Exhibits 1 - 3

1798-EX-MR-1991 Text Documents



                                  System Description

     The Ground—To—Air Measurement System (GTAMS)    is a ground
based radar system used to collect signature data on flying tar—
gets.   The system is completely self contained (except for
electrical power requirements) in a modified 40 ft. semi—trailer.
(See    figures   1 and 2        for artist‘s renditions.)         The trailer is
divided    into   a   30   ft.   housed,    systems operation     area,   and a   10
ft. flathbed section on the rear which will contain the antenna
pedestal and radar equipment. The trailer confiqguration will al—
low the system to be moved easily from site to site.
     GTAMS is being developed by Hughes Aircraft Co. to support
on—going efforts in the field of target identification.  The sys—
tem will be used on government contracts to collect data for al—
gorithm development and demonstration progranms.      GTAMS will
employ several different radar waveforms and techniques.    These
will encompass bandwidth requirements of 7 to 11 GHz, inclusive,
using a pulsed, medium PRF signal (1 KHz to 100 Khz), with duty
factors up to 50%.    The transmitter output power is 200 watts
peak, with an antenna gain of approximately 39.5 dB.    It is in—
tended that the use of this system will further advance our tech—
nology base in the endeavor of target identification.
     The system will sequence through three modes of operation in
the data collection process.    Mode 1 is referred to as Search,
where the radar operator in the trailer will have manual control
over the antenna positioner, and direct the antenna(s) towards
the target of interest.   (From the artist‘s rendition, it can be
seen that there are actually three antennas or dishes involved in
the system.   The top dish in the array is used for transmitting,
while    the other two are          for receive.         The transmit antenna     is
configqgured to transmit either a vertically or horizontally
polarized signal.   All dishes are 4 ft. in dqiameter.)   Once the
operator has maneuvered the antennas to the line of sight of the
target, the next mode is entered.
      Mode 2 is the Acquisition phase.    Here, the radar operator
interacts with the system computer to lock onto the target and
track it automatically.  The operator is provided feedback on the
radar data display that indicates to him prospective range and
range rate values.   The operator selects the appropriate values
and the system takes over from there.    Angle tracking commences
from the inception of the mode from the last location given in
Search Mode.
      Mode 3 is the final phase and constitutes the actual data
gathering process.          This mode is called the Data Collection Mode.
Now,   signature data is collected on the target using a
preprogrammed waveform that correlates to the type signature data
that is to be collected and subsequently processed.          This
waveform is then interlaced with track maintenance waveforms in
order to update target tracking.                   Data is continuously collected
on the target as it moves through its flight path in order to ob—


tain data from various aspect angles.
     All of the waveforms, in each of the modes, falls within the
operating boundaries specified previously.

Part of Exhibit No. 1

                        Figure 1   —— GTAMS Trailer Configuration

Part of Exhibit No. 1

                        Figure 2 —— GTAMS System Operation View


          Shown below is a drawing of the GTAMS trailer.             A detailed
          description of the configuration is given in Exhibit No. 1.
          This drawing is provided to show the dimensions of the
          supporting structure that the antenna pedestal will be
          mounted to. The pedestal with antenna array is shown in
          Exhibit No. 2b. The pedestal will be mounted in the center
          of the flatbed area (approximately), bolted to the frame
          of the trailer.

                                        Location of antenna pedestal.
                                        Height of pedestal w/antennas = 9 ft (2.74 m)
                                        Overall Height (incl. trailer) = 13.5 ft (4.11 m)

          Top                   /                                                           ]
       View                   X

                      4—— 10ft    ——P;4—                     30 ft                      P
                            (3.05m)                        (9.14m)

                      <                           (12.19m)                              *



                                                                                  .             f
   Rear             4.5ft                           Side
  View            (1.37m)                          View


The following is a list of sites which have been selected for testing
of the Hughes GTAMS Radar. At each of the locations, it is feasible
to park the GTAMS trailer and view the test targets.

1)   Naval Ocean Systems Center, San Diego, Ca
     Latitude: 32 degrees 42‘ 12" N
     Longitude: 117 degrees 15‘ 15" W

2)   Hughes, Culver City, Ca
     Latitude: 33 degrees 58‘ 56" N
     Longitude: 118 degrees 24‘ 37" W

3)   Edwards Air Force Base, Ca
     Latitude: 35 degrees 55‘° 00" N
     Longitude: 117 degrees 52‘ O0" W

4)   Point Mugu Naval Test Center, Oxnard Ca
     Latitude: 34 degrees 06‘ 46" N
     Longitude: 119 degrees O7‘ 18" W

5)   Eglin Air Force Test Center, Fla
     Latitude: 30 degrees 31‘ 19" N
     Longitude: 86 degrees 19‘ 02" W

6)   Nellis Air Force Base, NV
     Latitude: 36 degrees 14‘ 11" N
     Longitude: 115 degrees 20‘ 03" W

7)   Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla
     Latitude: 30 degrees 04‘ 08" N
     Longitude: 85 degrees 35‘ 05" W

8)   Hughes, Malibu, Ca
     Latitude: 34 degrees O2‘° 30" N
     Longitude: 118 degrees 42‘ 0O0" W

EXHIBIT NO. 3 cont‘d

9)    Hughes, Canoga Park, Ca
      Latitude: 34 degrees 13‘ 24" N
      Longitude: 118 degrees 37‘ 32" W

10) Hughes, Fullerton, Ca
      Latitude: 33 degrees 52‘ 53" N
      Longitude: 117 degrees 57‘ 49" W

11)   Hughes, El Segundo, Ca
      Latitude: 33 degrees 55° 48" N
      Longitude: 118 degrees 23‘ 25" W

Document Created: 2003-01-10 09:53:15
Document Modified: 2003-01-10 09:53:15

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