Form 442

2279-EX-PL-1991 Text Documents



                                                                                                                                   & ‘mm ” MB
                                                          Federal Communioations Commiszion                                             2000—0008
                                                                Woshington, D.C.                                                   * lupires 1223100

A. Applcam‘s Nams and Post Offics address                                                            BQ NOT WRITE iN THIS BLOGK
   {Oive streut, city, sme, and 2P Code. Sar Instruction Ne. 4)

    Harris Corporation                                                             ®* 3219— cy + f_a
    RF Communications Group
    1680 University Avenue
    Rochester,            New York              14610

2.(9) Applicatien fur (ohrct ouly one box}                                        2.(b) Por Modificetion indiests belo«w

        New Strion              C Modificasion of saieting authorisetion          File No.:                           Call Sign:
3. Application for modification indicate changs in (chack all thes apply)
     D Frequency                     C Emission                    C Power                    C Loamion
     C Qter pertiouiars @rscribe deiow or in amached Exkibit No.              >

4. Paruculars of Operation (See dusrructions bviow)
  Proqarey ham                                   rowsn                                                            MOBULaTINg          Sanpmiory
  *muat=~                                                                                 mvpunthl                   agnas              (alter
         tay                 h                    t                    d                      C                        #)                «h
 626,5 —             +l6aBw                  |+1l6aBw              MEAN              G1D                      1200 Bayp 3 NHZ
_1646. 5.

(A) List each frequency or frequency band separately. (lfunmubnqnlm MABCH 0S BEXNIDH NO. cuuuucucus ).
(B) Imen masximum R.F. ourput power at the tranemitter terminals.
«C luenmmmnffmuuwmhm&:mutuluunlduwlfypdmn
D) Insert "MEAN®" or ‘"PEAK®" (See defiaitions in Par 9).             .
(E) Lin cach type of emission separately for each frequancy. (Fee Section 2.201 PCC Rulas.)
(F) Insert as appropriate for the type of modulation:
      (1) the maximurm speed of keying in beude:
      (2) maximum audio modulating frequency:
      (3) fraquency devistion of carrier;
      (4) pulse duration and repatition rats,
(G) Describe how the necessary bandwidth was determined in space provided below.

               Inmarsat—C Type Approval Specifications

                                                                                                                                       BCC Form 442
                                                                                                                                              Page \
                                                                                                                                       Februgry T887

tay Levges
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yp uueq 994

                                                                              LCE‘ 1 uonseg 49 pormmbes uowsssery mustuuostaug on mugns ‘134 samiue no4 5J
                                            xG       c            .            wA 0A                                                         sudun mmusurecsiane
                          weoyreire e sary Ong 3 imp yonsiNX 334 #8 Jo {0¢1| Vonseq unpim amos uoneaidds sup po wasl uorsiwesoy s prnom, °}
         AA4UOUL 81 »parnbes ag yiim nopasydds sp u1 proenbes vopnthiomae ayi mip npwous uy auin jo qpfany onanyl ‘saend 5 omp seay j1 (4)
                    ‘sousondde un u; pesodosd uonnususiedva jo arasfoad sp smeiduor or posinbes 24 (lim ws Aun 40 yifue ayi jo simurse uB mip (s) ‘1t

                                                                                                              ‘pmefnesay; Specum jou uj Ruom x 10 ‘us oipaus
         »p po uonezint 10 ‘uormuedss ‘vopusirs ‘1ustudorzazp oun 01 uopngrsrince j0 supuoad mqevoseas v soy vourunupusdys jo wrslood ay woy (3)
                                                                                                              *poysiicknaosoe aq 0s wy#nos saatisefqo syrods ay3 (q)
                           ‘uopeseds yo Loxn pus woawdinbe j3o vondussep Turpmjou; perodead uormnnsaredue pus ysusssas jo weillosd sduios su; (s)
           Rhrmonq) § pmep u; furquorep istwsine sansume a ""~~—~ ‘onf LIGTHDCH 90 Yomie ‘..ON., us ‘q pus *g *L suumy on siowtue aun fe JI ‘Ol

