Exhibit 1

5413-EX-PL-1996 Text Documents



       Hewlett—Packard Company                                                    Exhibit 1
                                                                                  FCC Form 442

                          Description of Experimental Program

              Hewlett—Packard Company ("HP") requests experimental authority herein
      to test biomedical telemetry devices that operate between 470—476 MHz and 482—
      488 MHz at Huntsville Hospital in Huntsville, Alabama. As is explained below,
      HP needs experimental authority to support a developmental program exploring
      operation of medical equipment on additional frequency bands.

             HP manufactures low—power (<4 mW ERP) medical telemetry transmitters
      that transmit electrocardiogram waveforms and other critical patient data in
      hospitals on the 12.5 KHz offset channels allocated to the Business Radio Service
      between 460 and 470 MHz under Part 90 of the Commission‘s Rules. HP is also a
      member of the Critical Care Telemetry Group, which filed a Petition for
      Rulemaking and comments in ET Docket 95—177 to increase to 5 mW the
      maximum authorized power for telemetry transmitters under Part 15 the VHF
      and UHEF television bands.

              In order to gain information concerning the operation of low—power
      telemetry transmitters in the lower UHF band, HP is seeking experimental
      authorization to recrystal existing transmitters to operate at selected frequencies
      between 470 and 516 MHz at selected locations.! These telemetry transmitters
      already operate at these frequencies in other countries, but HP wishes to consider
      the effect of interference from adjacent NTSC television and PLMR signals on
      telemetry operations in a demanding RF environment.

            Huntsville Hospital is an excellent candidate for such an evaluation.
      Because of RF interference in the 460—470 MHz band, many of the existing Part 90
      channels are unusable for medical telemetry. In addition, because of the
      presence of NASA and other government facilities in Huntsville, as well as other
      high—power RF transmitters —— in addition to the extensive use of Part 90
      transmitters within the hospital itself —— the hospital presents a good profile for
      analyzing the performance of telemetry transmitters in a demanding RF

             Because of this demanding RF environment, the hospital has had to resort
      to the use of marginal channels, which experience intermittent "drop—outs." In
      1996 alone, there have been two cases in which an ECG signal has been lost when

      1       HP will amend the instant application, or modify its license, as appropriate, to reflect any
      additional locations.

Hewlett—Packard Company                                       Exhibit 1
                                                              FCC Form 442

patients have gone into fatal cardiac disrhythmias. Although in those specific
cases, the patients would not have been revived even if the signal had been
received continuously, the potential for affecting patient outcomes remains.
Huntsville Hospital therefore has an immediate need for additional telemetry
channels, and has expressed a willingness to assist HP in this experimental

       HP proposes to operate with the 470—476 MHz and 482—488 MHz bands,
which are adjacent to the existing Part 90 channels. These frequencies bands,
which comprise UHF channels 14 and 16, are neither allocated to any broadcast
licensee within 70.3 miles of the Huntsville, Alabama, area, nor are provisionally
allocated under the draft DTV plan in the Sixth Further Notice ofProposed
Rulemaking in MM Docket 87—268. The availability of these channels allows the
experimental program to be undertaken with minimal changes to the receive
antennas, while avoiding an interference potential to any other user of the radio

      The transmitters to be used in this experimental program are type—
accepted up to 470 MHz (FCC ID B948JAM1400B). However, because HP also
manufactures the transmitter for sale in foreign countries that have different
frequency allocations for telemetry, the radios to be used are designed by HP to
operate at up to 506 MHz. Accordingly, HP does not anticipate any significant
deviations in the characteristics of the transmitter as type accepted that would
increase its interference potential.

Document Created: 2001-08-16 10:02:52
Document Modified: 2001-08-16 10:02:52

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