the difference between the LOS margin and the
predicted O-H losses achieved due to terrain blockage.        Sufficient
attenuation is calculated for the paths which show the word "CLEAR" in
the revised margin. Cases showing a positive revised margin will require
additional losses to meet the interference objective.

The information listed at the bottom of the table reflects the
antennas, satellite arc, and interference objectives considered for the
proposed site.

Section 4 presents conclusions and recommendations.      It gives an
overall description of the microwave environment and suggests a future
course of action.

Table 5.1-1 contains the operational parameters for the proposed earth
station. Tables 5.1-2 provides azimuth and elevation data for      the
geostationary arc, and identifies the locations of particular
satellites within that arc.

Section 6 presents the Great Circle interference cases. This provides a
listing of the utilized channels and type of traffic loading for each

                                        SECTION 3
                                SUMMARY AND RESULTS

The detailed interference analysis for the proposed earth station site to
be located at Houston, Texas revealed that 59 potential interference
conflicts exist.   After considering the over-the-horizon (O-H) losses,
47 cases were found to have sufficient losses to resolve the predicted
margins. A discussion of the remaining cases is presented below.

                           Transmit Band 5925 - 6425 MHz

In the 6 GHz transmit band, there were 12 cases where insufficient
blockage existed. A summary of these cases follows:
                  Distance     Azimuth       Margin       Revised Margin
Path                (Km)      (Degrees)       (dB)           20% (dB)
Genoa -             11.4         75.7          17.9          17.9
2100 W Loop -       19.5        326.9          16.6          16.6
Copperfield -       43.6        322.3          16.3           4.3
Alvin -             19.0        140.7          14.4          14.4
2100 W Loop

Alvin -             26.2        134.8          14.1          14.1

El Camino -         18.8         97.7           7.7           7.7

Downtown MTSO -     19.4        344.6           6.4           6.4
S Houston -         10.3         57.1           5.9           5.9

Algoa -             25.5        144.7           4.9           4.9
Chigger Relo

Windheater -         8.7        254.7           3.4           3.4
S Houston
Pearland -          11.6        156.4           2.9           2.9
Alvin -             26.0        162.3           2.5           2.5

Additional blockage will need to be identified in the direction of the
remaining 6 GHz cases, or frequency offsets will need to be implemented
to avoid conflict with the receive frequencies of these facilities.
Table 6.1-1 provides a summary of the remaining interference conflicts to
the 6 GHz transmit band and their coordinated receive frequencies.

3.2    Receive Band 3700 to 4200 MHz

No cases exist in the 4 GHz receive band.

                               SECTION 4


4.1   Conclusions

Based on the results of the detailed interference analysis, 12 potential
interference conflicts exist to the 6 GHz transmit band that could not be
cleared with terrain path profiles. In the event that on-site RFI
measurements and path surveys cannot resolve these cases it would be
necessary to limit the earth station transmit band around the receive
frequencies of the identified 6 GHz receivers. The limited frequencies
would be 5925 – 5929, 6110 – 6136, 6169 – 6181, 6243 – 6270 and 6303 –
6425 MHz.

4.2   Recommendations
It is recommended that Access Partnership/Schlumberger review the
operating parameters of the proposed earth station antenna and determine
whether the above referenced transmit band restrictions are acceptable.
In the event that they are not, it is recommended that on-site RFI
measurements and path surveys be completed in an attempt to resolve the
cases identified in this report.

                                        Table 5.1-1

                                  SATELLITE EARTH STATION
                            FREQUENCY COORDINATION DATA

Company                    SCHLUMBERGER
Owner Code
Earth Station Name, State                              HOUSTON, TX
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83)                                 29 35 54.0 N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83)                                95 20 50.0 W
Ground Elevation AMSL (ft/m)                             51.00 /    15.54
Antenna Centerline AGL (ft/m)                             6.00 /     1.83

Receive Antenna Type:           FCC32                  FCC REFERENCE
            4.0 GHz Gain (dBi) / Diameter (m)            25.0 /    0.6
              3 dB / 15 dB Half Beamwidth                2.25 /    5.00

Transmit Antenna Type:          FCC32                  FCC REFERENCE
            6.0 GHz Gain (dBi) / Diameter (m)            28.0 /    0.6
              3 dB / 15 dB Half Beamwidth                1.50 /    3.25

Operating Mode                                         TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE
Modulation                                             DIGITAL
Emission / Receive Band (MHz)           6K25G7W   1M25G7W / 3700.0000 - 4200.0000

Emission / Transmit Band (MHz)          6K25G7W   1M25G7W /       5925.0000 -   6425.0000

Max. Available RF Power (dBW)/4 kHz)                     -16.00
                        (dBW)/MHz)                         8.00

Max. EIRP                 (dBW)/4 kHz)                    12.00
                          (dBW)/MHz)                      36.00

