0055-EX-RR-2016 Text Documents

Google, Inc.


Google Inc.                                                                                    Main 202 346.1100
25 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.                                                                   Fax 202 346.1101
9th Floor                                                                                       www.google.com
Washington, DC 20001

                                                                              REDACTED PUBLIC VERSION

                                                  January 26, 2016

        Dr. Nnake Nweke
        Chief, Experimental Licensing Branch
        Federal Communications Commission
        445 Twelfth Street SW
        Washington, DC 20554

                 Re:     File No. 0055-EX-RR-2016

        Dear Dr. Nweke:

              In File No. 0055-EX-RR-2016, Google Inc. has requested renewal of its
        Experimental Authority, without revision of its terms, for a period of 24 months
        beginning March 1, 2016. Consistent with 0035-EX-PL-2014 (Call Sign WH2XCD),
        authority is needed for continued nationwide testing of transmitters operating in the
        76.0-77.0 GHz (76 GHz) band.

              This letter provides information concerning Google’s anticipated use of the
        requested authority, which the Commission may find relevant. Extension of Google’s
        authority would allow additional testing of [REDACTED]. Google plans to test in

            [REDACTED]                   Centerpoint                Radius    [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
        [REDACTED]              [REDACTED]                        [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED]

        Austin, TX              30° 23' 10.0" N 97° 44' 11.1” W       40      [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
        (current location)
        [REDACTED]              [REDACTED]                        [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED]

        Mountain View, CA 37° 3' 45.0" N, 95° 40' 37.4" W             40      [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
        (current location)
        [REDACTED]              [REDACTED]                        [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED]

        [REDACTED]              [REDACTED]                        [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED]

               The technical characteristics of the authorized transmitters and the [REDACTED]
        will remain the same. Because the technical characteristics of Google’s operation are

                                                                REDACTED PUBLIC VERSION

                                                                                 Google Inc.
                                                                   File No. 0055-EX-RR-2016

not changing, ​
              renewal of this nationwide authorization will not adversely impact any
authorized user of RF spectrum.

        Google requests confidential treatment of the material underlined in this letter for
the length of the proposed experiment and thereafter in order to protect its evolving
business and technology strategies. The information Google seeks to keep confidential
includes information regarding proprietary wireless applications, and therefore
represents a trade secret as recognized by the Commission. [REDACTED] is the subject
of fierce competition from multiple third parties, and the release of the information
provided by Google would provide valuable insight into Google’s technology innovations
and potential business plans and strategies. In particular, the [REDACTED]. Moreover,
Google has limited the number of people involved in the tests/experiments, and required
all third parties involved in the testing process to execute robust nondisclosure
agreements. Consistent with 47 C.F.R. § 0.459(d)(l), Google requests notification if
release of confidential information is requested pursuant to the Freedom of Information
Act or otherwise.

       Please do not hesitate to reach to me with any questions regarding this renewal

                                                        Sincerely yours,

                                                        Aparna Sridhar
                                                        Google Inc.


Document Created: 2016-01-26 22:41:08
Document Modified: 2016-01-26 22:41:08

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