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                                                ‘peazoath safoud ysurosss mp sof Guusszcou ase poosanbes sitypan} suomtezununuos an y Sutmwous y (q)
                                                         .                                ‘pmampuo3 flureg efosd ysusotas au1 jo sinfeu su» po wondisorsp w (B)
                                                :uoffumoje; Supaofto) mp Supppacud woursrns sansureu s                           ‘ON LIGIHXq 9 youue ®.,¢54.. J{
                                            °&                                 "A 0                                                                 «psofoad ysremeas
       wp Jo mn90fo MJ 1ou 91 usriesfnunuce opes a41,) [is¢ford woreerss o of enusese suopesrumuae Suipmosd 10; porn aq 01 uottezuount sn 1 ~6

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                                                                                       :vousuuojy Suresyo syi *                  ‘ON LIGINMXq 9U yoout ‘.,594.. Jf
                                            oK 9                      [        "AQ                                                         ueunusmo$ vham; r jo
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                                                                                                 * uuod mmacd—jjey 2un 1t £907949 i7 urvet J0 \DPIA, (4)
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                                  (monmndide spqow) cnnaredo jo aume
           porodaal jo smurm muu;wosdde ay jo sevsurpsace moyydustonp (2)                                       gosses mamen my ou srxe sesemsove fearuduloory (3)
                                                              "                                                     exteza—ophata®
                                                                                                                     (notwao; 30 nonesope smpo 11) weile pow BQUAN
                                                                                          e exsIy                                 xEejJITRq             etuThatAa
                                                                                                             muy 16 Ai>                                                wat
                              uopmusdo jo sas wru> ay) SQi1000p ‘srQOW J1 (p)

                                                             #reox ¥ ye J                                     Thson (7                          3S¥YLOIDHU &

                                                                                 (nog 200 Suo 13045) ovnrnr Supyweuen pur ssofutzuss jo uoflee0; pesodoig ‘(¥);

    13. List below tranmmifting
                   wnhmflw 20 atate):
         MANUFACTURER                                                              TvPs                       ‘           '                    No. Of unitts
        Thrane & Thrane                                               Inmarsat—C Transceiver                                                           1
        Tobaksvejen 23                                                Model #TT—3020A
        DK—2860 Soborg                                                Type Approval #IT—04—001—01

    14. is the equipmem listed in hem 13 capable of station identificmion pursuant to Sestion 5.1537

                                                                                         C Yes                            |=€3
    15. Will the anteans extend more than 6 meters sbove the ground. or if mounted on an existing buildiag will it extend more than 6 moters above the
        building. or will the proposed antonna be mounted on an existing dtractury other than s building?
                                                                                         D Ya                             CNo
        If ‘Yer‘‘, give the following (Bes Instruction 9):

        ta) Overall beight above ground wo tip of anmenna is __________. swars.

        (#) Blevation of ground ai amenas tite above masn.saa leve} is                         Imatgrs.

        (e) Dinsace to nesrest aircraft landing eres is                                  .                        kilomeers.

        id) List any natural formations of existing man—made structures (hills, trees, water tonks, towers, otc.) which, in the opizicn of the applicam, would
            tead to shield the anienna from aircraf and thereby minimize the asronautical hazard of the amterna.

        te} Subma as EXHIDIT No. _________. a vertical profile sketch of rotai structure intluding supporting building, if any, giving heights in mesers
            shove ground for all significant feetures, Clearly indicate existing portion, noting particulars of aviation obstruction lighting already availabie.

    16. Applicam is (chect only ong bos}
           C Individual                         C associaion                         O Pannership                        ) Corporation
           C GOther (describe below)

    17. is applican: a foreign government or a represeniative of a foreign government?
                                                                                     C ¥ee                               CXNo
    18. Mas spplicant or any party to this application had any FCC station licanse or permit revoked or had any application for permit, license or resewal
        denied by this Commission?                                                C ves                       [Z No
        If "Yes"*, anach as EXHIBIT No. _________._. & statement giving sull sign of lisense or permit revoked and relate circumszances.