Max. Permissible Interference Power
           4.0 GHz, 20% (dBW/1 MHz)                     -156.0
           4.0 GHz, 0.0100% (dBW/1 MHz)                 -146.0
           6.0 GHz, 20% (dBW/4 kHz)                     -154.0
           6.0 GHz, 0.0025% (dBW/4 kHz)                 -131.0

Range of Satellite Arc (Geostationary)
Degrees Longitude                                       34.0 W / 35.0 W
Azimuth Range (Min/Max)                                  105.1 / 105.7
Corresponding Elevation Angles                            16.3 / 17.2

Radio Climate                                                 A
Rain Zone                                                     2

Max. Great Circle Coordination Distance (mi./km)
           4.0 GHz                                       229.8 /       369.8
           6.0 GHz                                       101.2 /       162.8

Precipitation Scatter Contour Radius (mi./km)
           4.0 GHz                                       319.6 /       514.3
           6.0 GHz                                        62.1 /       100.0

Note:   Horizon is less than 0.2 degrees at all azimuths

                                 Table 5.2-1

                  Earth Station Azimuth and Elevation Table

Earth Station Name      HOUSTON, TX
Owner                   SCHLUMBERGER
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83) 29 35 54.0 N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83) 95 20 50.0 W
Ground Elevation (ft/m)       51.00 /     15.54 Amsl
Antenna Centerline (ft/m)      6.00 /      1.83 Agl
Satellite Arc Range       34.0 W
                          35.0 W

    Satellite    Azimuth    Elevation    Satellite
    Longitude   (Degrees)   (Degrees)      Name

       34.0        105.1        16.3
       34.5        105.4        16.7      INTELSAT 903
       35.0        105.7        17.2

                                     Table 6.1-1

                       Great Circle Interference Conflicts

Earth Station Name      HOUSTON, TX
Owner                   SCHLUMBERGER
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83) 29 35 54.0 N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83) 95 20 50.0 W
Ground Elevation (ft/m)        51.00 /    15.54 Amsl
Antenna Centerline (ft/m)       6.00 /     1.83 Agl
Antenna Model               FCC REFERENCE 32-25LOG(THETA)
Objectives: Receive       -156.0 (dBW /1 MHz)
            Transmit      -154.0 (dBW /4 kHz) Tx Power    -16.0 (dBW/4 kHz)

       Terrestrial Path                Gnd   Edisct   Ges FsLoss Dist Pr Tpwr Plan
    Latitude   Longitude Call Sign     Acl   Tdisct   Gts Tant     Az Margin LL
    Owner                                                  Loading

  7 GENOA       TXHOBBY       TX     13.01 33.3 -6.0 129.4     11.4-136.1 29.0LT
     29 37 25 95 13 58 WQMK566        24.69    3.3 17.8 A63999 75.7 17.9    2.4
    P4166 : GTE Mobilnet of South Texas LTD Partners 2016CH    DIG RCN: 09063029
   5945.2000H   5974.8500V
    Status: L                         Equipment: TEMH95 Emission: 30M0D7W
     OH LOSS 20% / 0.0025%:      0.00 /   0.00

 9 2100 W LOOP TXALVIN       TX    19.57 135.7 -10.0 134.1   19.5-137.4 19.0HT
     29 44 45 95 27 27 WQKW531       72.54    3.1 22.7 41731A 326.9 16.6   0.0
    ERFWIR: ERF Wireless Bundled Services, Inc.      1 CH     DIG RCN: 09043028
    Status: L                        Equipment: TEMR63 Emission: 30M0D7W
     OH LOSS 20% / 0.0025%:     0.00 /   0.00

 11 COPPERFIELD TXGESSNER     TX    40.20 139.8 -10.0 141.1   43.6-137.7 19.0HT
     29 54 35 95 37 24 WLR640        54.25 358.6 33.1 41732A 322.3 16.3    3.7
    P4166 : GTE Mobilnet of South Texas LTD Partners 2016CH   DIG RCN: 10012711
    Status: L                        Equipment: TEMH95 Emission: 30M0D7W
     OH LOSS 20% / 0.0025%:    12.00 / -4.40

 17 ALVIN       TX2100 W LOOP TX     10.97 38.5 -7.6 133.8     19.0-139.6 19.0LT
     29 27 57 95 13 24 WQKW530        28.41 356.9 17.9 41731A 140.7 14.4    0.0
    ERFWIR: ERF Wireless Bundled Services, Inc.       1 CH     DIG RCN: 09043028
    Status: L                         Equipment: TEMR63 Emission: 30M0D7W
     OH LOSS 20% / 0.0025%:      0.00 /   0.00

  20 ALVIN       TXPEARLAND   TX      6.70 33.4 -6.1 136.6    26.2-139.9 29.0HT
     29 25 54 95 9 20 WQNH492       44.20 357.4 22.3 40236C 134.8 14.1    3.5
    HARITC: Harris County ITC                       2016CH   DIG RCN: 09022520
    Status: P                       Equipment: TEX105 Emission: 30M0D7W
     OH LOSS 20% / 0.0025%:    0.00 /    0.00

  25 EL CAMINO   TXELLINGTON   TX      9.10 18.0   0.6 133.7   18.8-146.3 15.0LT
     29 34 32 95 9 19 WQJC383        23.47 347.4   4.8 61022A 97.7 7.7     2.0
    P4166 : GTE Mobilnet of South Texas LTD Partners 2016CH   DIG RCN: 10111224
    Status: L                        Equipment: TEMH95 Emission: 30M0D7W
     OH LOSS 20% / 0.0025%:     0.00 /    0.00

  28 DOWNTWN MTSOTXMANDEL      TX    15.24 119.1 -10.0   134.0   19.4-147.6 12.0HT
     29 46 2 95 24 2 WQHR569         32.31 354.3 12.9    44377A 344.6 6.4    0.5
    P4166 : GTE Mobilnet of South Texas LTD Partners 1   CH     DIG RCN: 09110321
   6197.2400V   6226.8900H
    Status: L                        Equipment: TEMS02   Emission: 30M0D7W
     OH LOSS 20% / 0.0025%:     0.00 /   0.00

  31 S HOUSTON   TXWINDHEATHER TX    12.20 50.0 -10.0    128.6   10.3-148.1 28.0HT
     29 38 56 95 15 28 WQIU859       36.60 352.0   8.3   41731A 57.1 5.9     1.9
    Status: L                        Equipment: TEMN41   Emission: 30M0D7W
     OH LOSS 20% / 0.0025%:     0.00 /   0.00


Earth Station Name      HOUSTON, TX
Owner                   SCHLUMBERGER
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83) 29 35 54.0 N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83) 95 20 50.0 W
Ground Elevation (ft/m)        51.00 /    15.54 Amsl
Antenna Centerline (ft/m)       6.00 /     1.83 Agl
Antenna Model               FCC REFERENCE 32-25LOG(THETA)
Objectives: Receive       -156.0 (dBW /1 MHz)
            Transmit      -154.0 (dBW /4 kHz) Tx Power    -16.0 (dBW/4 kHz)

       Terrestrial Path                Gnd   Edisct   Ges FsLoss Dist Pr Tpwr Plan
    Latitude   Longitude Call Sign     Acl   Tdisct   Gts Tant     Az Margin LL
    Owner                                                  Loading

  37 ALGOA       TXCHIGGER RELOTX    10.40 42.1 -8.6 136.4     25.5-149.1 19.0LT
     29 24 38 95 11 43 WQJC387       33.53 355.9 14.8 41731A 144.7 4.9     2.9
    P4166 : GTE Mobilnet of South Texas LTD Partners 2016CH   DIG RCN: 08040203
   6004.5000V   6063.8000V   6093.4500H
    Status: L                        Equipment: TEX105 Emission: 30M0D7W
     OH LOSS 20% / 0.0025%:     0.00 /   0.00

  39 ALVIN       TXPEARLAND    TX      9.40 58.3 -10.0   136.6   26.0-150.4 27.5LT
     29 22 29 95 15 57 WLC564        45.72 355.3 15.7    A67730 162.3 3.6    3.5
    P4166 : GTE Mobilnet of South Texas LTD Partners 1   CH     DIG RCN: 11022814
    Status: P                        Equipment: TEMY43   Emission: 30M0D7W
     OH LOSS 20% / 0.0025%:     0.00 /    0.00

  40 WINDHEATHER TXS HOUSTON   TX    18.60 145.0 -10.0   127.1    8.7-150.6 28.0LT
     29 34 39 95 26 3 WQIU860        45.70    9.5  4.8   41731A 254.7 3.4    2.3
    Status: L                        Equipment: TEMN41   Emission: 30M0D7W
     OH LOSS 20% / 0.0025%:     0.00 /   0.00

  41 PEARLAND    TXALMEDA      TX    14.02 52.8 -10.0 129.5    11.6-151.1 26.0HT
     29 30 10 95 17 58 WLB386        31.70 10.1    7.5 A67730 156.4 2.9    3.0
    P4166 : GTE Mobilnet of South Texas LTD Partners 2016CH   DIG RCN: 10031905
    Status: L                        Equipment: TEMH95 Emission: 30M0D7W
     OH LOSS 20% / 0.0025%:     0.00 /   0.00

   42 ALVIN       TXPEARLAND    TX     9.40 58.3 -10.0 136.6    26.0-151.5 28.8LT
     29 22 29 95 15 57 WLC564        45.72 355.3 15.7 A67730 162.3 2.5     4.6
    P4166 : GTE Mobilnet of South Texas LTD Partners 2016CH   DIG RCN: 11022814
   6004.5000V   6063.8000V
    Status: P                        Equipment: TEM548 Emission: 30M0D7W
     OH LOSS 20% / 0.0025%:     0.00 /   0.00

   Transmit/Receive Earth Station

            Prepared For
         Access Partnership
          Mountainside, Md.