    19. Will applicant be owner and operator of station?                                                  >
                                                                      .              E& ¥ee                               CJ No
    20. Give name. title, and relephone number (include area code) of person who can beat handle inquiries pertaining to this application.

        Stephen J.             Elvy, Manager,'strategic Applications                                                   (716)      244—5830,           ext.   3497

    21. Li belowall exhibim in aumerical sequence and the liece number of form requiring the exhibk identified.
    Exbipi?s aso iTEM No                                                             .
      Eskhiba                    ltem                     Batte:                             hem                    Hahabet                    higm
|   Oum                       Mo_of Farm                  Momber                  Porm_                             Dgminge                form__

                                                                                                                                                       BCC Form 442
                                                                                                                                                             Page 3
                                                                                                                                                       February 1907


   ATTENTION: Rend this contification corefully before signing this applicetion.
   «a} Copies of the PCC Rules Purts 2 and 3 are on head: and
 ~ () Wuflmfl-mmmfiumnumdmm‘-lhmwmm

   @) A!Imflhwucmlflh“-flhfld*wmflvmheuflhdomr
       and at such a time as to preciude haruful imerfarsnce to any authorized sinton; anit
   (d) Gram of ts suthorization requemad herein will ma: be constracd as a finding on the part of the Commission

         (1) the the froquencies and other technical parameters specified in the authorizstion are the bost suited for the proposed program of ox—
             porimeniation. and

         ) that the applicant will be authorizad to operate on any basis other them experimenase!, and

         D) that the Commission is obligaind by the results of the azperimental program to make provision in its rules insludiag lis table of frequency
              shocuinus for spplicant‘s wys of operation an a mgularly licensed beais.

   i¢) All the stntements in the application and attached exthiblu are wue. compler and correct10 the best of the applicant‘s knowledge; and .
   U mwmu-umumummupmm-mmmmmdumw:u
   (3) The applican waives any ciaim to the use ofany particular frequeacy or ofthe electromagnetic spectrum as agains: the rugulatory power ofthe USA.
        igned and dsted e         NeRty—sixth                        day of       ____September                       19 _22
       Name of Applicant           Harris Corporation
                                                    teorrespond with nome given on page 1}

       By              Stephep         _      _B] y                                         S
                                    {pring)                                        Gignitlrey—*

       Pide            Manager, Strategic Applications
                                                                                                   Check Appropriate Cleseification:
            WiILLEUL FALBE STATEMENTS MAOE ON THIS FORM                               to*                       ividua! Applicant
            ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT, U.8.                                                C ma
            CODE, TITLE 18, SECTON 1001.                                                                 C Member of Applicant Parinership
                                                                                                         C Office of Applicam Corporation
                                                                                                            or Association
                                                                                                         {2] Authorized Empinyse

                                    NOTIFICATION TO INDIVIDUALS UNDER PRIVACY ACT. OF 1974
                                          AND TME PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1980
 Information requested through this form is avthoriaed by the Communications Ast of 1934, as amended, ww.fiwumnm
    ncy spectrum and to effect the provisions of reguimory responalbilities readered the Commission by the Act. information requested by this
 quired io obtia this authoriastion.

 THE FORECONG NOTICE 1$ REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT OF 1974, P.L. 9$—579, DRCEMDBER 31, 1974, $ U.8.C. S822(e)(G),
 and the Paperwork Reductiion Act of 1980, P.L. 96—511, Dessmber 11. 1990, 44 U.8.C. 3807.

                                                                                                                                           ECC Form 442
                                                                                                                                                 Page 4

Document Created: 2001-07-29 11:21:54
Document Modified: 2001-07-29 11:21:54

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