   Transmit/Receive Earth Station

           April 29, 2010

                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

I.     Introduction
II.    Contents of Report
III.   Summary of Results
IV.    Conclusions and Recommendations
V.     Operational Parameters and Satellite Data
VI.    Great Circle Interference Case Listing

                        List of Illustrations
                    Transmit/Receive Earth Station


Table 3.1-1 Interference Case Summary - (6 GHz)

Table 5.1-1 Earth Station Parameters
Table 5.2-1 Earth Station Azimuth Elevation Table
Table 6.1-1 Potential Interference Cases 6 GHz Transmit Band

                               SECTION 1

                     Transmit/Receive Earth Station

This report presents the results of a detailed interference analysis
for a proposed C-band transmit/receive earth station location. The site
was selected by Access Partnership and Schlumberger and is located at
Mountainside, Maryland.

The analysis was performed for a 0.6 meter antenna. The long term
interference objective at 4 GHz, was -156 dBW/1 MHz, while the 6 GHz long
term interference objective was -154 dBW/4 kHz, as specified by the FCC.

The earth station was analyzed for transmission and reception of digital
traffic to and from a satellite at 34.5 West (325.5 East) degrees
Longitude. This report assumes that the satellite transponders are
numbered 1 through 24, with each transponder having a 36 MHz bandwidth.

This detailed interference analysis is meant to provide an estimate of
potential interference at this location, and to recommend a course of
future action.

                               SECTION 2

                     Transmit/Receive Earth Station

This section describes the contents of the report for a proposed C-band
transmit/receive earth station.

Section 1 describes the site location, the antenna considered, and the
system parameters considered in the detailed interference analysis. The
analysis was undertaken to determine the potential for microwave
interference for the transmit/receive earth station at the site

Initially, a computer analysis of this site was performed to determine
the extent of potential interference on a line-of-sight (LOS) basis. This
analysis considers the microwave environment with respect to the earth
station and calculates predicted signal levels between these systems.
Paths which exceed a given objective level are listed for further
analysis. The objective levels present the maximum interference levels
allowed between the earth station and       the surrounding terrestrial
microwave environment for the frequency band of interest.

To further analyze the effect of the predicted interference conflicts,
terrain path profiles were prepared for the critical        cases. This
involves plotting the interference path on topographic maps, typically
7.5 minute series U.S.G.S. maps, to determine the                terrain
characteristics of the path. Once this has been accomplished, predicted
over-the-horizon (O-H) losses are calculated using the techniques of the
National Bureau of Standards Technical Note 101 (Revised).

These calculations give the amount of signal attenuation achieved   due to
terrain blockage.

Section 3 summarizes the results of the site analysis. This   summary
includes the number of cases that were considered, the   interference
cases that remain, and the proposed resolution of   the interference

Tables 3.1-1 and 3.2-1 list the Great Circle interference cases and the
predicted O-H losses calculated on the various 6 and 4 GHz paths,
respectively. If multiple analyses are considered, such as changes in
satellite arc or antenna, the results are presented in Tables 3.1-1.1,
3.1-1.2, 3.2-1.1 3.2-1.2, etc.....

A brief explanation of the various columns shown in Tables 3.1-1    and
3.2-1 follows:

PATH ID:    This is the predicted interference path. The first      site
listed is the transmitter at 4 GHz or the receiver at 6 GHz.

BAND:   This shows the frequency plan of the interfering paths. The 4
GHz paths affect reception of the downlink, while the 6 GHz terrestrial
facilities are affected by the uplink. Receivers in the low half of the
band (5925 - 6175 MHz), are indicated by 6L.

Receivers in the high half of the band (6175 - 6425 MHz), are indicated
by 6H.

DIST: This is the distance from the earth station to the    terrestrial
station in kilometers.

AZ: This is the azimuth bearing in degrees (taken from True     North),
from the earth station toward the terrestrial station.

ES DISC: This is the earth station discrimination angle in     degrees,
towards the involved terrestrial facility.

ES GAIN: This is the gain of the earth station in dBi, at the
calculated earth station discrimination angle.

LOS  LOSS   REQ'D:  This is the amount of loss required in dB, on     a
line-of-sight basis, to meet the interference objective.

O-H LOSS: This is the calculated over-the-horizon (O-H) losses in dB,
between the earth station and the involved terrestrial station. The 20
percent column represents losses for the long term objective. The 0.0025
and .01 percent columns present the losses for the short term objective
at 6 GHz and 4 GHz, respectively.

REVISED MARGIN: This is the difference between the LOS margin and the
predicted O-H losses achieved due to terrain blockage.        Sufficient
attenuation is calculated for the paths which show the word "CLEAR" in
the revised margin. Cases showing a positive revised margin will require
additional losses to meet the interference objective.

The information listed at the bottom of the table reflects the
antennas, satellite arc, and interference objectives considered for the
proposed site.

Section 4 presents conclusions and recommendations.      It gives an
overall description of the microwave environment and suggests a future
course of action.

Table 5.1-1 contains the operational parameters for the proposed earth
station. Tables 5.1-2 provides azimuth and elevation data for      the
geostationary arc, and identifies the locations of particular
satellites within that arc.

Section 6 presents the Great Circle interference cases. This provides a
listing of the utilized channels and type of traffic loading for each

                                       SECTION 3
                               SUMMARY AND RESULTS

The detailed interference analysis for the proposed earth station site to
be located at Mountainside, Maryland revealed that 18 potential
interference conflicts exist.    After considering the over-the-horizon
(O-H) losses, 15 cases were found to have sufficient losses to resolve
the predicted margins. A discussion of the remaining cases is presented
                          Transmit Band 5925 - 6425 MHz

In the 6 GHz transmit band, there were three cases where insufficient
blockage existed. A summary of these cases follows:

                 Distance     Azimuth       Margin       Revised Margin
Path               (Km)      (Degrees)       (dB)           20% (dB)
Sideling Hil -     47.6        281.8           5.2           5.2
Clear Spg

Catoctin -         25.2        117.6           4.6           4.6
Clear Spring
Hagerstown -        5.2         13.4           1.4           1.4
Clear Spg

Additional blockage will need to be identified in the direction of the
remaining 6 GHz cases, or frequency offsets will need to be implemented
to avoid conflict with the receive frequencies of these facilities.
Table 6.1-1 provides a summary of the remaining interference conflicts to
the 6 GHz transmit band and their coordinated receive frequencies.

3.2    Receive Band 3700 to 4200 MHz

No cases exist in the 4 GHz receive band after terrain pathloss
calculations that could present an interference conflict at this
location. The predicted interference margin is based on a downlink long
term interference objective of -156 dBW/ 1 MHz.

                               SECTION 4


4.1   Conclusions

Based on the results of the detailed interference analysis, three
potential interference conflicts exist to the 6 GHz transmit band that
could not be cleared with terrain path profiles. In the event that on-
site RFI measurements and path surveys cannot resolve these cases it
would be necessary to limit the earth station transmit band around the
receive frequencies of the identified 6 GHz receivers. The limited
frequencies would be 5925 – 5958, 5990 – 6077, 6109 – 6136, 6168 – 6425

4.2   Recommendations
It is recommended that Access Partnership/Schlumberger review the
operating parameters of the proposed earth station antenna and determine
whether the above referenced transmit band restrictions are acceptable.
In the event that they are not, it is recommended that on-site RFI
measurements and path surveys be completed in an attempt to resolve the
cases identified in this report.

                                        Table 5.1-1

                                  SATELLITE EARTH STATION
                                FREQUENCY COORDINATION DATA

Company                    SCHLUMBERGER
Owner Code
Earth Station Name, State                              MOUNTAINSIDE, MD
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83)                                 39 36 1.0 N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83)                                77 45 30.0 W
Ground Elevation AMSL (Ft/m)                            565.00 /    172.21
Antenna Centerline AGL (Ft/m)                             6.00 /      1.83

Receive Antenna Type:           FCC32                  FCC REFERENCE
            4.0 GHz Gain (dBi) / Diameter (m)            25.0 /    0.6
              3 dB / 15 dB Half Beamwidth                4.50 /   10.00

Transmit Antenna Type:          FCC32                  FCC REFERENCE
            6.0 GHz Gain (dBi) / Diameter (m)            28.0 /    0.6
              3 dB / 15 dB Half Beamwidth                3.00 /    6.50

Operating Mode                                         TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE
Modulation                                             DIGITAL
Emission / Receive Band (MHz)           6K25G7W   1M25G7W / 3700.0000 - 4200.0000

Emission / Transmit Band (MHz)          6K25G7W   1M25G7W /       5925.0000 -   6425.0000

Max. Available RF Power (dBW)/4 kHz)                     -16.00
                        (dBW)/MHz)                         8.00

Max. EIRP                 (dBW)/4 kHz)                    12.00
                          (dBW)/MHz)                      36.00

Max. Permissible Interference Power
           4.0 GHz, 20% (dBW/1 MHz)                     -156.0
           4.0 GHz, 0.0100% (dBW/1 MHz)                 -146.0
           6.0 GHz, 20% (dBW/4 kHz)                     -154.0
           6.0 GHz, 0.0025% (dBW/4 kHz)                 -131.0

Range of Satellite Arc (Geostationary)
Degrees Longitude                                       34.0 W / 35.0 W
Azimuth Range (Min/Max)                                  123.7 / 124.6
Corresponding Elevation Angles                            26.0 / 26.7

Radio Climate                                                 A
Rain Zone                                                     2

Max. Great Circle Coordination Distance (Mi/Km)
           4.0 GHz                                       205.8 /       331.3
           6.0 GHz                                        90.1 /       145.0

Precipitation Scatter Contour Radius (Mi/Km)
           4.0 GHz                                       307.0 /       494.1
           6.0 GHz                                        62.1 /       100.0

                                 Table 5.2-1

                  Earth Station Azimuth and Elevation Table

Earth Station Name      MOUNTAINSIDE, MD
Owner                   SCHLUMBERGER
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83) 39 36 1.0 N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83) 77 45 30.0 W
Ground Elevation (Ft/m)      565.00 /    172.21 AMSL
Antenna Centerline (Ft/m)      6.00 /      1.83 AGL
Satellite Arc Range       34.0 W
                          35.0 W

    Satellite    Azimuth    Elevation    Satellite
    Longitude   (Degrees)   (Degrees)      Name

       34.0        123.7        26.0
       34.5        124.1        26.3      INTELSAT 903
       35.0        124.6        26.7

                                     Table 6.1-1

                          Great Circle Interference Conflicts

Earth Station Name      MOUNTAINSIDE, MD
Owner                   SCHLUMBERGER
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83) 39 36 1.0 N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83) 77 45 30.0 W
Ground Elevation (Ft/m)       565.00 /   172.21 AMSL
Antenna Centerline (Ft/m)       6.00 /     1.83 AGL
Antenna Model               FCC REFERENCE 32-25LOG(THETA)
Objectives: Receive       -156.0 (dBW /1 MHz)
            Transmit      -154.0 (dBW /4 kHz) Tx Power    -16.0 (dBW/4 kHz)

       Terrestrial Path                Gnd   Edisct   Ges FsLoss Dist Pr Tpwr Plan
    Latitude   Longitude Call Sign     Acl   Tdisct   Gts Tant     Az Margin LL
    Owner                                                  Loading

  14 SIDELING HILMDN CLEAR SPGSMD   481.60 145.6 -10.0 141.8    47.6-148.8 31.1LT
     39 41 12 78 18 6 WMT231          33.53    2.4 21.5 1654JA 281.8 5.2    2.5
    P4189 : USCOC of Cumberland, Inc.                 2016CH   DIG RCN: 08121931
   5974.8500V   6152.7500V
    Status: L                         Equipment: TEMC52 Emission: 30M0D7W
     OH LOSS 20% / 0.0025%:     0.00 /    0.00

  15 CATOCTIN    MDCLEAR SPRINGMD   534.00 26.8 -3.7 136.3     25.2-149.4 29.0LT
     39 29 41 77 29 55 WMR958        30.48   5.2   8.6 A74117 117.6 4.6    2.0
    NCNGVA: New Cingular Wireless PCS - VA/DC/MD     2016CH   DIG RCN: 02103038
    Status: L                        Equipment: TEMX95 Emission: 30M0D7W
     OH LOSS 20% / 0.0025%:     2.40 / -1.60

  18 HAGERSTOWN MDN CLEAR SPGSMD    188.98 108.1 -10.0 122.7     5.2-152.6 28.6LT
     39 38 46 77 44 39 WLV260         33.53 283.7 -0.9 A62300 13.4 1.4      3.0
    P4189 : USCOC of Cumberland, Inc.                 2016CH   DIG RCN: 06020812
    Status: L                         Equipment: TEMB47 Emission: 30M0D7W
     OH LOSS 20% / 0.0025%:     0.00 /    0.00

   Transmit/Receive Earth Station

            Prepared For
         Access Partnership
           Melbourne, Fl.

   Transmit/Receive Earth Station

           April 21, 2011

                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

I.     Introduction
II.    Contents of Report
III.   Summary of Results
IV.    Conclusions and Recommendations
V.     Operational Parameters and Satellite Data
VI.    Great Circle Interference Case Listing

                        List of Illustrations
                    Transmit/Receive Earth Station


Table 3.1-1 Interference Case Summary - (6 GHz)

Table 5.1-1 Earth Station Parameters
Table 5.2-1 Earth Station Azimuth Elevation Table
Table 6.1-1 Potential Interference Cases 6 GHz Transmit Band

                               SECTION 1

                     Transmit/Receive Earth Station

This report presents the results of a detailed interference analysis
for a proposed C-band transmit/receive earth station location. The site
was selected by Access Partnership and Schlumberger and is located at
Melbourne, Florida.

The analysis was performed for a 0.6 meter antenna. The long term
interference objective at 4 GHz, was -156 dBW/1 MHz, while the 6 GHz long
term interference objective was -154 dBW/4 kHz, as specified by the FCC.

The earth station was analyzed for transmission and reception of digital
traffic to and from a satellite at 34.5 West (325.5 East) degrees
Longitude. This report assumes that the satellite transponders are
numbered 1 through 24, with each transponder having a 36 MHz bandwidth.

This detailed interference analysis is meant to provide an estimate of
potential interference at this location, and to recommend a course of
future action.

                               SECTION 2

                     Transmit/Receive Earth Station

This section describes the contents of the report for a proposed C-band
transmit/receive earth station.

Section 1 describes the site location, the antenna considered, and the
system parameters considered in the detailed interference analysis. The
analysis was undertaken to determine the potential for microwave
interference for the transmit/receive earth station at the site

Initially, a computer analysis of this site was performed to determine
the extent of potential interference on a line-of-sight (LOS) basis. This
analysis considers the microwave environment with respect to the earth
station and calculates predicted signal levels between these systems.
Paths which exceed a given objective level are listed for further
analysis. The objective levels present the maximum interference levels
allowed between the earth station and       the surrounding terrestrial
microwave environment for the frequency band of interest.

To further analyze the effect of the predicted interference conflicts,
terrain path profiles were prepared for the critical        cases. This
involves plotting the interference path on topographic maps, typically
7.5 minute series U.S.G.S. maps, to determine the                terrain
characteristics of the path. Once this has been accomplished, predicted
over-the-horizon (O-H) losses are calculated using the techniques of the
National Bureau of Standards Technical Note 101 (Revised).

These calculations give the amount of signal attenuation achieved   due to
terrain blockage.

Section 3 summarizes the results of the site analysis. This   summary
includes the number of cases that were considered, the   interference
cases that remain, and the proposed resolution of   the interference

Tables 3.1-1 and 3.2-1 list the Great Circle interference cases and the
predicted O-H losses calculated on the various 6 and 4 GHz paths,
respectively. If multiple analyses are considered, such as changes in
satellite arc or antenna, the results are presented in Tables 3.1-1.1,
3.1-1.2, 3.2-1.1 3.2-1.2, etc.....

A brief explanation of the various columns shown in Tables 3.1-1    and
3.2-1 follows:

PATH ID:    This is the predicted interference path. The first      site
listed is the transmitter at 4 GHz or the receiver at 6 GHz.

BAND:   This shows the frequency plan of the interfering paths. The 4
GHz paths affect reception of the downlink, while the 6 GHz terrestrial
facilities are affected by the uplink. Receivers in the low half of the
band (5925 - 6175 MHz), are indicated by 6L.

Receivers in the high half of the band (6175 - 6425 MHz), are indicated
by 6H.

DIST: This is the distance from the earth station to the    terrestrial
station in kilometers.

AZ: This is the azimuth bearing in degrees (taken from True     North),
from the earth station toward the terrestrial station.

ES DISC: This is the earth station discrimination angle in     degrees,
towards the involved terrestrial facility.

ES GAIN: This is the gain of the earth station in dBi, at the
calculated earth station discrimination angle.

LOS  LOSS   REQ'D:  This is the amount of loss required in dB, on     a
line-of-sight basis, to meet the interference objective.

O-H LOSS: This is the calculated over-the-horizon (O-H) losses in dB,
between the earth station and the involved terrestrial station. The 20
percent column represents losses for the long term objective. The 0.0025
and .01 percent columns present the losses for the short term objective
at 6 GHz and 4 GHz, respectively.

REVISED MARGIN: This is the difference between the LOS margin and the
predicted O-H losses achieved due to terrain blockage.        Sufficient
attenuation is calculated for the paths which show the word "CLEAR" in
the revised margin. Cases showing a positive revised margin will require
additional losses to meet the interference objective.

The information listed at the bottom of the table reflects the
antennas, satellite arc, and interference objectives considered for the
proposed site.

Section 4 presents conclusions and recommendations.      It gives an
overall description of the microwave environment and suggests a future
course of action.

Table 5.1-1 contains the operational parameters for the proposed earth
station. Tables 5.1-2 provides azimuth and elevation data for      the
geostationary arc, and identifies the locations of particular
satellites within that arc.

Section 6 presents the Great Circle interference cases. This provides a
listing of the utilized channels and type of traffic loading for each

                                      SECTION 3
                              SUMMARY AND RESULTS

The detailed interference analysis for the proposed earth station site to
be located at Melbourne, Florida revealed that three potential
interference conflicts exist.    After considering the over-the-horizon
(O-H) losses, two cases were found to have sufficient losses to resolve
the predicted margins. A discussion of the remaining case is presented

                         Transmit Band 5925 - 6425 MHz

In the 6 GHz transmit band, there was one case where insufficient
blockage existed. A summary follows:

                Distance     Azimuth       Margin       Revised Margin
Path              (Km)      (Degrees)       (dB)           20% (dB)
Kenansville -     44.6        239.5          22.7          11.0

Additional blockage will need to be identified in the direction of this
remaining 6 GHz case, or frequency offsets will need to be implemented to
avoid conflict with the receive frequencies of this facility.

Table 6.1-1 provides a summary of the remaining interference conflicts to
the 6 GHz transmit band and the coordinated receive frequencies.

3.2    Receive Band 3700 to 4200 MHz
No cases exist in the 4 GHz receive band.

                               SECTION 4


4.1   Conclusions

Based on the results of the detailed interference analysis, one potential
interference conflict exists to the 6 GHz transmit band that could not be
cleared with terrain path profiles. In the event that on-site RFI
measurements and path surveys cannot resolve these cases it would be
necessary to limit the earth station transmit band around the receive
frequencies of the identified 6 GHz receiver. The limited frequencies
would be 5925 – 6181, 6214 – 6425 MHz.

4.2   Recommendations
It is recommended that Access Partnership/Schlumberger review the
operating parameters of the proposed earth station antenna and determine
whether the above referenced transmit band restrictions are acceptable.
In the event that they are not, it is recommended that on-site RFI
measurements and path surveys be completed in an attempt to resolve the
cases identified in this report.

                                        Table 5.1-1

                                  SATELLITE EARTH STATION
                            FREQUENCY COORDINATION DATA

Company                    SCHLUMBERGER
Owner Code
Earth Station Name, State                              MELBOURNE, FL
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83)                                 28 5 23.0 N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83)                                80 38 19.0 W
Ground Elevation AMSL (ft/m)                             24.00 /     7.32
Antenna Centerline AGL (ft/m)                             6.00 /     1.83

Receive Antenna Type:           FCC32                  FCC REFERENCE
            4.0 GHz Gain (dBi) / Diameter (m)            25.0 /    0.6
              3 dB / 15 dB Half Beamwidth                2.25 /    5.00

Transmit Antenna Type:          FCC32                  FCC REFERENCE
            6.0 GHz Gain (dBi) / Diameter (m)            28.0 /    0.6
              3 dB / 15 dB Half Beamwidth                1.50 /    3.25

Operating Mode                                         TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE
Modulation                                             DIGITAL
Emission / Receive Band (MHz)           6K25G7W   1M25G7W / 3700.0000 - 4200.0000

Emission / Transmit Band (MHz)          6K25G7W   1M25G7W /       5925.0000 -   6425.0000

Max. Available RF Power (dBW)/4 kHz)                     -16.00
                        (dBW)/MHz)                         8.00

Max. EIRP                 (dBW)/4 kHz)                    12.00
                          (dBW)/MHz)                      36.00

Max. Permissible Interference Power
           4.0 GHz, 20% (dBW/1 MHz)                     -156.0
           4.0 GHz, 0.0100% (dBW/1 MHz)                 -146.0
           6.0 GHz, 20% (dBW/4 kHz)                     -154.0
           6.0 GHz, 0.0025% (dBW/4 kHz)                 -131.0

Range of Satellite Arc (Geostationary)
Degrees Longitude                                       34.0 W / 35.0 W
Azimuth Range (Min/Max)                                  114.0 / 114.7
Corresponding Elevation Angles                            29.7 / 30.6

Radio Climate                                                 A
Rain Zone                                                     1

Max. Great Circle Coordination Distance (mi./km)
           4.0 GHz                                       199.4 /       320.8
           6.0 GHz                                        87.3 /       140.5

Precipitation Scatter Contour Radius (mi./km)
           4.0 GHz                                       348.5 /       560.9
           6.0 GHz                                        62.1 /       100.0

Note:   Horizon is less than 0.2 degrees at all azimuths

                                 Table 5.2-1

                  Earth Station Azimuth and Elevation Table

Earth Station Name      MELBOURNE, FL
Owner                   SCHLUMBERGER
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83) 28 5 23.0 N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83) 80 38 19.0 W
Ground Elevation (ft/m)       24.00 /      7.32 Amsl
Antenna Centerline (ft/m)      6.00 /      1.83 Agl
Satellite Arc Range       34.0 W
                          35.0 W

    Satellite    Azimuth    Elevation    Satellite
    Longitude   (Degrees)   (Degrees)      Name

       34.0        114.0        29.7
       34.5        114.3        30.2      INTELSAT 903
       35.0        114.7        30.6

                                     Table 6.1-1

                       Great Circle Interference Conflicts

Earth Station Name      MELBOURNE, FL
Owner                   SCHLUMBERGER
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83) 28 5 23.0 N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83) 80 38 19.0 W
Ground Elevation (ft/m)        24.00 /     7.32 Amsl
Antenna Centerline (ft/m)       6.00 /     1.83 Agl
Antenna Model               FCC REFERENCE 32-25LOG(THETA)
Objectives: Receive       -156.0 (dBW /1 MHz)
            Transmit      -154.0 (dBW /4 kHz) Tx Power    -16.0 (dBW/4 kHz)

       Terrestrial Path                Gnd   Edisct   Ges FsLoss Dist Pr Tpwr Plan
    Latitude   Longitude Call Sign     Acl   Tdisct   Gts Tant     Az Margin LL
    Owner                                                  Loading

   1 KENANSVILLE FLMELBOURNE   FL    22.50 119.4 -10.0   141.3   44.6-131.3 28.0HT
     27 53 5 81 1 44 WQIK608         53.30 359.8 38.5    41731A 239.5 22.7   2.6
    Status: L                        Equipment: TEMN41   Emission: 30M0D7W
     OH LOSS 20% / 0.0025%:    11.70 / -4.80

Document Created: 2011-06-06 11:10:29
Document Modified: 2011-06-06 11:10:29

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